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TRump 2016
chelsea8 7 years ago Edited
Chelsea, Iran 17 2219

Trump is elected as the 45th president of the united states.

What do you guys think?

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Trump is elected as the 45th president of the united states.

What do you guys think?

Share your opinion.

quikzyyy 7 years ago
Arsenal 429 9002

@Sunflash I guess neither of them were right choice for peace.

SunFlash 7 years ago
USA 19 3260


You don't get to have peace when you spend 700-900 billion a year on weapons. Either you fight a war, or de-fund everything, and the latter isn't going to happen.

This has been America's situation since the start of World War 2, and largely hasn't changed all the way up until today.


One more, thing, Obama's approval record leaving office was 51% - which was the highest since the 80's and second-highest since Eisenhower - a post-WW2 president. As far as I'm aware, his international reputation is also fairly solid, obviously way more solid than Bush's. He was by no means perfect, and he won't get to down down in history as a "great" president, but he wasn't a failure either, and had a very solid two terms.

Dynastian98 7 years ago
Real Madrid 483 7140

I mean, Obama took over during the Great Recession and cut the unemployment rate in half. He created some 5+ million new jobs under his reign? Pretty solid economically if you ask me. I only really see die-hard Republicans complain about him.

liomessi10 7 years ago
Barcelona, Argentina 222 3053

yeh to be honest i like obama.

dr_chelsea 7 years ago
Chelsea, England 1 58

obama one of the best!!!!!!

Emobot7 7 years ago
538 11435

Obama felt like a president at least, I mean, he seemed polite, had plan, took action to make thing better, was charismatic and even managed to be funny from time to time. I'm just saying, even if I don't know a lot about politic, he really had the good profile in my opinion.

tdot2barca 7 years ago
Assyriska FF, Brazil 35 956

Good thing Trump won. Hillary is the most corrupt person to ever be in politics. Obama is the worst president ever. Nationalism VS Globalism, and nationalism won.

nandaYNWA 7 years ago
Liverpool, Australia 87 946

i honestly cannot comprehend the mindset of people who voted for trump.

this election is bigger than america; it affects the whole world.

tiki_taka 7 years ago
Barcelona, France 367 9768

Tdot :) and its not over, Frexit will come soon despite the brainwashing.

@sun you may talk about budget, Russia has the best nuclear weapons and is the first nuclear country in the world. In Syria they showed an technological edge I won't go on details...

Well Obama is the king of communication, put Jay Z instead of him and Beyoncé the result would have been the same, internationally he was just another US president faithful to corporates who financed his election.

USA created, armed, and financed ISIS not making headlines in mainstream media doesn't make take anything from the truth. And Obama and the world are lucky that Poutine is a real pacifist, if he was as irresponsible as them 3rd world war would have been lunched...

tiki_taka 7 years ago
Barcelona, France 367 9768

I don't think I'm bias, I just don't follow mainstream media.

Emobot7 7 years ago
538 11435


USA created, armed, and financed ISIS

Wow, for some reason, you alway end up breaking this kind of terrible truth to me. I don't how come you so informed but darn, sometime, when I heard of these kind of thing, it just really show me how truly little I know about the world... :( And what is worse is that if someone like me doesn't know about this kind of stuff, I wouldn't be suprise to hear 70% or 60% of the people of the world doesn't know either. We live in an age where information is free, yet we know nearly nothing of what truly matter. We are really a tragic race. ;(

_Marcos_ 7 years ago Edited
Sporting CP, Portugal 15 264

@nandaYNWA I hope this video help you comprehend why people voted for Trump.

Its all about strategy...

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@nandaYNWA I hope this video help you comprehend why people vote for Trump.

Its all about strategy...

SunFlash 7 years ago
USA 19 3260

Good thing Trump won. Hillary is the most corrupt person to ever be in politics. Obama is the worst president ever. Nationalism VS Globalism, and nationalism won.

That is incredibly shortsighted. Obama was hardly the worst president in American history, we've had some doozies. I understand from a global perspective nationalism/globalism is a big topic, but it was NOT the reason most people voted Trump. Making this out to be something it is not only misguided it's simply factually incorrect.

i honestly cannot comprehend the mindset of people who voted for trump.
this election is bigger than america; it affects the whole world.

If you cannot comprehend the mindset of people who voted for Trump, I think you need to interact with more people. As I said in that super-long post that no one here probably read, there were many excellent reasons to vote for him.

@sun you may talk about budget, Russia has the best nuclear weapons and is the first nuclear country in the world. In Syria they showed an technological edge I won't go on details...

America has been downsizing on nuclear armaments for a long time, not because it's expensive or even hard to make nuclear material, but because it's very expensive to maintain it. Trump could snap his fingers and have over a thousand top-of-the-line nuclear weapons in a week. But the upkeep for them is enormous, which makes it simply impractical to stockpile them. Just as I'm sure Russia has some very good nuclear material, I am equally certain that America's current stockpile, if not better already, could be made so in no time at all - that's hardly an issue.

