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Quikzyyy's Journey
quikzyyy 7 years ago
Arsenal 429 9010

I know this is a big off topic, but I feel like I need help.

Have anyone of you encountered with suicidal thoughts? How did you overcome it?

sandrito 7 years ago
Juventus, Italy 1 548

What's bothering you mate

Emobot7 7 years ago Edited
543 11489

@quikzyyy It might seem like a simple advice but the best thing to do is to talk about it, especially with the people close to you, tell them your feeling unwell and that well, you considered doing some thing like suicide. Tell them its serious, not a joke and that you might need their support in the future. If its too bad, seek help from specialist or ask your family and friend to help you find help. Thats what happened to me back in the secondary, we had a psychologist at our school and while she was talking, I raised my hand and told her and the rest of my classroom that I had seriously considered jumping in front of a car or a truck at some point of my life. After that, the rest of my classroom all try to be more nice to me, some did so temporarly, other stayed nicer. I also saw the psychologist a few time after she asked that I met with her and it slowly helped. Just make sure you feel truly better before stopping meeting with a specialist or saying your friend your better. In short, talking about it and thinking about the people who would be hurt if you gone ahead with it would be my advice. And just to tell you, quikzyyy if sudenly disapeared from FR and never came back, I would be really worried and sad. So I hope whatever is happening in your life, you will be able to pull through and remain or regain a good heath. We love you man and there's nothing we'd like more than having you around for as long as possible. :)

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@quikzyyy It might seem like a simple advice but the best thing to do is to talk about it, especially with the people close to you, tell them your feeling unwell and that well, you considered doing some thing like suicide. Tell them its serious, not a joke and that you might need their support in the future. If its too bad, seek help from specialist or ask your family and friend to help you find help. Thats what happened to me back in the secondary, we had a psychologue at our school and while she was talking, I raised my hand and told her and the rest of my classroom that I had seriously considered jumping in front of a car or a truck at some point of my life. After that, the rest of my classroom all try to be more nice to me, some did so temporarly, other stayed nicer. I also saw the psychologue a few time after she asked that I met with her and it slowly helped. Just make sure you feel truly better before stopping meeting with a specialist or saying your friend your better. In short, talking about it and thinking about the people who would be hurt if you gone ahead with it would be my advice. And just to tell you, quikzyyy if sudenly disapeared from FR and never came back, I would be really worried and sad. So I hope whatever is happening in your life, you will be able to pull through and remain or regain a good heath. We love you man and there's nothing we like more than having you around for as long as possible. :)

@quikzyyy It might seem like a simple advice but the best thing to do is to talk about it, especially with the people close to you, tell them your feeling unwell and that well, you considered doing some thing like suicide. Tell them its serious, not a joke and that you might need their support in the future. If its too bad, seek help from specialist or ask your family and friend to help you find help. Thats what happened to me back in the secondary, we had a psychologist at our school and while she was talking, I raised my hand and told her and the rest of my classroom that I had seriously considered jumping in front of a car or a truck at some point of my life. After that, the rest of my classroom all try to be more nice to me, some did so temporarly, other stayed nicer. I also saw the psychologist a few time after she asked that I met with her and it slowly helped. Just make sure you feel truly better before stopping meeting with a specialist or saying your friend your better. In short, talking about it and thinking about the people who would be hurt if you gone ahead with it would be my advice. And just to tell you, quikzyyy if sudenly disapeared from FR and never came back, I would be really worried and sad. So I hope whatever is happening in your life, you will be able to pull through and remain or regain a good heath. We love you man and there's nothing we like more than having you around for as long as possible. :)

tuan_jinn 7 years ago Edited
Manchester United, Netherlands 198 6912

@quikzy: My friend. Everyone has been there, on different scale and level, for different reasons. We are with you mate! Whatever negative thinking you have, dont let it push you down too far.

It's very normal and sometimes ok to be depressed. It's part of live and how we develop ourselves. How we choose to face it, makes us a better person and grow.

Suicide thought is the stupidest thing you can think off and it's extremely unfair, painful for those who love you.

I'm pretty sure you have personal reason caused what you feel now. Like everyone else, work life balance, family, relationship, dead-end in certain things... and very often they COME AT THE SAME FREAKIN TIME..

