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Trolls in footyroom
_Pelle_ 8 years ago Edited
Paris Saint-Germain 156 6888

I have noticed how some members in here are becoming worse in their usage of abusive language. For their information it should be clearified that it is NOT OK and in a few cases even criminal. The saddest part is that some give the impression that they are here for no other reason than to insult and offend people who are complete strangers to them. And the reason for being bitchy and malignant toward other people is sometimes very unsignificant!! e.g. supporting the "wrong" team...

This forum is for all kinds of people to discuss the common interest they have: football/soccer!

Not spread hatred!

However, if you are too young or too uneducated to know here is a reminder... The verbal abuse falls under "hate crime" and is a prejudice-motivated crime and the targeted groups include sex, ethnicity, race, disability, physical appearance, religion, gender identity, sex orientation...

If you have difficulties with understanding this than remember the golden rule which states that you should treat others as you wish to be treated. Assumably with respect and dignity!

(I also encourage the ban of some people and their ip-adresses, who recurrently violate this simple but fundamental "norm")

Please enjoy each others "company" in here and don't ruin the fun! Peace!

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I have noticed how some members in here are becoming worse in their usage of abusive language. For their informationit should be clearified that it is NOT OK and in a few cases even criminal. The saddest part is that some give the impression that they are here for no other reason than to insult and offend people who are complete strangers to them. And the reason for being bitchy and malignant toward other people is sometimes very unsignificant!! e.g. supporting the "wrong" team...

This forum is for all kinds of people to discuss the common interest they have: football/soccer!

Not spread hatred!

However, if you are too young or too uneducated to know here is a reminder... The verbal abuse falls under "hate crime" and is a prejudice-motivated crime and the targeted groups include sex, ethnicity, race, disability, physical appearance, religion, gender identity, sex orientation...

If you have difficulties with understanding this than remember the golden rule which states that you should treat others as you wish to be treated. Assumably with respect and dignity!

(I also encourage the ban of some people and their ip-adresses, who recurrently violate this simple but fundamental "norm")

Please enjoy each others "company" in here and don't ruin the fun! Peace!

tuan_jinn 8 years ago
Manchester United, Netherlands 198 6912

@chelsea8: dont take it too personal mate, I have given a lot of warning though, trust me if the other mods were around often, you would have been banned at least once. Some of your comments from what I remember was a bit provoking.

But let's forget about that for now and just be cool, shall we?

KTBFFHSWE 8 years ago
Chelsea FC, Sweden 52 2449

Couldn't care less if some random use profanities or tries to troll the site. So easy to ignore. Cannot be too sensitive on the www.. If they cross the line, they'll hopefully be banned permanently non the less.

chelsea8 8 years ago
Chelsea, Iran 17 2219

People are so sensitive these days, they even get offended when you try to argue with them even in real life not just on the internet.

_Pelle_ 8 years ago
Paris Saint-Germain 156 6888


In some cases yes... but when you read things like "monkeys from africa play football", "f*ing jews", "muslim scum", "paki **"... Just to mention a few. Then sensitivity is not a matter of discussion!

Usually it is the trolls who use the "people are so sensitive" argument to justify their bad behavior.


chelsea8 8 years ago Edited
Chelsea, Iran 17 2219

Oh yeah people who say those kind of things should be banned immidietly.

But i'm not a mod so i really don't care about people who use that kind of language, i just ignore them.

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Oh yeah people who say those kind of things should be banned immidietly.

Emobot7 8 years ago
538 11435

But seriously though, its by not caring we let that kind of stuff spread, I'm not saying we should all go on a crusade against people saying that kind of stuff but don't be shy about reporting that kind of stuff to mod, especially Tuanis and Tuan_Jinn since they seem to be the most active mod on the forum right now. (I miss shpalman though) :(

tuan_jinn 8 years ago
Manchester United, Netherlands 198 6912

Yeahhh, we would ban those who give insane comments like that immediately.

Sometimes, we dont ignore, they are just everywhere and we missed them.

I do miss my pal @sphalman, le bad ass, he would have no problem banning these crazy trolls =)))

Jimbet 8 years ago
Arsenal, Malaysia 12 1292

Footyroom should add a report button for every comment.. every reported comments will become sort of a notifications to them mods.. mods will be provided a direct link to the reported comments and can take necessary actions.. just an idea though..

