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TRump 2016
chelsea8 7 years ago Edited
Chelsea, Iran 17 2219

Trump is elected as the 45th president of the united states.

What do you guys think?

Share your opinion.


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Trump is elected as the 45th president of the united states.

What do you guys think?

Share your opinion.

amir_keal 7 years ago
Arsenal, Netherlands 66 2895

Titi_Taka, would you vote Trump, or Hilary?

quikzyyy 7 years ago Edited
Arsenal 429 9002

When we are here about voting, can we make a poll already? Would like to see who wins on FR.

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When we are here about voting, can we make a poll already? Would like to see who would win on FR.

tiki_taka 7 years ago
Barcelona, France 367 9768

@§Amir, i would rather vote for a dog rather than Hillary.

amir_keal 7 years ago Edited
Arsenal, Netherlands 66 2895

Dog isn't the way to describe Trump, unfortunately. You my friend WILL come to regret that. Why do you think people were crying for their country?

In reply to below, as I still have the 5 day comment limit

Honestly I don't care about the videos, I have seen enough that Trump is a negative influence to our society. The same goes to Hilary, but Trump to me is far worse.

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Dog isn't the way to describe Trump, unfortunately. You my friend WILL come to regret that. Why do you think people were crying for their country?

tiki_taka 7 years ago Edited
Barcelona, France 367 9768

Because they act the way they tell them to act, this is what is really sad, btw im the one maybe who comented the most and we are in page 5 you still ask me who i would vote for, did you read any of y posts or watched the vids ?

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Because they act the way they tell them to act, this is what is really sad, btw im the one maybe who coented the most and we are in page 5 you still ask me who i would vote, did you read any of y posts or watched the vids ?

Emobot7 7 years ago Edited
538 11435

@quikzyyy Here you go pals. ;) I was tempted to had a "cannot chose one" option but decided not to go with it after all. If chelsea8 want to copy the link and edit his first post, it could have more visibility.

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@quikzyyy Here you go pals. ;) I was tempted to had a "cannot chose one" option but decided not to go with it after all.

tuan_jinn 7 years ago
Manchester United, Netherlands 198 6912

@tiki: You will see when dealing with politics, foreign politic, making different side, type on the country happy, politics would all turn into liars. I dont think it's fair to talk drag down Clinton that far... I agree they both suck badly.

Trump already had his first contradiction in the presidency speech to his campaign.

When having that, elected Trump would have so much more unstably. But Clinton might have the same thing, she lost herself, a perfect example of the old crooked politic.

However, I'm really curious what Trump might bring, he will be very different. I hope he proves us wrong

tiki_taka 7 years ago Edited
Barcelona, France 367 9768

Its fair Tuann, evidences are here. Clinton is a war criminal, the actual system that let criminals able to be elected is broken... Im not only pointing USA, Sarkozy Nobel prize ( a big LOL ) is presenting himself while he was directly responsible for bombing 50.000 civilians in Lybia and collapsing a whole country that no longer exist except in the map. Sarkozy got 10 millions donation from General Khadafi in the elction and welcomed him in 2008 in France 10 month before killing him and his whole family.
Its easy to not look at things a bad as they are but we are obliged to, i would rather vote for a mysterious outcome rather than a highway directly to hell....
The previous government created, trained and armed ISIS, its not a consipracy anymore there are mails, Saoudian conversations with Hillary, they were formed in Jordan and given 60 millions euros each 3 month to make a 40.000 terrorists army, they gave them US weapons and drugs to make them do attrocities where 95% of the victims were civilians, they got healed in Israel borders and they were selling oil accross Europe. ISIS high representants were brought from Camp Bukka US torture camp and the chiefs of ISIS all know the situation and got directives and Clinton was responsible of US international politics...
1 billion 200 million muslims are hated accross the world for Clinton war crimes, sh wasnt alone but she actively participated, 4 millions people murdered. No these are simple facts you can find the prooves easily in the net....