Because it's normal, it's also normal to seek for help. Professional help, family, and friend help. and help yourself., this is the most important part:

  • Spend time with your love one (family)
  • Do some sport or take a hobby
  • Quit work/friendship if you are in a toxic environment.
  • Travel (if you have money, always look for cheap offer, promotion).
  • Learn something new (that might be useful for your career).
  • Stay away from alcohol, and drug.
  • Go to MEET UP groups

I have friends, guys who work for me suffered from (what in Europe called Burned out). Most has something to do with relationship, being cheated on, heavy broke up...

  • Dont seek for rebounce, well unless you can cope with it.
  • REMOVE ALL of her relevant stuffs and hide it away. Dont talk and cry about it.
  • Distract yourself there.

I myself find it helpful to make a random (reasonably hard to reach target):

  • Study abroad
  • Build an app etc...


Go home and turn on cheerup music, jazz or some rock, edm. Please dont listen to those cheesy crying POP now.

And BE ON Footyroom. We are with you bro.

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@quikzy: My friend. Everyone has been there, on different scale and level, for different reasons. We are with you mate! Whatever negative thinking you have, dont let it push you down too far.

It's very normal and sometimes ok to be depressed. It's part of live and how we develop ourselves. How we choose to face it, makes us a better person and grow.

Suicide thought is the stupidest thing you can think off and it's extremely unfair, painful for those who love you.

I'm pretty sure you have personal reason caused what you feel now. Like everyone else, work life balance, family, relationship, dead-end in certain things... and very often they COME AT THE SAME FREAKIN TIME..

Because it's normal, it's also normal to seek for help. Professional help, family, and friend help. and help yourself., this is the most important part:

  • Spend time with your love one (family)
  • Do some sport or take a hobby
  • Quit work/friendship if you are in a toxic environment.
  • Travel (if you have money, always look for cheap offer, promotion).
  • Learn something new (that might be useful for your career).
  • Stay away from alcohol, and drug.
  • Go to MEET UP groups

I have friends, guys who work for me suffered from (what in Europe called Burned out). Most has something to do with relationship, being cheated on, heavy broke up...

  • Dont seek for rebounce, well unless you can cope with it.
  • REMOVE ALL of her relevant stuffs and hide it away. Dont talk and cry about it.
  • Distract yourself there.

I myself find it helpful to make a random (reasonably hard to reach target):

  • Study abroad
  • Build an app etc...

And BE ON Footyroom. We are with you bro.

Croatian 7 years ago
Bayern Munich, Croatia 23 1323

Hey man, I don't know is it you/your family/friend or you are just asking out of curiosity, but a lot of people experienced it and consider it is just a phase. Everyone has rough patches, I personally never had suicidal thoughts, but I know people who did. Emotions change a lot, let's not even talk about months, but days, I often feel different towards my friends and things I encounter in life. Life is long and it is worth it. Live it to the fullest. You'll get out of this phase, you just gotta keep going strong.

Think about it: you surely have group of close friends and family that would be devastated if they lose you, you have us at FR, everyone appreciates you over here and knows you're true fan, knowledgeable person and good guy. The best option is always to talk: your mom, dad, best friend, girl friend if you have one, or maybe therapist who knows about stuff like this.

Always have hope, hope isn't just thinking you'll get through it, hope is thing that guides you through it. Everyone, even in the worst possible situations, should have hope.

Everything that @tuan said works. Hobbies are especially something that will distract you from it and you'll have something to do anyday.

Listen to music. Huge part of you loves some singer and you have emotional bond with him even though you never met him.

Don't do anything stupid, stay with us over here. FR is one great community much other forums would be envious of. And you are huge part of it, I haven't been on this forum for long as some other people but if I was supposed to pick five persons to say 'thanks for making this place so great' you'd definitely get picked within blink.

Stay strong man!

tuan_jinn 7 years ago Edited
Manchester United, Netherlands 198 6912

+1 both Emo & Croatian.

And, exactly like Croatian said: having hope, even for smallest thing is KEY! Never loose hope bro!!! STAY POSITIVE!!!

Summer is cominggg

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+1 both Emo & Croatian.

And, exactly: having hope, even for smallest thing is KEY! Never loose hope bro!!! STAY POSITIVE!!!

Summer is cominggg

SunFlash 7 years ago
USA 19 3260

I cannot say that I have any personal experience with suicidal thoughts. However, my little sister had/has pretty severe depression and it would tend to occasionally lead to suicidal tendencies.

