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Who Will Win The World Cup 2018? Vote!
tiki10taka 6 years ago Edited
Barcelona, France 0 82

I’m not proving anything, I’m assuming it. I’m not obliged to talk about CR each time I bring Messi...
if Messi was a tennis player he would have like 50 grand chelem, he is unlucky to depend on a collective and management either way there is no match in term of potential. Think what you want who forced you to something ?

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I’m not proving anything, I’m assuming it. I’m not obliged to talk about CR each time I bring Messi...

Emobot7 6 years ago
540 11460

@marcus To be fair, it wasn't about Ronaldo, his statement was clearly a shot at Argentina and at the fact it alway seem to him Messi the only one trying.

MichealClark 6 years ago
Arsenal, New Zealand 7 28
