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I have never rated pep... Polls
Messi3457 8 years ago
2 12

This thread might piss some people but that's what I believe. He's a good one but no where near the level he is rated. One of the most overrated coach.

ramaboy10 8 years ago
Mauritius 285 6463

16 trophies in 4 years. That's insane. He managed (arguably) the best team ever in footballing history. However, he was at Barcelona for years and years, learning the insides and outs. He moved to Munich and changed their playing style which only made them worse to be honest, in my opinion they were so much better with Heynckes. City is another chapter where his tactics are showing to be no way near as effective as they used to. No, he doesn't have Messi but he does have Aguero and De Bruyne and they are perfectly capable of winning games on their own. Their defense is a joke at the moment. Guardiola is no way near what he used to be.

Messi3457 8 years ago
2 12

I don't think he's nowhere near he used to be. I think he was never on that level. At Barca and Bayern, he inherited arguably the best team of the world at that moment. Rijkard was the one who revolutionized underachieving barca, and Bayern just won treble. I don't mean he's a bad coach but he haven't proved to be credited as the best coach or for the credits that he earned.

quikzyyy 8 years ago Edited
Arsenal 429 9010

I don't think he is overrated, but sometimes, when I see Zabaleta on midfielder position it got me wonders. Pep never cared that much about having a clean sheet. It wasn't necessary when they were scoring 3-5 goals easily. Now I guess you have to care about defence much more, you are not going to demolish teams with 3-5 goals in EPL.

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I don't think he is overrated, but sometimes, when I see Zabaleta on midfielder position it got me wonders. Pep never cared that much about having a clean sheet. It wasn't necessary when they scoring 3-5 goals easily. Now I guess you have to care about defence much more, you are not going to demolish teams with 3-5 goals in EPL.

Jimbet 8 years ago
Arsenal, Malaysia 12 1292

with the right team, he will create wonders.. certainly not overrated..

_Gonzi_ 8 years ago
Juventus, Argentina 2 2102

what is he supposed to do when he's stuck with stones and sterling...

ramaboy10 8 years ago
Mauritius 285 6463


You can say that, but then others will argue that Mourinho won the treble with Porto and Ranieri won the league with Leiscester...

raimondo90 8 years ago
Valencia, Argentina 89 2492

At the start of the season people were cheering he had a really great start and after a couple loses they go back to claiming he is overrated. There are very few coaches who get as much shit as Pep.

@rama, you can argue he made Bayern worse but id say he is the single biggest contributor to Germany winning the world cup. And winning league and cup those seasons is an achievement. You can't really top a triple that often.

SunFlash 8 years ago
USA 19 3260

As I've said before, Pep created the most successful side in the modern game. I'm not sure you can overrate that.

Dynastian98 8 years ago
Real Madrid 483 7140

Bloody hell, the votes are actually 50-50. I genuinely do not think he is overrated, but his teams do tend to have the same flaw.

tuan_jinn 8 years ago
Manchester United, Netherlands 198 6912

Not overrated at all. But the trophies won in Barca would be impossible without Iniesta, Xavi and especially Messi. He can be the same level of managing but because without Messi, the guys who can creat and finish, he wont be able to produce the same result and will feel like failing

Emobot7 8 years ago
543 11488

Well, its depend on how you make him look, if you say he is one of the best manager of all time, can adapt to any league and win trophy with any team, then yeah, he is very overated, if you think he is simply a good coach who do well with good team, then no, he is not overated. In my opinion, he is a bit overrated but not because of what he say or how he manage, because of his past success and how overhyped he is by some fan. Its a question of how you see it in my opinion.

kyoekyar 8 years ago
12 163

That's funny people claim with Stone and Bravo at his def, what can he do? Who bought them in the first place? What a performance in yesterday match lol...

Emobot7 8 years ago
543 11488

@kyoekar Stones and Bravo were his worst decision in my opinion when he arrived at City. Willy Caballero is better than Bravo in my opinion.

JozeMourinho 8 years ago
Chelsea, Greece 18 1254

Pep is the most overrated manager in the history of football. Messi and Cruyff made him a manager. Cruyff gave him the formation and Messi the magic.

People who call he has Stones and Sterling. Stones is his transfer and Sterling could be replaced with the budget he had.
Didn't he also knew he would be playing with Sterling 6 months before he actually took charge? When Pellegrini was still a manager?

A joker who motivates his players to dive like ballarinas.

Great manager but the most overrated of all times.

Messi3457 8 years ago
2 12

Still think Pep is not overrated? Hehehe...

Emobot7 8 years ago
543 11488

Ouch... :S

amir_keal 8 years ago
Arsenal, Netherlands 66 2895

City isn't the right team for him. Also, poor transfer window. I feel he will get sacked.

Emobot7 8 years ago
543 11488

@Amir Meh, even if he doesn't manage to reach top four, he will propably given one more chance. After all, the reason they fired Manuel was that they had already signed a contract with Pep. Unless they get a better option than him, I don't see them sacking him this soon.

amir_keal 8 years ago
Arsenal, Netherlands 66 2895

Maybe not this season, but I see it happening in the future if I had to be honest.

Emobot7 8 years ago
543 11488

@amir_keal If he fail to win any kind of title for two season straight, then of course, they will propably sack him. I don't see him winning much with the kind of results he have been having but we'll see. Might be wrong on that one.