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New mod - welcome @iHEARTfootball
tuan_jinn 8 years ago Edited
Manchester United, Netherlands 198 6912

Our beloved members, this thread is dedicated to announce our newly appointed moderators. Please have us to keep this site clean and awesome!

June 28th, 2018:
After 7 months after my announcement it's time to incorporate a new mod to help us within the forum and highlights. Welcome iHEARTfootball to the team. Best of luck in your new adventure!

December 19th, 2017:
Its time again for us to announce the assignement of another moderator amid our rank, this time around, its someone you all know well this time around, let me officially welcome @raimondo90 as part of the moderator team. :D

May 16th, 2017:
Welcome new our mod on board: Fero - @alferroa.

Oct 20th, 2016
Exciting news isn't it?

We are glad to inform the new mods being assigned to our community: @Dynastian98 and @Emobot7.

This is based on our members' nomination and we have no doubt these 2 would be extremely valuable considering their knowledge and maturity among our community.

So, welcome!!! ^^

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Exciting news isn't it?

We are glad to inform the new mods being assigned to our community: @Dynastian98 and @Emobot7.

This is based on our members' nomination and we have no doubt these 2 would be extremely valuable considering their knowledge and maturity among our community.

So, welcome!!! ^^

Exciting news isn't it?

We are glad to inform the new mods being assigned to our community: @Dynastian98 and @Emobot7.

This is based on our members' nomination and we have no doubt these 2 would be extremely valuable considering their knowledge and maturity among our community.

So, welcome!!! ^^

Oct 20th, 2016
Exciting news isn't it?

We are glad to inform the new mods being assigned to our community: @Dynastian98 and @Emobot7.

This is based on our members' nomination and we have no doubt these 2 would be extremely valuable considering their knowledge and maturity among our community.

So, welcome!!! ^^

Edited on 16th May 2015:

Welcome new mod: Fero - @alferroa.

Our beloved members, this thread is dedicated to announce our newly appointed moderators. Please have us to keep this site clean and awesome!

May 16th, 2017:
Welcome new our mod on board: Fero - @alferroa.

Oct 20th, 2016
Exciting news isn't it?

We are glad to inform the new mods being assigned to our community: @Dynastian98 and @Emobot7.

This is based on our members' nomination and we have no doubt these 2 would be extremely valuable considering their knowledge and maturity among our community.

So, welcome!!! ^^

Our beloved members, this thread is dedicated to announce our newly appointed moderators. Please have us to keep this site clean and awesome!

December 19th, 2017:
Its time again for us to announce the assignement of another moderator amid our rank, this time around, its someone you all know well this time around, let me officially welcome @raimondo90 as part of the moderator team. :D

May 16th, 2017:
Welcome new our mod on board: Fero - @alferroa.

Oct 20th, 2016
Exciting news isn't it?

We are glad to inform the new mods being assigned to our community: @Dynastian98 and @Emobot7.

This is based on our members' nomination and we have no doubt these 2 would be extremely valuable considering their knowledge and maturity among our community.

So, welcome!!! ^^

Our beloved members, this thread is dedicated to announce our newly appointed moderators. Please have us to keep this site clean and awesome!

June 28th, 2018:
After 7 months after my announcement it's time to incorporate a new mod to help us within the forum and highlights. Welcome iHEATfootball to the team. Best of luck in your new adventure!

December 19th, 2017:
Its time again for us to announce the assignement of another moderator amid our rank, this time around, its someone you all know well this time around, let me officially welcome @raimondo90 as part of the moderator team. :D

May 16th, 2017:
Welcome new our mod on board: Fero - @alferroa.

Oct 20th, 2016
Exciting news isn't it?

We are glad to inform the new mods being assigned to our community: @Dynastian98 and @Emobot7.

This is based on our members' nomination and we have no doubt these 2 would be extremely valuable considering their knowledge and maturity among our community.

So, welcome!!! ^^

chelsea8 8 years ago
Chelsea, Iran 17 2219

100+ @LODATZ

Emobot7 8 years ago
540 11460

@lodatz Peace man, have a bit of faith in us guy, I don't know what your deal was with Dynast in the best but I can assure you that as mod, we will do our best to be fair toward everyone. Maybe other mod have dissapointed in the past and maybe their decision didn't seem right with you but you have to understand that dealing with certain people can sometime be tough for us and that as human being, we can all make mistake. I say, forgive and forget, live too short to hold a grudge. ;)

SoccerBoss 8 years ago
Barcelona, Russia 34 804

And I'm still un-modded. Can't believe this.

