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Windsor, Ontario
SunFlash 11 months ago
USA 19 3260
Soccer has given me some of the best sporting memories of my life, and it's still my favourite sport to play. However, for those of you who have been on this forum for awhile, you've liked become increasingly aware of my difficulties with the sport, especially the conduct of the team I grew up supporting, Manchester United.

I won't expand on that here, as there are entire threads full of content that speak to my frustrations, but the easiest way to say it is that while the love for the game is still there, the disillusionment with the institutions has increased to a point where watching the Premier League, and indeed Manchester United, simply does not arose the same emotional response it once did. In the place of elation, there is only apathy.
SunFlash 11 months ago
USA 19 3260
It is for this reason that I will be stepping away from this forum. I don't want to make a big deal out of it, but I've been watching other sports that don't have these problems and it has reignited that connection with sport that soccer has beaten away from me. I could go into the sportwashing, racial dynamics, fan conduct, organization conduct, celebration of criminals - but I won't. Instead I'll say that while the other leagues and sports I watch are attempting to make progress on these issues, European soccer in particular is held in a "old boy's club" so to speak of people who are corrupt, criminal, and out of touch towards their supporters. This I could almost stomach, but it's the supporters themselves whom I've also lost connection with. The tribalness of it all angers me.
SunFlash 11 months ago
USA 19 3260
For those who are curious about where I've gone, I hope this answers those questions. Never have much liked to be the center of attention, and so haven't made a thread. Know that for many of you on this forum, particularly when the Live Chat was actively used, you made watching soccer a better experiencing for me. For that, I thank you. Best of luck in all of your future endeavours, and I can only hope that I provided the same quality towards your soccer experience than you all did mine.
Emrecan_58 5 years ago
Besiktas 149 3375
Hey bro, can you give me your contact information so that we can keep in touch after your exams?
SunFlash 5 years ago Edited
USA 19 3260
Yeah, I have no phone number right now given the situation, but my insta is **** - that might be the best way.
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Yeah, I have no phone number right now given the situation, but my insta is shaun6smith - that might be the best way.
Emobot7 6 years ago
540 11460
Seem like you were right after all about what made Real dominate other team. XD
Lodatz 6 years ago Edited
Tottenham Hotspur, England 150 4992

I saw your comment in that thread, about kicking the shit out of someone else for a change, and figured it's pretty fair for you to make that charge. I won't deny that I can be a mean drunk, so to speak, and have spent a long time standing up for myself against childish crap intended at my expense -- I tend to go for the jugular when I perceive that happening. If I've ever hurt you when you were simply being sincere, or believed you were just standing up for yourself in turn, then I'm sorry. I never meant that to happen, and don't have any personal ill will towards you. In fact, I rather respect your opinion.

FWIW, I hope all's well, and cheers for the kudos re: Spurs. I like to think we've got something to be proud of right now, as do United. Peace.
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I saw your comment in that thread, about kicking the shit out of someone else for a change, and figured that was earned. I won't deny that I can be a mean drunk, so to speak, and have spent a long time standing up for myself against childish crap intended at my expense -- I tend to go for the jugular when I perceive that happening. If I've ever hurt you when you were simply being sincere, or believed you were just standing up for yourself in turn, then I'm sorry. I never meant that to happen, and don't have any personal ill will.

FWIW, I hope all's well, and cheers for the kudos re: Spurs. I like to think we've got something to be proud of right now, as do United. Peace.

I saw your comment in that thread, about kicking the shit out of someone else for a change, and figured that was earned. I won't deny that I can be a mean drunk, so to speak, and have spent a long time standing up for myself against childish crap intended at my expense -- I tend to go for the jugular when I perceive that happening. If I've ever hurt you when you were simply being sincere, or believed you were just standing up for yourself in turn, then I'm sorry. I never meant that to happen, and don't have any personal ill will towards you. In fact, I rather respect your opinion.

FWIW, I hope all's well, and cheers for the kudos re: Spurs. I like to think we've got something to be proud of right now, as do United. Peace.
SunFlash 6 years ago
USA 19 3260
Ha, I'm ok about it. I take both myself and sports in general a lot less seriously than I used too. Maybe it's actually doing some work within Sport Management that basically taught me that much of this is borderline reality TV, and it's allowed me to take a step back from it all. I still enjoy United, and I'm optimistic about what's happening here, but I'm by no means the diehard I once was for United, or even sports as a whole.

You're a good dude, and the forum is a better place with you around. Spurs fan really does help the mood around here.
Emrecan_58 7 years ago
Besiktas 149 3375
Hey, bro how u doin'? I just hope you don't leave the site man. You are one of the people in this website that I would want to get in touch and talk about the world.
tuan_jinn 7 years ago
Manchester United, Netherlands 198 6912
Hey mate,

