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EPL season 2022/23 Discussion Thread
_Pelle_ 2 years ago
Paris Saint-Germain 158 6910

EPL will restart 26/12 and I thought we could have a thread about basically anything that has to do with this season. Something similar to Emobots world cup thread.

I’ll start with a poll…

Which team will most likely fail to reach top 4:

Emobot7 2 years ago Edited
540 11460

Crazy football morning, between the somewhat controversial comeback of United vs City and the Everton board not being able to watch the game live because of security reason.

I need everyone opinion, was Rashford interfering with the play in your opinion on Bruno goal?

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Crazy football morning, between the somewhat controversial comeback of United vs City and the Everton board not being able to watch the game live because of security reason.

I need everyone opinion, was Rashford interfering with the play in your opinion on Bruno second goal?

Footy_watch 2 years ago
Arsenal, Brazil 26 1893

I need everyone opinion, was Rashford interfering with the play in your opinion on Bruno second goal?

Its not debatable at all, Rashford had possession of the ball since the ball was centimetres away from his feet for a long enough time.

Emobot7 2 years ago
540 11460

@Footy_watch It doesn't quite work like that in the rule though, if he doesn't touch the ball, he's not considered to have gained possession. However, he does move with the intention of playing the ball at first (doesn't touch it though, remember) and even shield it from a City defender. This definitely does influence how the goalkeeper and the other defenders reacted. Which would be enough to call an interference on the play by a player on offside position. I'm really curious to hear more of you guys opinion on the whole situation though.

Footy_watch 2 years ago
Arsenal, Brazil 26 1893

Yh that's my point, he influenced the play because he had control of the valley and then in the last sec he decided not to touch it. It distracted the city players. Its such an easy decision bur the referees have their own agendas.

iHEARTfootball 2 years ago
Manchester United 38 1000

I think it was offside, but blame the goal was given to us. I lost so many counts on how many times City got favours by the refs too. Overall speaking, we were the better team as well. Didn't even know Haaland actually played today either.

iHEARTfootball 2 years ago
Manchester United 38 1000

@iHEARTfootball This a mistake even we do, whenever a club is doing better than expected, we tend to say its thank to the manager. Well, considering Brighton haven't been all that bad even without Potter, I'd argue its not a proof he might have not been the key factor there.

I don't think Brighton are doing that bad at all post Potter. If anything, seems like they're doing better without him. Yes, Potter laid a good foundation at the club, but we're not talking about his time at Brighton.

We're talking about his time right now in Chelsea - a completely different league and beast to control. Firing Tuchel is a big mistake. Results are reinforcing my beliefs, and I don't even think Felix nor Mudryk can fix this. It's a mentality thing, and Potter doesn't look like someone I'd aspire myself to fight for, in a club like Chelsea. No offence to Potter fans, but I think he'd be better off in a mid-table club. Always thought a club like West Ham wouldn't been a good fit for him. Hopefully, I'm proven wrong.

Emobot7 2 years ago
540 11460


Overall speaking, we were the better team as well. Didn't even know Haaland actually played today either.

That I agree with, the goal will be controversial, not the results. United played better in that game and it felt like they deserved to win. Would have been dissapointed by a 1-0 win by City.

I don't think Brighton are doing that bad at all post Potter. If anything, seems like they're doing better without him.

Ok, I just realized the way I wrote it was really bad and confusing but this is basically what I meant: Brighton look as good if not better without Potter. So for me, it would seem he wasn't the key factor there, sorry if that got out wrong. ^_^'

We're talking about his time right now in Chelsea - a completely different league and beast to control. Firing Tuchel is a big mistake. Results are reinforcing my beliefs, and I don't even think Felix nor Mudryk can fix this. It's a mentality thing, and Potter doesn't look like someone I'd aspire myself to fight for, in a club like Chelsea. No offence to Potter fans, but I think he'd be better off in a mid-table club.

I don't completely disagree with you, I'm not convinced Tuchel would be doing so much better right now either though as it seem to be a problem with the players to a certain level.

I do think a more experienced manager could do a better job than Potter. Feel like Boehly want someone he can control and that don't mind explaining him how football work, maybe Potter is that person but if he doesn't win games, he shouldn't be considered good enough.

Honestly, Chelsea also need to find alternative when certain player are injured because they lack a lot of creativity without player like Reece James.

_Pelle_ 2 years ago
Paris Saint-Germain 158 6910

Chelsea is too big for Potter.