This is ugly, crual, everything you want but better know and deal with an ugly truth rather than leave in a peaceful lie, they were helping al nosra against Asad while AL NOSRA is part of Al Qaida wich is ISIS of Iraq, the ISIS weapons are made in US brought by the US and landed by US planes....

Now if you ask me how can i hate Obama/Clinton that much ? I just return you the question, how could we love them ? They are monsters at worst and at best they knew whats happening and they closed their eyes to keep their advantages... I d rather deal with an arrogant billionnaire with a minimum of comon sense hated by media, 300%

Now lately, Al Baghdadi, ISIS Emir and commandant is running away from Iraq where he was calmly leaving for more than 2 years, Poutine in 2 weeks caused more damages to ISIS than whole Nato interventions for more than 3 years, the bunch of hypocrits were helping them while mainstream media assume they were bombing them. Enough is Enough, everyone is free to stay in the matrix but you just need to googlise to escape from it.

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Its fair Tuann, evidences are here. Clinton is a war criminal, the actual system that let criminals able to be elected is broken... Im not only pointing USA, Sarkozy Nobel prize ( a big LOL ) is presenting himself while he was directly responsible for bombing 50.000 civilians in Lybia and collapsing a whole country that no longer exist except in the map. Sarkozy got 10 millions donation from General Khadafi in the elction and welcomed him in 2008 in France 10 month before killing him and his whole family.
Its easy to not look at things a bad as they are but we are obliged to, i would rather vote for a mysterious outcome rather than a highway directly to hell....
The previous government created, trained and armed ISIS, its not a consipracy anymore there are mails, Saoudian conversations with Hillary, they were formed in Jordan and given 60 millions euros each 3 month to make a 40.000 terrorists army, they gave them US weapons and drugs to make them do attrocities where 95% of the victims were civilians, they got healed in Israel borders and they were selling oil accross Europe. ISIS high representants were brought from Camp Bukka US torture camp and the chiefs of ISIS all know the situation and got directives and Clinton was responsible of US international politics...
1 billion 200 million muslims are hated accross europe for Clinton war crimes, sh wasnt alone but she actively participated, 4 millions people murdered. No these are simple facts you can find the prooves easily in the net....

This is ugly, crual, everything you want but better know and deal with an ugly truth rather than leave in a peaceful lie, they were helping al nosra against Asad while AL NOSRA is part of Al Qaida wich is ISIS of Iraq, the ISIS weapons are made in US brought by the US and landed by US planes....

Now if you ask me how can i hate Obama/Clinton that much ? I just return you the question, how could we love them ? They are monsters at worst and at best they knew whats happening and they closed their eyes to keep their advantages... I d rather deal with an arrogant billionnaire with a minimum of comon sense hated by media, 300%

Now lately, Al Baghdadi, ISIS Emir and commandant is running away from Iraq where he was calmly leaving for more than 2 years, Poutine in 2 weeks caused more damages to ISIS than whole Nato interventions for more than 3 years, the bunch of hypocrits were helping them while mainstream media assume they were bombing them. Enough is Enough, everyone is free to stay in the matrix but you just need to googlise to escape from it.

SunFlash 7 years ago
USA 19 3260

Now if you ask me how can i hate Obama/Clinton that much ? I just return you the question, how could we love them ? They are monsters at worst and at best they knew whats happening and they closed their eyes to keep their advantages... I d rather deal with an arrogant billionnaire with a minimum of comon sense hated by media, 300%

Interesting statement. I wouldn't blame Obama for the mistakes of his predecessors. We were at war for no good reason in Iraq, and he pulled us out. We had Guantanamo Bay eroding our moral standing, and he did everything he could to close it. When the United States was giving weapons to Islamic radicals in Afghanistan, Barack Obama was in high school. Again, I do not comprehend why you hold him responsible.

Our presidents are not dictators, and aside from vetoing bills, have very little political clout. When John F. Kennedy was elected, he was read in on the invasion of Cuba, which he vehemently disagreed with, and yet had to go along with anyway. When it blew up in the general's faces, it was Kennedy who took full responsibility, despite the fact he had only know about the mission for two weeks. Obama was just as responsible for the wars America had undertaken as Kennedy was.