USA created, armed, and financed ISIS not making headlines in mainstream media doesn't make take anything from the truth. And Obama and the world are lucky that Poutine is a real pacifist, if he was as irresponsible as them 3rd world war would have been lunched...

The United States gave armaments to the radical Islamic groups during the USSR's invasion, and therefore the comment that they "created, armed, and financed" Daesh is somewhat correct. However, America pulled its support from those groups a long time ago, and any support or goodwill towards them, if not gone already, was eliminated when Iran had its little religious takeover. In any case, you said you didn't watch the mainstream media, so I can forgive you for not knowing about the disgusting amount of coverage on that topic in particular. Hell, they even made a movie about it.

As for the comment of Putin, there is no doubt in my mind that he could start a WW3. However, it's hard to imagine that being in Russia's best interests - after all, what would be the point? Since Russia/China/PRNK/various Middle East dudes vs the Rest of the World presents a highly possible scenario where Russia loses (not saying they would, just saying that there is a real chance), Russia would need a FANTASTIC reason to start it, and they don't have one.

As for your comments about Obama being irresponsible, I don't see a correlation. In International Politics, I don't think he made any major mistakes, and respecting American isolationism more than any president in forty years. He was the first president since motherfucking Herbert Hoover in the 1930's to not invade a country. I do not understand why you have this notion of Obama being irresponsible.

Jimbet 7 years ago
Arsenal, Malaysia 12 1292

Check this out!

KTBFFHSWE 7 years ago
Chelsea FC, Sweden 52 2449

Racist and bigoted politicians bring out all the racists and bigots in
the two nations.

Yes, but not because of the reasons that you suggest. Why does this happen you may wonder? Why trump, why Brexit? Why Le Pen becoming the biggest party in France? Why Sweden Democrats to become the biggest party in Sweden? Why the Hungary situation?

The answer is Because of A faulty political system where political correctness ignores real life scenarios and side effects of globalization and mass-immigration, while portraying the average voter that don't agree with it, as being stupid.

I blame the politicians of my country, that the racist and Islamophobic Sweden Democrats have over 20% in the polls and continues on growing till the point it will become the biggest party in Sweden. They told us to open our hearts while hundreds of thousands of migrants from Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq and Eritrea moved to my country. All while not providing nearly enough resources, all while not building new homes, all while raising taxes tremendously while taking away benefits from our sick and old. All while taking emergency loans in the billions to cover for the costs. All while depicting those that aren't grateful of this as being 'ignorant, racist and stupid' (often white middle-aged men to be blamed - in a classic left wing manner).

Globalization hasn't worked. It's supposed to be a beautiful thing, mixing our cultures and races together. Living in harmony with each other. What has instead happened is that when it comes to the EU, the power is in Brussels in the hands of jet-set business men that have never seen the real life out on the streets. We have parallel societies in the suburbs where traditional law no longer holds any weight. Crime has sky rocketed, because the people get marginalized and don't see any other way out.

The current (or the political system we've had since WW2) has been run top-down with not nearly enough transparency and insight. There's a reason people didn't want Hillary as president. They're sick of the shady things that US foreign politics are involved in. They're sick of creating wars to get oil. They're sick of the capitalistic system that only give money to the rich, while ignoring the others. They're sick of the increasing gap in standard of living and wealth.

In the end of the day, Americans do not have to worry that much. The majority of the population will get it much better. Some will have it worse. However, the US president's real power is in foreign politics. Trade wars will not benefit anyone.

tiki_taka 7 years ago Edited
Barcelona, France 367 9768

Globalization aim is to kill nations, to create people without traditions....
Put yourself in big families who own the world for a moment : how can we enslave all the people in the world without resistance, how can all the world eat the same thing, consume the same thing.... making us benefitting perfectly from each product we sell, how can we produce at the lowest price in the world and sell at the highest price possible ?

Well these people found an answer and we are stupid enough to defend it, I don't blame migrant for being diffèrent, bringing illegal immigration causes the social dumping, and lower workers salaries... the communitarism creates a division that lead the people to not vote or protest for same reasons : muslims christians j**ws gays lesbians feminists bikers whites blacks atheists....
As much things and I'm not against any, but History and tradition of any country unified the people and helped them to fight for their rights, ECONOMICAL RIGHTS because everything is about MONEY.