The biggest motivator for her was that she felt that our lives would be easier if she was gone, almost as though her killing herself would make our lives better. That could not have been further from the truth. I have my anger towards BuzzFeed as a news source, but since they published the video that kickstarted her getting help, I can't ever think of them as a worthless entity.

I can't say that I can understand or even empathize with her or you. I won't really try either, because that would just be patronizing, and what is the point of that. What I can say is that if she had actually gone through with it, not only would she and everything she had brought and had yet to bring to the world have been gone, but I would have become a truly broken person without her. The way in which it would have happened, the loss that I would have felt, dwarfs anything else I have even come close to experiencing. I have had close family members die before, in old age, and in car accidents while they were far too young. But a suicide is a condemnation, a guilt, a hindsight that can never be forgotten. I didn't know. But I never would have forgiven myself and that would have shaped every action I would have ever taken after that day. Just the knowledge of what could have happened hurts like nothing else ever could. She thought she would've been making our lives, my life, better. That could not have been more wrong.

I don't know why you're having these thoughts. But I can tell you, that no matter what you're going through, there are people out there who love you and would go through everything I just talked about and more. There is not a more selfish action that you could take. The same way you don't deserve to die, the same way these people don't deserve to die. Because if you commit suicide, part of them will die with you, and they will never be able to get you back.

I'm going to call my sister.

Emobot7 7 years ago
543 11489

Yeah, like others said, hobby are great way to cheer yourself up and if you can get into ongoing stuff like series that are still ongoing and stuff like thats, its even better because then, you can say to yourself, I wanna stick around to see what happen next. Its seem stupid for some but I heard it work. :)

quikzyyy 7 years ago Edited
Arsenal 429 9010

Thank You, every single one who has replied.

I really don't know who I can talk about it. I barely got any friends for the past year, they reduced a lot. I'm afraid of what they would the few remaining say to it. Problem is after very long time I started to actually enjoy the things with the help of a new gf. I was happy to wake up in the morning, go for an early run before school and then to work. Started to eat healthier, fit gym/running/cycling anything because I was so happy to finally share things with someone, finally I wasn't feeling useless. Made her my priority, but still got time for everything, everything looked so good, literally last months were the best moments of my life probably (or is it because I stopped playing arsenal matches that often?).

I've became so addicted to have someone to talk to, share and trust. When everything looked perfect, it changed out of nothing.

  • Straight in that time work became horror. People shitting at each other just to keep the job. Everyone who you though was your "friend" in the work suddenly turned into someone who says all the crap about you.

  • For the whole 3 years of my bachelors I've been writing all the informations/comments/notes you name it, which you needed to finish the school. I did help every single one who wanted it. Now, when I'm fucking down, needing help from any of the classmates everyone just ignores it

  • Gf suddenly don't have time, you buy her roses, she's so damn happy and very next days she barely even reply.

Nowadays, I wake up very early, 4AM without any alarm or anythings, but there's nothing to look forward to. I'd go for a run again, but then I see all the shit which will come next day and don't feel like to try anymore. I feel empty, I don't enjoy gym anymore, not even football, the hobbies which I loved are suddenly remembering me all the pain. That happiness simply disappeared. So did my will to live.

I've had them before, around 5 years ago and 8 years ago as well. First time it was just thoughts, however second time it became so strong, I was really close to collapse.

Now, I just feel like I'm useless, not bringing joy to anyone. I feel like if I disappeared from this world no one would care anyways so why bother. I've been against suicide, because I thought it's weak, but I'd lie if didn't say I was thinking about driving it full speed into the tree or jumping from the bridge.

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Thank You, every single one who has replied.

I really don't know who I can talk about it. I barely got any friends for the past year, they reduced a lot. I'm afraid of what they would the few remaining say to it. Problem is after very long time I started to actually enjoy the things with the help of a new gf. I was happy to wake up in the morning, go for an early run before school and then to work. Started to eat healthier, fit gym/running/cycling anything because I was so happy to finally share things with someone, finally I wasn't feeling useless. Made her my priority, but still got time for everything, everything looked so good, literally last months were the best moments of my life probably (or is it because I stopped playing arsenal matches that often?).

I've became so addicted to have someone to talk to, share and trust. When everything looked perfect, it changed out of nothing.