99.9 percent of Americans see themselves as the "good guys" and the "freedom fighters" of the world. No president, not even one as unpredictable as Trump, would take that notion away from them. I don't understand why you expected Obama to, and hold him accountable for actions that were not his doing.

Like I noted earlier, I have no issue with different political opinion. That being said, your hatred of Obama is not grounded in reality.

tiki_taka 7 years ago
Barcelona, France 367 9768

mate, weapons were given consistently few years ago, im not talking about arming Taliban by Bush father im talking about things that happen now. Poutine was the reality check not just for Barack but for all our western presidents pretending to fight ISIS while they were strengthening them to defeat Assad, look I know Barack has fans ( first black president......etc ) lets say he closed his eyes or even it was bigger than him and his power... but these actions happened in his mandate, Clinton may be the minister, he was the president but you know he had as much power on his nation politics as the 5th ref on a Football pitch.

Of course, when you get elected the usual way with donations and being part of secret societies with the member club card, you doesnt have enough marge to disagree with your masters... but if you have the balls to risk your life, the bravery and the ambition to do right things, the presidency job gives you this power. If you are in a position to betray, its easier to betray your people but you can also betray the establishement And your job gives you some powers to do it.
Im not hating him, he just wanted to be the best he could for the few power he got in hand, but don't experience expect History to retain something else rather than being the first black president of USA, for the rest it was just communication. Comparing him to JFK is an insult to JFK imo.
Trump said things i never thought a US president was able to say since JFK murder, " lets get good relations with Russia " " we always help the rebels ( terrorists ) " " secret society " " Sarkozy is a war criminal " " let Poutine bomb ISIS " " why should we always need to do things ourselves ? " before Trump, the Us presidency job for me was all about acting, lying to people with the smile and communication.
Now something else is happening why would I be against that ?

Great leaders aren't those who follow the schedule, last great leader in France was Charles De Gaulle destituted 2 years after declaring that monetary system was a fraud, he paid the price but he did it. Poutine risks his life in any moment, he built a nation able to look to corporate in the eyes and resist and battle for their own interests, he is paying the price and he will surely if he looses a war be demonized by Historians but it's a risk he takes for his country. I'm not saying Trump is from same Poutine steel but he doesn't have a doll atitude, and you wont see him dancing or doing the show for sympathy while people are loosing everything.

all this to say, its easy to be Barack, its much more dangerous, honorable, stressing, glorious to be a kind of a true leader who act like a leader off cameras in front of banks.

SunFlash 7 years ago
USA 19 3260

Trump said things i never thought a US president was able to say since JFK murder, " lets get good relations with Russia " " we always help the rebels ( terrorists ) " " secret society " " Sarkozy is a war criminal " " let Poutine bomb ISIS "

Give me one example, ever, of Trump saying that he wanted to help rebels and or terrorists. I can guarantee you 100% that any presidential candidate who said that they would even consider "helping terrorists" would not get elected in America under any circumstance. The war on terror is practically a religion here.

Emobot7 7 years ago
538 11435

Wow, Trump got 5 vote and Hillary a single one? Trump is pretty popular on FR it seem. :O

rayrex7 7 years ago
Real Madrid, Croatia 26 797

voted for trump

_Pelle_ 7 years ago
Paris Saint-Germain 156 6889

I say Kanye West 2020!

tuan_jinn 7 years ago
Manchester United, Netherlands 198 6912

And you think Trump would bring peace?? I have to disagree on this point. he would for sure bring hell if he keeps his promises. I hope he wont.

  • bigger nations they always have conflict of interest, please one and the others go mad. China, Russia, Europe, UK and bunch of rich Arabian countries.
  • Then it's go to the smaller direct neighbor of those (Japan, Phil..), and some crazy ass countries like North Korea who are backed by greater nation.
  • Not to mention his characters might provoke lots of mafia or Arabic extremist to strike crazy stuff on the US and their allies, that's when chaos happen.
  • ...