Anyways, congratulations Dynastian and Emobot

tuan_jinn 8 years ago
Manchester United, Netherlands 198 6912

@Emo: nahh, here we have Wofie and Lodaz, the two most dramatic members, but also the two with incredible knowledge.

@Lodatz and @Tiki will be the craziest love battle with most intensive knowledge. Watch their fights and you will forget Twilight ever existed. Im not even kidding.

@Lodatz: stayyy with usssss. You always ahow up for a day then disappear for a month and come back and then say: the forum is too quiet... :D

Emobot7 8 years ago
540 11460


@Lodatz and @Tiki will be the craziest love battle with most intensive knowledge. Watch their fights and you will forget Twilight ever existed. Im not even kidding.

Lol, yeah, I heard about that. :P

Dynastian98 8 years ago Edited
Real Madrid 483 7140

Considering @Lodatz left the forum after harassing multiple people and being banned, it's funny he comes back childishly whining about being punished by @Shpalman for what he said. When you personally attack multiple people, including a moderator, you should expect some form of reaction. I don't care how bad you have arguments with other people or how much you dislike them, personally attacking others online where you are behind the safety and security of the Internet is a really low way to go...

However, I would like to imminently and whole-heartedly apologize for the racist comment I made towards English people on your wall, @Lodatz. I have had far too many racist attacks on my person from people of British descent, so I have an unfortunate but biased opinion of them. It may be hard to imagine what racism feels like if you are white, but I think you, as an American who I'm sure watches the news about black people in the US, have a good idea of how far racism goes in Canada and the US. And I know I unjustly pushed that bias on to you during an argument we had a couple years ago. As someone now helping to uphold the values of the forum, I wish to apologize to you here so that we can end the matter now and make a fresh start. I'm not trying to be sarcastic. I'm not trying to grab anyone's attention. I'm apologizing here and now so that everyone know's I made a mistake and I am able to admit to my short-comings. I sincerely hope you accept the apology so we can move on from that incident.

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Considering @Lodatz left the forum after harassing multiple people and being banned, it's funny he comes back childishly whining about being punished by @Shpalman for what he said.

However I would like to imminently and whole-heartedly apologize for the racist comment I made towards English people on your wall, @Lodatz. I have had far too many racist attacks on my person from people of British descent, so I have an unfortunate but biased opinion of them. It may be hard to imagine what racism feels like if you are white, but I think you, as an American who I'm sure watches the news about black people in the US, have a good idea of how far racism goes in Canada and the US. And I know I unjustly pushed that bias on to you during an argument we had a couple years ago. As someone now helping to uphold the values of the forum, I wish to apologize to you here so that we can end the matter now and make a fresh start. I'm not trying to be sarcastic. I'm not trying to grab anyone's attention. I'm apologizing here and now so that everyone know's I made a mistake and I am able to admit to my short-comings. I sincerely hope you accept the apology.

tiki_taka 8 years ago
Barcelona, France 367 9768

Not really it became quite boring nowadays... if I can discuss with someone who listen to my points and give his with mutual agreement on updating our points to the current reality of results, i would be glad to do it. I used to say that willian was not a big club player because he had terrible finishing and made bad decisions, the guy in one season turned into the sharpest free kick taker in Europe, there is no ego in saying that pitch issues evolve and my points too, i had a " fight " as you said i consider it more as a heated debate about that example, i showed the goal conversion stats and he showed the commitment of the player and we probably ended disagreeing but adjusting our views...
Debating with lodatz became has become useless, he clearly ignore what's happening on the pitch, or adjusting his old school view just like an FA old member is doing, he just try to destroy your point without if he doesn't match with his without any auto critic, i never heard him admitting a single wrong vision or prediction on a player and the moment he can't cope with what happened on the pitch he leaves the place and come back later to say it is worse than when he was there. All this to say that the last one I want to argue with here is him, im just taunting him at times each time his vision gets self destroyed in the pitch....
At the end the aim is not to humiliate or to entertain people or to get importance at least for me, I felt from the start he suffers from the fact he only consider what he knows and he only knows PL, at the end it doesn't matters who backs you or how many likes your point gets, The only judge is the pitch results and your point should match a little with results.