Some voted for Trump because they are near Mexico, some to get rid of Obama legacy, some because all their work went to other countries or was leaving, some because he is anti system and wanted to say " fuck you " to Wall Street, some wanted to end up with political correctness....
i don't insult Trump voters, and I have no idea on half of their program or even if they are going to respect it, but I know Hillary war crime and supremacist ideas, i know very well who financed her, i would have never voted for George Sorros or Goldman sacks doll, evil doll.
@ sunflash
enter image description here

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Globalization aim is to kill nations, to create people without traditions....
Put yourself in big families who own the world for a moment : how can we enslave all the people in the world without resistance, how can all the world eat the same thing, consume the same thing.... making us benefitting perfectly from each product we sell, how can we produce at the lowest price in the world and sell at the highest price possible ?

Well these people found an answer and we are stupid enough to defend it, I don't blame migrant for being diffèrent, bringing illegal immigration causes the social dumping, and lower workers salaries... the communitarism creates a division that lead the people to not vote or protest for same reasons : muslims christians j**ws gays lesbians feminists bikers whites blacks atheists....
As much things and I'm not against any, but History and tradition of any country unified the people and helped them to fight for their rights, ECONOMICAL RIGHTS because everything is about MONEY.

Some voted for Trump because they are near Mexico, some to get rid of Obama legacy, some because all their work went to other countries or was leaving, some because he is anti system and wanted to say " fuck you " to Wall Street, some wanted to end up with political correctness....
i don't insult Trump voters, and I have no idea on half of their program or even if they are going to respect it, but I know Hillary war crime and supremacist ideas, i know very well who financed her, i would have never voted for George Sorros or Goldman sacks doll, evil doll.

Emobot7 7 years ago
538 11435

@tiki_taka So, in other word, our best chance at survival as a specie is if America and Russia stay at peace with each other, right?

SunFlash 7 years ago
USA 19 3260


My French is a bit rusty, but there's nothing in that image I did not already know or not address in my post. Actually read them, please.

Your points about globalization are true. I agree with the principal of globalization, which is that we all need to get along and act like a species instead of a bunch of divided factions. However, I also agree that that shouldn't come at the expense of culture. The idea possessed by the Europeans who colonized the world was that their culture was "better" and that everything else was worthless. I worry that that attitude is present in globalization, particularly in the developing world.

That being said, I do NOT think that exposure to new ideas is a bad thing. Too much information can potentially hurt a person's belief/devotion to their culture/tradition/religion, but it is better than the alternative of having people living in bubbles for their whole lives with a lack of knowledge about how the rest of the world lives. Perspective is NEVER a bad thing.

Besides, the world is growing closer regardless of whether you like it or not. I could be at Old Trafford tomorrow, New Delhi the day after, and swim at the Great Barrier Reef the following day. Hell, I could open my voice comms and talk to my gaming buddies in Australia right now. What we see in history when two cultures clash is that one usually exerts influence over the other, sometimes eventually eliminating it. What we're seeing now is that happening to every culture on Earth.

If you take nothing else out of this post read this article:

I want you to actual read the article, but if you don't, the main point is that with globalization (TV, internet, immigration, etc) people of every belief have those beliefs challenged at a rate completely unheard of in history. Taking belief in god as an example, Manson states that someone 500 years ago had their belief in god challenged maybe once or twice in their life, whereas a believer nowadays would have their belief challenged once or twice a day - and this goes for everything. Culture, tradition, lifestyle, science, religion - everything.

I don't think that is a bad thing. It allows people to make educated decisions and choose for themselves the life that they want to live. I can and will disagree with how many first-world nations influence other cultures, but the general argument against globalization is immaterial: the world is shrinking, people have more contact, and either we're going to have a massive war (probably) or sort it out peacefully (highly unlikely). Simply denying it's going to eventually happen is unrealistic.

Regarding your points on Trump and Clinton, Clinton's connections to businesses are well-documented. However, I think you may be ignoring that Trump himself is one of those businesses - not for Clinton herself, but he did bankroll candidates in the past and actually bankrolled his own campaign. I do not know why you think Trump is against Wall Street, he's not, he's probably more for it than Clinton is. If you look at his tax plan, he's making it easier for rich individuals and businesses to operate in America (which sounds great until you realize it's because he's allowing them to screw over workers to do so), and has spoken at length about using fossil fuels and other resources controlled by massive corporations to get the economy "back on track" despite the fact that the economy is doing quite well already.

Are you even reading my posts man? I've basically said all of this already and you're just ignoring and repeating things I (a) already know or (b) have already agreed with you on.


Our best chance for survival as a species is not having two of the most powerful nuclear countries in the world fight, yes.

Emobot7 7 years ago
538 11435

@Sunflash Yeah, I guess it does make a lot of sense. ;(

Dynastian98 7 years ago
Real Madrid 483 7140


As someone who's been raised in Toronto's poorest communities, I can say with confidence that almost all the poor, impoverished, and underprivileged communities in Toronto are melting pots full of people who are Jamaican, Bengali, Tamil, Pakistani, Guyanese, and other mixtures of Caribbean and South Asian. I know it's pretty similar in the USA as well. Sad to hear that European nations like Sweden aren't too different. :/

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