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New mod - welcome @iHEARTfootball
tuan_jinn 8 years ago Edited
Manchester United, Netherlands 198 6912

Our beloved members, this thread is dedicated to announce our newly appointed moderators. Please have us to keep this site clean and awesome!

June 28th, 2018:
After 7 months after my announcement it's time to incorporate a new mod to help us within the forum and highlights. Welcome iHEARTfootball to the team. Best of luck in your new adventure!

December 19th, 2017:
Its time again for us to announce the assignement of another moderator amid our rank, this time around, its someone you all know well this time around, let me officially welcome @raimondo90 as part of the moderator team. :D

May 16th, 2017:
Welcome new our mod on board: Fero - @alferroa.

Oct 20th, 2016
Exciting news isn't it?

We are glad to inform the new mods being assigned to our community: @Dynastian98 and @Emobot7.

This is based on our members' nomination and we have no doubt these 2 would be extremely valuable considering their knowledge and maturity among our community.

So, welcome!!! ^^

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Exciting news isn't it?

We are glad to inform the new mods being assigned to our community: @Dynastian98 and @Emobot7.

This is based on our members' nomination and we have no doubt these 2 would be extremely valuable considering their knowledge and maturity among our community.

So, welcome!!! ^^

Exciting news isn't it?

We are glad to inform the new mods being assigned to our community: @Dynastian98 and @Emobot7.

This is based on our members' nomination and we have no doubt these 2 would be extremely valuable considering their knowledge and maturity among our community.

So, welcome!!! ^^

Oct 20th, 2016
Exciting news isn't it?

We are glad to inform the new mods being assigned to our community: @Dynastian98 and @Emobot7.

This is based on our members' nomination and we have no doubt these 2 would be extremely valuable considering their knowledge and maturity among our community.

So, welcome!!! ^^

Edited on 16th May 2015:

Welcome new mod: Fero - @alferroa.

Our beloved members, this thread is dedicated to announce our newly appointed moderators. Please have us to keep this site clean and awesome!

May 16th, 2017:
Welcome new our mod on board: Fero - @alferroa.

Oct 20th, 2016
Exciting news isn't it?

We are glad to inform the new mods being assigned to our community: @Dynastian98 and @Emobot7.

This is based on our members' nomination and we have no doubt these 2 would be extremely valuable considering their knowledge and maturity among our community.

So, welcome!!! ^^

Our beloved members, this thread is dedicated to announce our newly appointed moderators. Please have us to keep this site clean and awesome!

December 19th, 2017:
Its time again for us to announce the assignement of another moderator amid our rank, this time around, its someone you all know well this time around, let me officially welcome @raimondo90 as part of the moderator team. :D

May 16th, 2017:
Welcome new our mod on board: Fero - @alferroa.

Oct 20th, 2016
Exciting news isn't it?

We are glad to inform the new mods being assigned to our community: @Dynastian98 and @Emobot7.

This is based on our members' nomination and we have no doubt these 2 would be extremely valuable considering their knowledge and maturity among our community.

So, welcome!!! ^^

Our beloved members, this thread is dedicated to announce our newly appointed moderators. Please have us to keep this site clean and awesome!

June 28th, 2018:
After 7 months after my announcement it's time to incorporate a new mod to help us within the forum and highlights. Welcome iHEATfootball to the team. Best of luck in your new adventure!

December 19th, 2017:
Its time again for us to announce the assignement of another moderator amid our rank, this time around, its someone you all know well this time around, let me officially welcome @raimondo90 as part of the moderator team. :D

May 16th, 2017:
Welcome new our mod on board: Fero - @alferroa.

Oct 20th, 2016
Exciting news isn't it?

We are glad to inform the new mods being assigned to our community: @Dynastian98 and @Emobot7.

This is based on our members' nomination and we have no doubt these 2 would be extremely valuable considering their knowledge and maturity among our community.

So, welcome!!! ^^

ramaboy10 8 years ago
Mauritius 285 6463


I'm next btw ;)

tuan_jinn 8 years ago
Manchester United, Netherlands 198 6912

@ramaboy: you are one of the most valuable and long life member.

ramaboy10 8 years ago
Mauritius 285 6463

Thanks <3 You too :D

Rowley 8 years ago
Manchester United, England 10 193

Hey good job

Emrecan_58 8 years ago
Besiktas 149 3375

It's nice to see @Dynastian98 finally as a mod. And @Emobot7 deserved this with his personality and activity. Congrats.

Jimbet 8 years ago
Arsenal, Malaysia 12 1292

Yes! Good job Footyroom! :) Welcome to our new MODS Dynastian98 and Emobot!

chelsea8 8 years ago
Chelsea, Iran 17 2219

They both deserve it, i May have had some arguments with dynastian in the past but he is someone with alot of knowledge and i'm sure he'll be a great mod.

And emobot is one of the nicest member on this forum so it won't ever go wrong with him.

Congratz guys!

Emobot7 8 years ago
542 11468

What a day, thanks to everyone on footyroom who made me stay around, its thanks to you guys in a way I ended up as a mod. I hope I will be able to pay back the confidence you all put into in the future. Please don't be shy to report innapropriate commentary on my wall, I will do my best to take care of them when I have time. Also, congrats to Dynastian. Cheers! :D

Dynastian98 8 years ago
Real Madrid 483 7140

Cheers to everybody. I guess I must be extra careful with what I say now that I am a moderator...

If you have any issues or complaints with either me or another member, don't be afraid to post on my wall. I want to be a mod who is very easy to communicate with. Once again, cheers to @Tuan and the FootyRoom community, I hope I don't disappoint.

JuanMata10 8 years ago Edited
Chelsea, Austria 17 1696

Seeing @Emobot become a mod is like watching your kid graduate from school

Congrats to both of you.

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Seeing @Emobot become a mod is like watching your kid graduate from school <3 #nohomo

Congrats to both of you.

Phenohyte 8 years ago
3 122

Great decision, both sound lads, well done.

Croatian 8 years ago
Bayern Munich, Croatia 23 1323

Even that I'm not member here for long, I can say they both deserved it. Congrats!

amir_keal 8 years ago
Arsenal, Netherlands 66 2895

Congrats guys. New here but these are deserved as I recognise their names. Well done!

SunFlash 8 years ago
USA 19 3260


Nicely phrased.

As for Emo, and Dynastian, welcome to hell lol

tiki_taka 8 years ago
Barcelona, France 367 9768

Congrats guys, good choices.

Emobot7 8 years ago
542 11468

@Sun Thank you... I guess. ;D

KTBFFHSWE 8 years ago
Chelsea FC, Sweden 52 2449

Thumbs up!

saatvik10 8 years ago
Manchester United, India 27 540

Congrats to both!!

tuan_jinn 8 years ago
Manchester United, Netherlands 198 6912

Just a friendly reminder: mods are also members. We do have our own opinions and we can be bias sometimes (it's kinda obligated to contain such bias to certain extends if you are a mod of course). Just as any other members, as long as we dont attack, abuse, or using faulty language, we should be able to voice our disagreement without any accusation of over-abusing power.

So please try not to offense mods by: what kind of mod keep being bias etc...

Because you trust us too, and believe that: we do not use power to ban user simply because they have different opinions.

Lodatz 8 years ago
Tottenham Hotspur, England 150 4992

@tuan_jinn: considering your mate shpalman would ban people whenever he felt like bullying people, and considering Dynastian has been known to flood people's walls with racist abuse, you might need to prove that, because on the surface of things, things just got worse in terms of combating bias and abuse of power.