A Valencian member named knibis was treated as a troll for his liga preference 4 years ago by the one who claims to be the less bias in here. The reason that pushed me to react at the beginning because at that time Valencia had the same level of Tottenham not championship like other league ignorants and they know themselves and probably hate me for this used to say.
Intolerance + Bias + stubbornness made my reactions offensive toward him, I do have my wrongs too anyways...

An opposite view is always welcome the moment there is a little match with reality, stats, results.... and I enjoy arguing with sunflash or disagreeing with Marcus at times, because we agree on some things, more than with lodatz or Ktbffhswe for the simple reason you know it's going nowhere no matter what and it will end into personal attacks and ego wars, and they are the kind of guys to keep the hate on them forever while everything virtual doesn't have to take a lifetime specially hate, I think they look for me more than I do, I clearly don't miss our supposed debates. I may miss their threads maybe because they didn't contributed for a while.

SunFlash 8 years ago
USA 19 3260


The point of an argument is not necessarily to win, but to achieve a higher understanding from when you started.

That's my own interpretation of it anyway. If you don't allow yourself the possibility that you may in fact be wrong, there is no point in arguing at all.

Some members here are willing to concede a point here and there - I'd like to think I'm among them. It's those members that can actually debate without derailing threads or giving everyone else cancer.

Aiden_Finland 8 years ago
Real Madrid, Finland 18 1236

Congrats lads both of them deserve it no arguements please.....@tuan_jinn if I or any other footyroom members want to be MODS do we need to send you a Resume. :) :) :)

Jimbet 8 years ago
Arsenal, Malaysia 12 1292

knibis.. i miss him.. :( legend members like Vendetta, Koldimere, KingHenry etc.. sigh good old days..

KTBFFHSWE 8 years ago
Chelsea FC, Sweden 52 2449

Considering @Lodatz left the forum after harassing multiple people and
being banned, it's funny he comes back childishly whining about being
punished by @Shpalman for what he said. When you personally attack
multiple people, including a moderator, you should expect some form of
reaction. I don't care how bad you have arguments with other people or
how much you dislike them, personally attacking others online where
you are behind the safety and security of the Internet is a really low
way to go...

DISAGREE. Lodatz was/is one of the most knowlegable persons on this forum. I've seen multiple discussions that both you and others have had with him, and he has never crossed the line. You claim he harassed people. I'd claim others harassed him. He's been bullied away from this forum by you and tiki among others. It's sad to see. And something you should keep in mind when now becoming a mod. It seems it's hard for you to be objective at times, as evident by the message you left on my wall.

JuanMata10 8 years ago Edited
Chelsea, Austria 17 1696

So.. interfering in this fight is probably the most idiotic thing I could do, but anyways:

@Lodatz and @tiki are both stubborn and dogmatic, but I have to say that @Lodatz is harsher with @tiki than the other way around, even though I agree with @Lodatz more often than I agree with @tiki.

Stubborn and dogmatic also describes @shpalman pretty well. He was rude and a hypocrite who seemed to ban people simply because he didn't agree with them.

@Dynastian is normally a chill guy, but has a record of losing his temper and can be a bit of a cunt sometimes, but I still respect him and his opinions. 95% of the time he's friendly and contributes very well to the forum.

@KTBFFHSWE: I actually think @Dynastian was right to post the message to your wall. Everyone knows that you dislike @tiki, but recently, you've been getting on my (and probably everyone elses) nerves. It seems like you attack @tiki in every single thread, even if he hasn't even commented yet. I'm not taking @tiki's side nor am I taking yours, but seriously, even though you disagree most of the time, these comments are annoying as hell and really uncalled for.

Now flame me. Bye.

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So.. interfering in this fight is probably the most stupid thing I could do, but anyways:

@Lodatz and @tiki are both stubborn and dogmatic, but I have to say that @Lodatz is harsher with @tiki than the other way around, even though I agree with @Lodatz more often than I agree with @tiki.

