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World Cup 2022 Discussion Thread
Emobot7 2 years ago
540 11460

A bit late for it but here a thread to discuss whats going on in the 2022 Qatar World Cup.

What already happened as of making this thread:

  • Qatar historical defeat as a WC host vs Ecuador
  • Senegal brave effort vs Netherland despite their 2-0 defeat
  • England 6-2 trashing or Iran
  • 1-1 game of two halve between USA and Wales
  • Argentina unpredictable defeat at the hand of Saudi Arabia

If you wanna discuss any of those match, or any of the upcoming games, this is the thread for it.

Emobot7 2 years ago
540 11460

@quikzyyy No problem mate. ;)

I agree Morocco shouldn't be ashamed, honestly, their performance was very convincing against France. Their 2 goals were scored on second balls that were blocked initially, so I feel like if anything, France showed again they were quite fortunate. Great performance from M'bappe, Griezmann and Konate though.

Now I do wish Messi and Argentina would win this, I'd be really happy for him and Argentina but honestly, if it didn't happen at this point, I wouldn't think worse of them for it. Argentina reached something like 6 international finals and each time, Messi played a key part, not winning this game will be sad for him but it should never make people question the legacy he built at an international level.

In the last 15 or 20 years, Messi and Ronaldo have been the key players for their NT and nothing that happen in this world cup will change that.

I do think France is set up a tiny bit better to win it and realize something absolutely historical though.

I just hope this final end up being amazing and may the best team win, thats all I wish for.

expertfootball11 2 years ago
Real Madrid, France 64 2837

Well I also predicted Argentina to reach the final :)

Ill be happy if any of the two win, it will be a great match with two incredibly balanced teams who deserve their spot

ElonMusk 2 years ago
Manchester United, USA 0 31

Lionel Messi will become the all-time record appearance maker in World Cup history in this game (26). He could also become the first player to score in the group stage, round of 16, quarter-final, semi-final and final in a single edition of the tournament.


Emobot7 2 years ago
540 11460

Man, Croatia really showed 2018 wasn't a lucky run, top 2 and top 3 in two consecutive WC is seriously impressive. I mean, Morocco are amazing and their run is historical but Croatia accomplishement in the last 4 years should not be underestimated. They are a country of 4 million peoples and they really build something incredible. Hope people will remember this amazing team for a long time because they really should.

Footy_watch 2 years ago
Arsenal, Brazil 26 1893

Croatia shouldn't be remembered. Its impressive for 4mill people but it's embarrassing to celebrate being the 3rd placed loser and be happy. Its a failure to not win the world cup whether your country has 4mill people or 100 mill people.

quikzyyy 2 years ago
Arsenal 429 9003

this has been probably the worst thing I've read here in 10 years.

Happy for Croatia and their back to back medals in WC.

tomdupon2 2 years ago
Manchester United, England 0 4

man the world cup is a haven for trolls. talking crap about croatia? really? they are a nothing but a positive story for world football. same will happen with messi today, we should celebrate whatever happens but trolls just waiting to poop on anyone who enjoys the game win or lose.

SunFlash 2 years ago
USA 19 3260

I won't feed the troll so to speak, but it does bring up an interesting perspective.

For many who consume sport, there really is a "winner take all" mentality. Even for those who participate, the best athletes in the sports are often hyper-competitive and refuse to compromise on that way of thinking (e.g. Michael Jordan, Tom Brady, etc). The World Cup is honestly one of the few places where that is different - for many countries simply being there is a huge accomplishment. Think of Korea in '02, South Africa/Ghana in 2010, and Morocco this year, putting their corner of the world on the map with the dominant countries of the world is a huge statement not only in the sport but for the country itself!

I think it was Stephan Fry (who supports Norwich City) who said that he pitied Arsenal and United supporters because they could never be happy, even when they won a trophy, the fans would think of next year, or of other trophies (e.g. chasing trebles) - whereas if Norwich ever won a piece of silverware he'd never stop smiling. There is something to be said for this, and it's very obvious to see with bigger clubs, Manchester City supporters live this right now where they win a league and still consider the season a disappointment due to a UCL knockout. It's a hilariously depressing worldview and contradiction.

When it comes to the World Cup, Croatia on paper shouldn't compete at the level it has in 2018 and 2022. They have a small population, a top-heavy domestic league that retains few players, and be honest, when was the last time you even thought about Croatia in a non-soccer context? But I can walk down the street of my city right now, and even after elimination, every Croatian has a big smile on their face and is fiercely proud of what their national team accomplished.

You might forget them the same way City supporters may forget another league title, or Arsenal supporters may have forgotten another FA Cup, but I can say for sure they'll remember, their countrymen will remember, and you don't get to have any influence over that. Wigan will remember their FA Cup forever, Fulham will never forget making a Europe League final, and those are the rewards of not supporting a team that is quote on quote "expected" to win.

_Pelle_ 2 years ago
Paris Saint-Germain 158 6910

Great… 30% of the penalties this WC have been given to Argentina 😴👏👏

Footy_watch 2 years ago Edited
Arsenal, Brazil 26 1893

Half time and its painful that Argentina look like they will easily win.

Great… 30% of the penalties this WC have been given to Argentina 😴👏👏

But unfortunately this one was a penalty. They deserve to be winning

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Half time and its painful that Argentina look like they will easily win.

_Pelle_ 2 years ago
Paris Saint-Germain 158 6910

He threw himself in front of Dembele and was already falling when the contact was made.

I don’t like the fact that no other team in history has ever gotten this many penalties in a single world cup.

Footy_watch 2 years ago Edited
Arsenal, Brazil 26 1893

He threw himself in front of Dembele and was already falling when the contact was made.

I thought the same but dembele clipped Di Maria's left foot before Di Maria dived. Therefore it's a foul and penalty.

I don’t like the fact that no other team in history has ever gotten this many penalties in a single world cup.

You are right, the referees have been on Argentina's side

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He threw himself in front of Dembele and was already falling when the contact was made.

I thought the same but dembele clipped Di Maria's left leg before Di Maria dived. Therefore it's a foul and penalty.

He threw himself in front of Dembele and was already falling when the contact was made.

I thought the same but dembele clipped Di Maria's left foot before Di Maria dived. Therefore it's a foul and penalty.

Footy_watch 2 years ago
Arsenal, Brazil 26 1893

It's so frustrating having rabiot in midfield, he has been neutralising France's attack

_Pelle_ 2 years ago Edited
Paris Saint-Germain 158 6910

Got to be fair… no penalty for France neither. He threw himself too.
It just felt too much like a compensation. Week ref

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Got to be fair… no penalty for France neither. He threw himself too.
Week ref

quikzyyy 2 years ago
Arsenal 429 9003

Otamendi classic hahaha, watch France score 2nd after this penalty

quikzyyy 2 years ago
Arsenal 429 9003

that escalated quickly, what a goal.

Footy_watch 2 years ago
Arsenal, Brazil 26 1893

Completely unexpected but that's what happens when you have the best player in the world mbappe

Footy_watch 2 years ago
Arsenal, Brazil 26 1893

The ref just blew the whistle when coman was fouled by Acuna but coman got up and the ref saw this, France were away on the counter. The ref still blew the whistle. They wanted extra time or probably penalties.

quikzyyy 2 years ago
Arsenal 429 9003

ref has been very good to be said anyways, probably best referee performance this wc

_Pelle_ 2 years ago
Paris Saint-Germain 158 6910

Man don’t tell me a few cm will be the difference 🤦‍♂️