  • Straight in that time work became horror. People shitting at each other just to keep the job. Everyone who you though was your "friend" in the work suddenly turned into someone who says all the crap about you.

  • For the whole 3 years of my bachelors I've been writing all the informations/comments/notes you name it, which you needed to finish the school. I did help every single one who wanted it. Now, when I'm fucking down, needing help from any of the classmates everyone just ignores it

  • Gf suddenly don't have time, you buy her roses, she's so damn happy and very next days she barely even reply.

Nowadays, I wake up very early, 4AM without any alarm or anythings, but there's nothing to look forward to. I'd go for a run again, but then I see all the shit which will come next day and don't feel like to try anymore. I feel empty, I don't enjoy gym anymore, not even football. That happiness simply disappeared. So did my will to live.

I've had them before, around 5 years ago and 8 years ago as well. First time it was just thoughts, however second time it became so strong, I was really close to collapse.

Now, I just feel like I'm useless, not bringing joy to anyone. I feel like if I disappeared from this world no one would care anyways so why bother. I've been against suicide, because I thought it's weak, but I'd lie if didn't say I was thinking about driving it full speed into the tree or jumping from the bridge.

amir_keal 7 years ago
Arsenal, Netherlands 66 2895

Hey man. I’ve not really been depressed, so I apologise if you don’t really want to take this too seriously. But I do want to try and help you.

In life, what I do know is everyone at some point has problems. I think any of those are temporary problems. The best thing I could say is, please please avoid suicide. Suicide is never the permanent solution to a temporary problem. You can always work your way around stuff.

To be honest I’ve had a similar problem where I’d lose motivation in football/gym. What I would say is take a month off. I took off two months, and slowly I got back into it. What you may find is you can’t go as much though. I didn’t think it was too worth it to go so often. Maybe you might have same issue.

Maybe some new hobbies would do a good thing. Another thing id personally do is try to avoid smoking. The cons outweigh the pros by far (if there even is there). I don’t know if you do, but that’s something I’d rather tell you to try doing just in case.

If things don’t get better, and you honestly think no one around you can offer more than they can, then I’d call a psychologist. As Emo said, better to talk about it than not tell anyone at all.

the_bald_genius 7 years ago
10 1583

just like Amir said, find your hobbies, hobbies distract you from suicidal thoughts I guess. Since my hobby is cars, I myself go to drive to racetracks to release my depression. different people have different hobbies and so their antidotes for stress. I have not had suicidal thoughts but off course when your everyday job is constant and boring you want to live differently.

Emrecan_58 7 years ago
Besiktas 149 3376

Do you still have my number? If so, send me a message on WhatsApp; if not, can you write your number on my wall?

Dynastian98 7 years ago
Real Madrid 483 7140

Friends will be your greatest asset in times of difficulty. Open up to people you trust and let them know what's on your mind.

Emobot7 7 years ago
543 11489

not bringing joy to anyone.

Well, I know it might not be much to you but lets me tell you I think you're one of the most enjoyable person on FR. Heck, upvote don't lie, everyone love your comment, I know I do! I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have stick around FR if it wouldn't have been for people like you who made me feel at home here. You're part of what make this site such an incredible place for me to be.

Beside, you shouldn't live only to bring joy to other! You should live to bring joy to you as well! Any human being deserve it! Take some day off if you can and go try something new.

And yeah, find the person you care and trust the most about and talk with them, tell them how you feel. Family can really help with that.

Like I said, if you can afford it, you could also meet with a specialist. I know this might sound a like bad advice but good one can really help. I know firsthand it take a lot of courage to meet one and talk with that person about your problem but it can be worth it.

Eden17Hazard17 7 years ago
Chelsea FC 157 4232

Hey quikzyyy,

I saw your post this morning but didn't know how to respond. It's tough to see you going through this, but you'll pull through. We've all been through rough patches, and I think many of us, myself included, have had suicidal thoughts, but we're still here. The thing is, regardless of bad things may be, time will heal and it will get better. From the quikzyyy I know from this site, and the things you've said on this thread, you're the type of people we need in this world. The time will come when everything is so much better so just keep hanging on. From what I've been through, I find it easier to live as simply as possible during hard times, not thinking too hard about the stuff bothering you, just doing your daily tasks and working your way through every day. Stay strong mentally.

