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New changes to the forum rules
FootyRoom 13 years ago
36 175

Hi everyone,

Recently there has been a lot of talk on how to improve this forum and what to do with certain individuals who spoil the fun for everyone. We decided that some changes are needed to the way people interact here.

So let us list the changes made:

  • New users, who have been registered for less than 10 days, may post/comment only twice per day.
  • These new users may not post pictures or videos for the first 10 days.
  • All users are limited to 4 comment votes per day.

These changes will let us screen new users better. If we notice during the first 10 days of user registration that he or she abuses the forums and breaks fun for everyone, we will ban that person. It will also prevent the new user to post large amount of offensive content in short time as he is limited to only 2 posts/comments per day.

The new limit of 4 comment votes per day will let the user decide more carefully which comments deserve an up vote or a down vote. This will hopefully make the user think before he votes.

Please note that we will start to monitor forums more closely and ban those users who don't play by the rules. We ask you to respect each other and each others opinions. This should be a place for everybody, no matter which team you support, where you're from or what color you are.

Otherwise, enjoy!
FootyRoom Team

Tuanis 13 years ago
Manchester United, England 87 2311

this post deserves one of my 4 thumbs up...

DonAndres 13 years ago
Barcelona 62 1138

omg.. i tried to thumb up tuanis and it shows me that i can thumb up him as many times i can!
For instance i press it 3 or 4 times and it shows me +32 but when i refresh the page it shows me again -1!
 so,i can only comment in only 4 threads and 4 thumbs up?
for example i mean 4 thumbs+4 comments or 2 thumbs+2comments on threads?
Also,When we have made 4 comments and try to make one more that comment will not be posted?
or it will be post but we will be banned because of disobeying the rules?

ramaboy10 13 years ago
Mauritius 285 6463

i wish it just went back to normal.....

kenkichiotaka 13 years ago
Manchester United, Japan 47 1894

Thanks a lot.There are too many thump down and up things in this site.....

DonAndres 13 years ago
Barcelona 62 1138

Someone to reply me please!

awais007 13 years ago
Chelsea, Pakistan 178 922

nice changes by Footyroom .........I like them

bloodred1992 13 years ago
Manchester United, Portugal 15 300

Personally this doesn't change anything for me, cause I don't visit so many threads as to make more than 4 votes.
And @DonAndres, you've been mean to me on this forum but I'll still reply to your query. They mention a limit of 4 comment votes, so I think there's no limit to the number of comments you post, but only to the votes (+1 or -1) for others' comments which will be a maximum of 4 per day.

Jimskeleton 13 years ago
Tottenham Hotspur, England 7 728

Unless I'm missing something here I fail to see how this will solve multiple accounting to thumb up yourself in the match highlights section (no names mentioned) which is why people wanted alterations or removal of the system.

expertfootball11 13 years ago
Real Madrid, France 64 2837

I'm neutral about this history.

raimondo90 13 years ago
Valencia, Argentina 89 2492

I agree with Jim. If people have multiple accounts they can still thumb themselves up. The issue was multiple accounts not thumbs up or down. 

GunnerGo 13 years ago
Arsenal, Venezuela 13 345

Well.. this doesn't have much to do with the multiaccount thing, but is just that the multiaccount situation is so hard to solve that if something is decided to do, that decision will affect not only those multiaccounts persons, but all of us. I think that the thumb up or down should be disabled, there are other ways to show another person that you like/agree/don't agree/dislike/whatever... His comment or opinion. Or maybe disable the ranks, i'm not sure about other users, but i don't give a single ¡@#$%&! about the ranks.

GunnerGo 13 years ago
Arsenal, Venezuela 13 345

But i'm consious that those multiaccount people do (they care about the ranks) so they thump up thereselves to gain more rank, and they thump down other users to lower their ranks.

Chanakya999 13 years ago
Manchester United, Germany 56 167

HELP!!! When I try to create a forum, the page says "Choose a category for your post" and then there are no categories. It's blank. Can you fix this Footyroom?

FootyRoom 13 years ago
36 175

Chanakya999, that issue has been resolved now. Sorry for inconveniences.

It is really difficult to control the multiple account situation. You can't block IP addresses because once you disconnect your router from internet you will get new IP. Next time another person may try to come to FootyRoom with a blocked IP, however he was not the original offender.

We will continue to look for solution.

koldimere 13 years ago
Arsenal, Germany 86 974

Credit to footyroom for at least taking an initiative. I'm sure we'll solve these problems one by one. Thanks Footyroom!

DonAndres 13 years ago
Barcelona 62 1138

So, i can make as may comments i want but i can only thumb Up or thumb down only 4 comments?
ALSO,When i have already thumbed up 4 times and i try to do it again,i will be able to do it or the system won't let me?

Chanakya999 13 years ago
Manchester United, Germany 56 167


raimondo90 13 years ago
Valencia, Argentina 89 2492

Is it possible to track an accounts IP address? If so, IP addresses with multiple accounts could be investigated as to what exactly they are doing.

Jimskeleton 13 years ago
Tottenham Hotspur, England 7 728

Could you not just remove the thumbs up/down and the FR rank from the highlights section and keep it purely as comments? this will remove any need for multiple accounts, and keep the thumbs up/down system purely for forum only?

FootyRoom 13 years ago
36 175

We don't think it's necessary to remove comment voting from highlights section. Most of the time top comments are good comments. 

However we are thinking to remove "Thumb Down" voting and replace it with "Report" or "Offensive" button to mark those comments that break the rules or have excessive trolling content. This button would be available only to registered users, and if someone is caught abusing it (ie. marking legitimate comments as "Offensive) he/she will be warned or possibly banned.