{{ post.commentCount }}

Didn't find anything.

{{ searchResult.errors[0] }}

Please report bugs here
FootyRoom 9 years ago
36 175

Hi Everyone,

On May 24th, 2016 we've rolled out big changes to our code base. We have been busy rewriting all of our old code to better quality. This new code base will allow us to develop new features much faster.

Because of this change some things have broke in the process. We've identified some of them and they will be fixed as soon as possible. For those that we missed we kindly ask you to report them here.

Thank you!

SunFlash 9 years ago
USA 19 3260

I couldn't post for about 24 hours, but that seems to be sorted out now.

KTBFFHSWE 9 years ago
Chelsea FC, Sweden 52 2449

In the 'new comments' section, where you see if someone has replied in your thread, it links to the main page instead of to the thread

Emobot7 9 years ago
543 11489

Highlight take a lot longer to load, is there anything to be done?

_Gonzi_ 9 years ago
Juventus, Argentina 2 2102

Wasn't able to post in the forum for awhile, but I can now. (Y)

FootyRoom 9 years ago
36 175


there's page 2 but 0 comments. can go back to page 1..



In the 'new comments' section, where you see if someone has replied in your thread, it links to the main page instead of to the thread

Can't reproduce the bug. Could you please post link to the page where you are seeing that. Is this happening with replies to forum discussions or match review?


Highlight take a lot longer to load, is there anything to be done?

We know that currently overall the system works slower than before. We are trying to find what's causing it.

Jimbet 9 years ago
Arsenal, Malaysia 12 1292

Thank you for all your hard works FootyRoom..

KTBFFHSWE 9 years ago
Chelsea FC, Sweden 52 2449

@FootyRoom Seems to be working now. It was replies to the forum. However, the response I first tried to open that referred to the mainpage still does so. Here's the link:

Maybe the thread got removed or something. Great work btw!

Tuanis 9 years ago
Manchester United, England 87 2311

In the live chat, the conversation for some reason won't scroll down automatically.

KTBFFHSWE 9 years ago
Chelsea FC, Sweden 52 2449

Was like that for me even before the update as well^

Emobot7 9 years ago
543 11489

Yeah, like Jimbet said before, thank you for your hard work. :)

Kolarov 9 years ago
1 4

There's bug on the highlight section where the newest comments are viewed at the bottom of replies and the newest comment is viewed at the top. Before it was the opposite and easier to understand

quikzyyy 9 years ago
Arsenal 429 9010

Notifications on "wall posts" are not working. It's always red, even when I click on it. (Safari)

Eden17Hazard17 9 years ago
Chelsea FC 157 4232

Well I was off for about a week as I was randomly logged out from Footyroom.

I couldn't remember my password and neither the "Forgot Password" or "Create new account" options were working for me, so I couldn't report this bug or create another account to report it.

On the "Forgot Password" page, it came up with Error 404 and then a message saying something like "This page doesn't exist, watch this hilarious LVG video instead," and it came up with his sideline dive in front of the ref.

Clearly Footyroom have fixed this, but if you are logged out and reading this, try logging back in. It should work now.

Marcus2011 9 years ago
Chelsea FC, England 277 6501

wall notification is still on ..

quikzyyy 9 years ago
Arsenal 429 9010

"Could not log you in, try refreshing this page." Live Scores chat not working for me..

FootyRoom 9 years ago
36 175


There's bug on the highlight section where the newest comments are viewed at the bottom of replies and the newest comment is viewed at the top. Before it was the opposite and easier to understand



Notifications on "wall posts" are not working. It's always red, even when I click on it. (Safari)

"Could not log you in, try refreshing this page." Live Scores chat not working for me..

are fixed, thank you for reporting.

KoIarov 9 years ago
0 2

@footyroom, it matters because it is confusing to read replies on the match highlights. Normally the newest replies would sit at the bottom not the top.

KTBFFHSWE 9 years ago
Chelsea FC, Sweden 52 2449

I guess you can see this new bug, right?^

Same guy as before, and he's obviously posted before too, but different amount of posts and comments! Same with a few other members!