He might be good for some US citizens, or most, that's remained to be seen. My point in this reply is not on Trump but on your hate on Clinton and Obama, Im pointing out the unfairness.

tiki_taka 7 years ago
Barcelona, France 367 9768

Trump admitted that previous presidents all helpd rebels and its true, each time an arab leader wants to keep oil far fro multinational companies he gets attacked or they help rebels against him, ISIS would have voted Hillary i guarantee you. Now they are almost done.

Trump internationally is what world needs atm, voting for a war criminal is not what would make it better. Im waiting to see what Trump will do but i already saw What Hillary was able to do. So yes better go with incertitude rather than Hell certitude.

amir_keal 7 years ago Edited
Arsenal, Netherlands 66 2895

Trump internationally is what world needs atm, voting for a war
criminal is not what would make it better. Im waiting to see what
Trump will do but i already saw What Hillary was able to do. So yes
better go with incertitude rather than Hell certitude.

Lol, no one needs Trump. He wants Mexicans to not go to America for even a world cup qualifier. Lol.

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Trump internationally is what world needs atm, voting for a war criminal is not what would make it better. Im waiting to see what Trump will do but i already saw What Hillary was able to do. So yes better go with incertitude rather than Hell certitude.

Lol, no one needs Trump. He wants Mexicans to not go to America for even a world cup qualifier. Lol.

tiki_taka 7 years ago Edited
Barcelona, France 367 9768

And I suppose Mexicans going to attend a Football game is what the world's need atm right ?

@Tuan North Korea are backed by themselves and nobody can attack them because they have a nuclear bomb able to reach Alaska and now New York, you only feel safe when you can reply to bombing, if you cant you just surrender to keep your nation safe.
Im not talking about pleasing nations, its not how it's working, i just cant see how can someone back Hillary without just be anti Trump, just a single reason, only one...

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And I suppose Mexicans going to attend a Football game is what the world's need atm right ?

SunFlash 7 years ago
USA 19 3260


Why would Daesh vote for Clinton? Their little mission statement is that they want a holy war between all Muslims and all "infidels." As long as the rest of the world doesn't ostracize Muslims, they will have no reason to align themselves with extremist groups. Trump has promised to literally do just that.

No one in America, at least not anymore, wants to fund rebel groups, not after the 1970's. However, America does fund weapons to actual governments, such as the Iraqi Army, and many of those weapons ended up in the hands of Daesh following their conquests. We clearly have different ideas of what kind of a president the world needs, and I don't think we're going to find any common ground on that.

Your knowledge of American politics and government workings is not great. You read like a headline-grabbing newspaper:

Trump internationally is what world needs atm, voting for a war criminal is not what would make it better. Im waiting to see what Trump will do but i already saw What Hillary was able to do. So yes better go with incertitude rather than Hell certitude.

As a general rule in logic, the more adjectives in a statement, the more bias the statement contains. Why is Trump what the world needs? Why is Clinton a war criminal? What terrible mistakes did Clinton make as Secretary of State? What makes Obama the worst president in American history? Why would you rather vote for a dog than Clinton? Why are Obama and Clinton monsters?

You're not answering these questions, you're just making assumptions for which you have no evidence (or logical grounding), and burying them in subjective adjectives. I can't have a rational conversation with you unless you actually give me something to work with here. I'm not going to just sit here repeating the same reasoning in post after post while you present a different version of the exact same point. Not trying to brag or anything, but I'm also quite certain that I have a better grasp on the American political situation, being an actual American, have a better understanding of the American public, and don't presume to think that I don't know my own country's history, in fact, it was the focus of my study for nearly two years. None of what you're saying is a surprise or mystery to me, there's no big revelation going on here, and I'm quite certain neither of us is going to change our minds from this dialogue alone, so can we at least change the scope of the conversation into something useful as opposed to what it is now?

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