And if Arsenal is not winning the EPL this season I’m going crazy lol

_Pelle_ 2 years ago
Paris Saint-Germain 158 6910

What impresses me with Arsenal this season is that they are consistent! They have always been good, but tend to collect too many losses and drop stupid points.

This season they are even winning difficult games on top of the ”must win” games.

Footy_watch 2 years ago
Arsenal, Brazil 26 1893

If we avoid losing to mam utd and city then we have basically won the league.

iHEARTfootball 2 years ago
Manchester United 38 1000

If we avoid losing to mam utd and city then we have basically won the league.

Don't get too ahead of yourselves, still a long way to go (we're barely passing the halfway mark). Attacking options upfront is thin also. Once Martinelli's out also, it can be anyone's league to win.

Emobot7 2 years ago
540 11460

If we avoid losing to mam utd and city then we have basically won the league.

For sure, the Manchester games are gonna be very important. Not super optimist for the United game, especially if the Red Devil are still close on point and on a good form. If they maintain consistency, they could be your biggest challenger yet.

Don't get too ahead of yourselves, still a long way to go (we're barely passing the halfway mark). Attacking options upfront is thin also. Once Martinelli's out also, it can be anyone's league to win.

For sure, depth is a bit of a problem for Arsenal, I hope for them they don't get any major injury, especially in attack. Likewise, I hope Rashford stay healty for United, it will make the race for the PL more interesting.

Footy_watch 2 years ago
Arsenal, Brazil 26 1893

That's man utd's title challenging hopes over thanks to Crystal Palace. We will dominate them even more without casemeiro.

iHEARTfootball 2 years ago
Manchester United 38 1000

That's man utd's title challenging hopes over thanks to Crystal Palace. We will dominate them even more without casemeiro.

Let's wait and see. Seems like all the spotlights on you guys now, which is a nice change of scenary. More pressure on you lot. Good luck with Nketiah upfront.

_Pelle_ 2 years ago Edited
Paris Saint-Germain 158 6910

Man utd has been on a good run… but I don’t expect them to continue the same way…
They still have away games against Arsenal, Newcastle, Spurs, Liverpool…

And in Europa league they got Barca.

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Man utd has been on a good run… but I don’t expect them to continue the same way…
They still have away games against Arsenal, Newcastle, Spurs, Liverpool…

And in Euro league they got Barca.

Emobot7 2 years ago Edited
540 11460

Do I smell a bit of the famous United/Arsenal rivalry in the air? Goodness, its the first time I see this since I got into football, great to see as a neutral. XD

Joking aside, Arsenal vs both Manchesters are gonna be super important games this season. I would dare say Arsenal might not win the league if they lose in all of those games and for all we know, it might happen. I mean, they lost against United once already. The title race might be relaunched if that happened.

That aside, can we talk about City vs Tottenham, what a terrible performance by keepers in that game. It was a great game to watch as neutral in term of goal but Tottenham bottled that pretty badly. Lloris in particular had a disaster class, wonder if after his international retirement, he shouldn't be thinking of doing the same at the club level. That or maybe switch club?

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Do I smell a bit of the famous United/Arsenal rivalry in the air? Goodness, its the first time I see this since I got into football, great to see as a neutral. XD

Joking aside, Arsenal vs both Manchesters are gonna be super important games this season. I would dare say Arsenal might not win the league if they lose in all of those games and for all we know, it might happen. I mean, they lost against United once already. The title race might be relaunched if that happened.

That aside, can we talk about City vs Tottenham, what a terrible performance by keepers in that game. It was a great game to watch as neutral in term of goal but Tottenham bottled that pretty damn badly. Lloris in particular had a disaster class.

Footy_watch 2 years ago
Arsenal, Brazil 26 1893

Oh you weren't there in the Arsenal man utd era? We can lose all the Manchester matches and still win the league because of how far ahead we are. But it's highly unlikely for us to lose those matches.

DarthFooty 2 years ago
Queens Park Rangers, United States 37 1128

Not having Case will hurt Man Udt vs Arsenal, but I do think it will be a good match still. United have some confidence back and if they get some early chances converted, it might make for a long day for the Gunners.

Algerino 2 years ago
Napoli, Algeria 6 850

Who will win?

Emobot7 2 years ago
540 11460

@Footy_watch Yep, I've started watching football more seriously from the 2015-2016 seasons and since then, there barely was any meaning to Arsenal vs Manchester United games. I mean, there were still important games but not potential title winner important. Great to see the rivalry and urgency getting back as both team starting to look better and better. Hope this keep up in the long term.