Stubborn and dogmatic also describes @shpalman pretty well. He was rude and a hypocrite who seemed to ban people simply because he didn't agree with them.

@Dynastian is normally a chill guy, but has a record of losing his temper and can be a bit of a cunt sometimes, but I still respect him and his opinions. 95% of the time he's friendly and objective.

@KTBFFHSWE: I actually think @Dynastian was right to post the message to your wall. Everyone knows that you dislike @tiki, but recently, you've been getting on my nerves. It seems like you attack @tiki in every single thread, even if he hasn't even commented yet. I'm not taking @tiki's side nor am I taking yours, but seriously, even though you disagree most of the time, these comments are annoying as hell and really uncalled for.

Now flame me. Bye.

So.. interfering in this fight is probably the most stupid thing I could do, but anyways:

@Lodatz and @tiki are both stubborn and dogmatic, but I have to say that @Lodatz is harsher with @tiki than the other way around, even though I agree with @Lodatz more often than I agree with @tiki.

Stubborn and dogmatic also describes @shpalman pretty well. He was rude and a hypocrite who seemed to ban people simply because he didn't agree with them.

@Dynastian is normally a chill guy, but has a record of losing his temper and can be a bit of a cunt sometimes, but I still respect him and his opinions. 95% of the time he's friendly and contributes very well to the forum.

@KTBFFHSWE: I actually think @Dynastian was right to post the message to your wall. Everyone knows that you dislike @tiki, but recently, you've been getting on my nerves. It seems like you attack @tiki in every single thread, even if he hasn't even commented yet. I'm not taking @tiki's side nor am I taking yours, but seriously, even though you disagree most of the time, these comments are annoying as hell and really uncalled for.

Now flame me. Bye.

So.. interfering in this fight is probably the most stupid thing I could do, but anyways:

@Lodatz and @tiki are both stubborn and dogmatic, but I have to say that @Lodatz is harsher with @tiki than the other way around, even though I agree with @Lodatz more often than I agree with @tiki.

Stubborn and dogmatic also describes @shpalman pretty well. He was rude and a hypocrite who seemed to ban people simply because he didn't agree with them.

@Dynastian is normally a chill guy, but has a record of losing his temper and can be a bit of a cunt sometimes, but I still respect him and his opinions. 95% of the time he's friendly and contributes very well to the forum.

@KTBFFHSWE: I actually think @Dynastian was right to post the message to your wall. Everyone knows that you dislike @tiki, but recently, you've been getting on my (and probably everyone elses) nerves. It seems like you attack @tiki in every single thread, even if he hasn't even commented yet. I'm not taking @tiki's side nor am I taking yours, but seriously, even though you disagree most of the time, these comments are annoying as hell and really uncalled for.

Now flame me. Bye.

Emobot7 8 years ago
540 11460

@JuanMata10 Man, I don't know why everyone saying stuff like that about shapalman but when I discussed with him, he used to be very nice with me and seemed like a good guy. :( But I agree with most of the other thing you said.

@KTB Lad, we really apreciate you on the forum, but I agree with @JuanMata10 and @Dynastian that your frustation and former conflict with @Tiki seem to come up from time to time. Also, you shouldn't take the commentary @Dynastian left on your wall agressively like that, he clearly meant well and if he asked you, its because he trusted you to be mature enough to understand his point. Please don't start pointing finger and saying we are taking side, I know how much painful it is and how easy it is to to look like your taking a side while not actually wanting to take one. :(

SunFlash 8 years ago
USA 19 3260

Old users coming into this thread like

enter image description here

Jimbet 8 years ago
Arsenal, Malaysia 12 1292

enter image description here

on serious note.. @JuanMata10 100+

Wolfie 8 years ago
Inter, Germany 94 1844

This forum is like some kind of time capsule. What year is it again!!

Jimbet 8 years ago
Arsenal, Malaysia 12 1292

^another legend.. :)

decentK 8 years ago
Arsenal 38 2896


tiki_taka 8 years ago
Barcelona, France 367 9768

Hi wolfie we are in 2012 welcome back :)

Juan words of wisdom, probably even toward me :)

liomessi10 8 years ago
Barcelona, Argentina 222 3053

YAY!!!! Congrats emobot and dynastian.

i hope i become a mod one day!