{{ post.commentCount }}

Didn't find anything.

{{ searchResult.errors[0] }}

Please report bugs here
FootyRoom 9 years ago
36 175

Hi Everyone,

On May 24th, 2016 we've rolled out big changes to our code base. We have been busy rewriting all of our old code to better quality. This new code base will allow us to develop new features much faster.

Because of this change some things have broke in the process. We've identified some of them and they will be fixed as soon as possible. For those that we missed we kindly ask you to report them here.

Thank you!

SteveBould 8 years ago
Arsenal, England 8 314

im trying to post something really long on a forum and it keeps coming up with some weird scroll box that makes it hard to read. is there a maximum amount of words u can put into a post?

tuan_jinn 8 years ago
Manchester United, Netherlands 198 6912

@SteveBould: which browser did you use? and which version? It's best to use it with Chrome or Firefox latest version. I dont assume you use some old internet explorer like 10 or something. But if you do, dont!

liomessi10 8 years ago
Barcelona, Argentina 222 3053

how come old threads are all 0 replies and some even -1 apparently?
i coulda sworn they had loads of replies before. and -1 is just weird.

also i've noticed all users who haven't set a birthday are born on 1900-11-30?

liomessi10 8 years ago Edited
Barcelona, Argentina 222 3053

barcelona are winning 3-0 and footyroom haven't updated yet. it was 2-0 15 minutes ago and it still says 1-0.
not a bug but something that could be improved?

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barcelona are winning 3-0 and footyroom haven't updated yet. it was 2-0 15 minutes ago and it still says 1-0.

amir_keal 8 years ago
Arsenal, Netherlands 66 2895

I have just had the same problem with SteveBould. It was a thread about the under 20 world cup having Video Technology, but no problem, someone already covered it.

DarioUtd 8 years ago
Manchester United 27 493

Hi, erm, when i want to change my profile picture it won't let me and says 'Whoops, looks like something went wrong'.... Is it something to do with my connection or is it a website bug? Sorry for the hassle! :)

amir_keal 8 years ago
Arsenal, Netherlands 66 2895

Alright I found the fix. Copy and paste the whole thread to a new tab and that should do it.

DarioUtd 8 years ago Edited
Manchester United 27 493

@amir - Thanks mate! :D

Edit: Hang on a min, doesn't seem to work. ? :)

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@amir - Thanks mate! :D

liomessi10 8 years ago
Barcelona, Argentina 222 3053

^he might have been referring to his own comment just above.

DarioUtd 8 years ago
Manchester United 27 493

@liomessi - that could be true! Lol! Didn't see that! :D

amir_keal 8 years ago
Arsenal, Netherlands 66 2895


Sorry, I was replying to my own comment. Changing profile picture seems to work for me. Maybe change your browser? Sorry for that.

liomessi10 8 years ago
Barcelona, Argentina 222 3053

I know it's not a bug but when would it be possible to release an Android app?

Emobot7 7 years ago Edited
543 11485

Seem like there is a problem with the voting system, it tell me that I already upvoted 20 comment and must wait a day before upvoting another comment, however, it been saying this since nearly 2 day now.

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Seem like there is a problem with the voting system, it tell me that I already upvoted 20 times and must wait a day before upvoting another comment, however, it been saying this since nearly 2 day now.

Yvan21 7 years ago
0 440

Same here Emo, I think it maybe has got to do with the this or that polls :o Since I've been going ham on those haha

liomessi10 7 years ago
Barcelona, Argentina 222 3053

Yep same! Also its always been a bit hard to update it takes like 5 clicks at least I don't know if it's on purpose or not but maximum 2 should be enough?

amir_keal 7 years ago
Arsenal, Netherlands 66 2895

Sometimes I write a comment and it doesn't send. Rarely though it does and it sends twice. Why is it that sometimes I have to write a comment twice?

quikzyyy 7 years ago
Arsenal 429 9010

Hello, there's this bug called Arsene Wenger, any chance of fixing it?

DarioUtd 7 years ago Edited
Manchester United 27 493

@quikzyyy: Loooooooool!! Hahahaha! Savage! :D +1

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@quikzyyy: Loooooooool!! Hahahaha! Savage! :D

tuan_jinn 7 years ago
Manchester United, Netherlands 198 6912

Yes, the voting limit is a bug!!!

Lol, guys, let's keep other stuffs out of here :D. This is for FR to look at issues :D