_Pelle_ 8 years ago
Paris Saint-Germain 156 6888

Emobot7: +1

saatvik10 8 years ago
Manchester United, India 27 540

@Jimbet Everyone will misuse that button and the trolls will report the comments they don't like. Reporting will become the new disliking

Emobot7 8 years ago
538 11435

@saatvik10 Saddly, this is propably true, but in that case, clicking the button should reveal the person who did press it and if it is linked to thing that doesn't warrant a ban, then the person who pressed it get an advertisement and if they do it again, they are the one who are banned. I know that it is complicated, but that would be the best way to do it in my opinion.

tuan_jinn 8 years ago
Manchester United, Netherlands 198 6912

@saatvik10: that's true.

@Emoboot: yep, but having such feature implemented as well as having a proper tracking option or time to query suspicious trolls might take lots of time. I dont think it's in FR's priority right now

Emobot7 8 years ago Edited
538 11435

@tuan_jinn Thought so, still, it doesn't hurt to throw idea around. Right? :)

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@tuan_jinn Thought so, still, it doesn't hurt to throw idea around. Eh? :)

tuan_jinn 8 years ago
Manchester United, Netherlands 198 6912


Emobot7 8 years ago
538 11435


Gunner_ 8 years ago Edited
Arsenal, Germany 0 460

Wondering when you're going to ban some certain trolls for life. I know you're trying, but something is wrong. Sometimes you're too kind and easy to/on some accounts. Bans often work but when it doesn't please be more strict.
Check Mauricio_elmessiah or Nerazzurifan comments and see if they have even one comment or reply without personal attacks. There are some Arsenal fans as well but they usually start trolling when someone starts a tread under an Arsenal video (still not justifiable). Attached please find the last artwork by Mauricio.
I believe you should make it easier and more straightforward for members to report a comment at the end of the day.

enter image description here

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Wondering when you're going to ban some certain trolls for life. I know you're trying, but something is wrong. Sometimes you're too kind and easy to/on some accounts. Bans often work but when it doesn't please be more strict.
Check Mauricio_elmessiah or Nerazzurifan comments and see if they have even one comment or reply without personal attacks. There are some Arsenal fans as well but they usually start trolling when someone starts a tread under an Arsenal video (still not justifiable). Attached please find the last artwork by Mauricio.
I believe you should make it easier and more straightforward for members to report a comment at the end of the day.

Wondering when you're going to ban some certain trolls for life. I know you're trying, but something is wrong. Sometimes you're too kind and easy to/on some accounts. Bans often work but when it doesn't please be more strict.
Check Mauricio_elmessiah or Nerazzurifan comments and see if they have even one comment or reply without personal attacks. There are some Arsenal fans as well but they usually start trolling when someone starts a tread under an Arsenal video (still not justifiable). Attached please find the last artwork by Mauricio.
I believe you should make it easier and more straightforward for members to report a comment at the end of the day.

Wondering when you're going to ban some certain trolls for life. I know you're trying, but something is wrong. Sometimes you're too kind and easy to/on some accounts. Bans often work but when it doesn't please be more strict.
Check Mauricio_elmessiah or Nerazzurifan comments and see if they have even one comment or reply without personal attacks. There are some Arsenal fans as well but they usually start trolling when someone starts a tread under an Arsenal video (still not justifiable). Attached please find the last artwork by Mauricio.
I believe you should make it easier and more straightforward for members to report a comment at the end of the day.


Gunner_ 8 years ago
Arsenal, Germany 0 460

If that's not enough

Emobot7 8 years ago
538 11435

Maybe we should put a sticky thread to report that kind of comment, that would help a lot and it wouldn't be too though to make, right? What do you guys think?

Gunner_ 8 years ago
Arsenal, Germany 0 460

When you think it can't go wronger
Under a Man City Video.
enter image description here

Gunner_ 8 years ago
Arsenal, Germany 0 460

Posts: 92 | Comments: 2201
Maybe we should put a sticky thread to report that kind of comment, that would help a lot and it wouldn't be too though to make, right? What do you guys think?

Nah it's not doable. Like look how ridiculous number of downvotes people get just to speak their minds respectfully. Now imagine what load of reports the mods will get if reporting gets available.
I don't know how... but there should happen something. My suggestion: watch what videos get the most trolls, find someone trustable there from the fans, and give them edit/delete ability plus reporting.