I appreciate you reaching out to us. Talking to others isn't always easy, so please use us as a happy place, knowing that we all want the best for you.

Time heals. Be patient. You got this!

quikzyyy 7 years ago
Arsenal 429 9010

I have pulled it last 2 times, but I'm not so sure I will make it this time. I was just sitting on the top of the rooftop, thinking about ending it, thinking about consequences.. The only reason I didn't do anything, was my mom, I know she wouldn't survive it. I also remembered you guys, funny how football forum can help you more than the "friends" you supposedly know.

The biggest motivator for her was that she felt that our lives would be easier if she was gone

Yep, I think about this as well. I feel like, okay, if I was gone I wouldn't bother all these people. Maybe they would all be happier if I was gone, they will have it easier.

Whenever someone needs anything I try to help them, because I know how fucking bad it is when there's no one for you. But I guess, people who didn't experience it can't know it. As they say You don't know what you have till it's gone. Problem with this quote is that I'd love to see how would certain people react if they knew I have committed suicide.

I just don't see the path, the good anymore, I don't see a reason why should I breath anymore, for everything there's someone to replace me, so why.

@amir it's not even loosing motivation in football/gym/whatever exercise. Whatever I'm trying now, I just feel so empty, I feel like I'm wasting oxygen, loosing any will to why should I? I loved running for the past, 10 years, it was a place for me, where I simply put my music and forget the world. Started slowly, and later had no problems to run 10km, half marathon or even marathon at pretty good times. But nowadays I just can't, something broke in me. I take my fav music, start running and after few mins I feel like I wanna quit, I wanna jump from that bridge, even stops for few seconds to think about it.

Probably you won't know it, but you ALL mean much for me. I've been here for 6 years and it simply stays in you. Even if lot of people left. You simply have that little bit of FR in your heart, at least I have it. And just by writing this here, I feel kinda better. I don't know what to do, where am I going, but I guess sometimes in your life you need to say it out, loud, there, to the world. I'm still relatively close to fucking collapse and mental breakdown, but. I need to beat so much fears and suicide seems like an easier way to do it. But easier ways never bring you anyway, right?

If you don't mind I will keep updating this post.

Emobot7 7 years ago
543 11489

If you don't mind I will keep updating this post.

Please do! We want to be able to support you to the best of our ability and to know how thing are going for you.

As for you not being able to see a reason why you should stay alive, you need to be patient. Sometime, it takes days, weeks or even months before thing get better but trust me, if you stay alive, there is alway a chance to turn thing around and live even more happiness that what you might have lived before. There is no such thing as absolute in life, that what a friend of mine keep telling me and that is the wisest sentence I ever heard. No matter what happen in your life, as long as you cling to some hope, and stay alive, theres a no doubt that you will be able to turn thing around and be happy again at one point. You must simply not give up.

Something else that you might want to do is try rest more, if you go to sleep late, there a chance you'll be tired physically and mentaly and that when the negative thought get worse. Thats how I am anyway, I don't how many time I ended up having anxiety attack when it got late...

Croatian 7 years ago
Bayern Munich, Croatia 23 1323

Keep updating us mate! We're all here for you.

SoccerBoss 7 years ago
Barcelona, Russia 34 804

Don't know if you'll see this but remember that it's better to live your life to the fullest, and finish with a period, rather than going now and finishing with a comma, making everyone wonder what you could've done in your life. I think that most of us have had moments where we felt "useless". Tough times at school, work, etc., but who ever said that life is easy? No one, we all have our struggles. My best advice would be to start going to a local church. You'll find many friendly people there, people willing to help, as long as you tell them your problems. On the other hand, do not start drinking or abusing any kind of substance. This will lead you farther in depression. You've made it thus far in your life, don't stop now, keep on going. As for your job, then I don't really know how I can help you. If it gets too hard, then it'll probably be better for you to find a new job, so that you would have more motivation for work. And finally, do actions for other people. Try to find a occupation in your town/city where you will do volunteer work. There are people out there on the streets also on the edge, and a helping hand from a stranger like you can rotate their plans 180 degrees.

Just hold on and survive this storm, and you'll be stronger next time around.

Joe_Manchester 7 years ago
Manchester United, Egypt 108 627

You need Jesus!

Emobot7 7 years ago
543 11489

Agreed with SoccerBoss, going to the church can help, even if your not that much of a believer, if you go and try to be social, it can help.