Your comment on tiki's complaint thread is very much appreciated, And you told the stuffs that sometime we can't politically say it. :D Not at a certain moment to avoid unnecessary hatred and conflict. You know what I mean right. Anyway, I read your comment again and I saw that goodbye thingy. I hope you dont mean to leave right mate?????
Emobot7 7 years ago
540 11460
Damn some people are annoying. Don't you think so Sun? Anyway, I thought I would talk football with someone who actually knew a thing or two about it so I dropped on your wall. Thought for what you think will happen in 2018? And please mate, stop ignoring my message on your wall but keep on answering people who act like troll on the forum. Its getting insulting at time. :P
SunFlash 7 years ago
USA 19 3260
Lol I don't check my wall, I always forget that's a thing, since I don't get alerts for when someone posts here. While I appreciate the compliment, I don't usually attempt to predict things, especially because it's pretty open and shut this year in the leagues. Barca will win La Liga. City will win the EPL. PSG will win in France. Boring, boring. The UCL may be interesting, but the winter window isn't even over yet, tough to pick sides.
Emobot7 7 years ago
540 11460
Funny, I do get notification on my wall... :O Wonder if its a bug. Anyway, don't worry about it. I guess I agree with you on PL, La Liga, Ligue 1. Even Bayern Munich are 98% sure of winning Bundesliga. Even Juventus will propably win Serie once again even if Napoli are resisting as best as they can.
tuan_jinn 7 years ago
Manchester United, Netherlands 198 6912
@Sun plz dont ignore Emo :D:D:D:D. @Sun: what do you think about Mou's management this year so far? I hate to see Man City so successful and Mou keeps being Mou, too much involve in the irrelevant stuffs and forget on his own brilliances
Emobot7 7 years ago
540 11460
Well, he might take some time to notice to your question but I'm sure he'll get back to it at one point. If you care about my point, I must say Mou management has been quite weird for his standard. He managed to stay away from controversy a bit more but he still failed to get results at time where he should have and failed to give his team a really powerful and dangerous style in attack. His mentality doesn't seem to improve enough. :(
Emobot7 7 years ago Edited
540 11460
Oh man, its look like the MLS final is going to be Sounders vs Toronto all over again. I hate it when its a win win situation for you. :P Btw I got a lot of respect for Altidore scoring the winner for Toronto despite being injured from what I heard. Thats some good stuff. :D
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Oh man, its look like the MLS final is going to be Sounders vs Toronto all over again. I hate it when its a win win situation for you. :P Btw I got a lot of respect for Altidore for scoring the winner for Toronto despite being injured from what I heard. Thats some good stuff. :D
Emobot7 7 years ago
540 11460
Hey man, you need to come back more often on the forum if you have the time. If need be, I'll try to make thing smoother for you as well if possible. It would be really great and I would appreciate it in particular. :)
Emobot7 7 years ago
540 11460
Dude, are you back? :D
SunFlash 7 years ago
USA 19 3260
Here and there. Two weeks to clear my head was good. I doubt I'll ever be as involved to the extent I was before though.
Emobot7 7 years ago
540 11460
Never expected you to come here once a day but more than 2 or 3 time a week is good enough in my book. ;)
Emobot7 7 years ago Edited
540 11460
No problem mate, but to be fair, I think its ok to react to bait as well from time to time, let some steam off, even I have had hard time resisting replying to some other user comment most of the time. Anyway, just make sure to come back later and keep on sharing with us your great opinions and analysis. We'll be waiting for them. ;)
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No problem mate, but to be fair, I think its ok to react to bait as well from time to time, let some steam off, even I have had hard time resisting replying to some other user comment most of the time. Anyway, just make sure to come back later and keep on sharing with us your great opinion and analysis. We'll be waiting for it. ;)
Golefty 7 years ago
Toronto FC 27 1017
hope your not actually considering leaving the forum,

think Seattle will get lucky again this year :P?
SunFlash 7 years ago
USA 19 3260
No. This year's version of TFC is the best MLS team I have ever seen. It would be a major upset to me if they didn't win it all.
Golefty 7 years ago
Toronto FC 27 1017
pretty amazing how far we have come in a few years , i remember going to the TFC games and being thankful for seeing a goal in 2-1 home defeat, would be epic if it was same teams in final this year!
Golefty 7 years ago
Toronto FC 27 1017
I guess we will be seeing you again in the final! incredible stuff , sounders looking better this year ?
Emobot7 7 years ago
540 11460
Might want to calm down with golazo and stop bringing up his team choice to the topic please. Would be appreciated dude.
tiki_taka 7 years ago
Barcelona, France 367 9768
Saudi Arabia case, US were supporting ISIS financially and military making Saudi do the dirty job, Trump is negociting the end of the support which will expose him to Zionist lobbies fury internally like Aipac and to be on ISRAËL blacklist internationally which is dangerous... as you can see, anything is good to keep US and Russia away from making peace, that would change the face of the world.
Trump is not an angel, but he is the first free president since JFK and it's the reason he is going to demonized until the end. But it's not really a problem he doesn't need support to achieve his goals...
tiki_taka 7 years ago
Barcelona, France 367 9768
At the end we don't have many opposite views on that, very hard for me to talk about politics in English, I believe Trump will fail not because he isn't well prepared or not doing right things, the problem is that they won't make him succeed, if he was popular as much as JFK he would be dead right now. Fact is that he is still president because he won't change things that much, he negotiated with the devil to have the chance to start rebuilding US infrastructure at the expense of many good change of trajectories he wanted but he won't do right now. That's the price he paid for making his country benefits from its own wealth....
chelsea8 7 years ago
Chelsea, Iran 17 2219
Hey mate, i just wanted to apologise for being rude. I just sometimes get easily triggered and don't mean the stuff i say.
Emobot7 8 years ago
540 11460
Made this thread if you and Dynast want to start a bigger discution about Robben, Ribery, Iniesta and Modric.
Madridista11 8 years ago
Real Madrid, Somalia 41 831
Hey man. Was wondering if you're down to chill and talk footy since we live in the same city. What do you say brotha?
tuan_jinn 8 years ago
Manchester United, Netherlands 198 6912
Yooo mate, I was asking where are you? And just saw you are back. Hows it going?
SunFlash 8 years ago
USA 19 3260
I check my wall once a century. Been very busy with university, having a rough go of it so I'm regrettably not spending as much time here.
Emobot7 8 years ago
540 11460
Hey lad, I just wanted to be sure we were all good, you sounded weird when you left the livescore earlier and I was worried I might have angered you with what I said.
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