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Real Madrid
VAMOSBenfica 6 years ago
15 183
The tweet was removed recently, but you can check quarters, semis and finals season by season on Wikipedia and confirm that the numbers are correct (which is what I did to verify, takes a bit of time, but if you really want to confirm that the numbers are correct as well, it's the best way). Hope you have a good day :-)
SunFlash 7 years ago
USA 19 3260
I saw you noted on my wall that you wanted to meet up in RL. If you're still on board with that, let me know in the next little bit here and we can figure something out.
Madridista11 6 years ago
Real Madrid, Somalia 41 831
Hey man. I'm gonna be a little busy the next couple months, but yea I'm down to chill. I'll message you some time to see when's a good time for both of us.
tiki_taka 7 years ago
Barcelona, France 367 9768
I was banned lol, thanks bro.
Emrecan_58 8 years ago
Besiktas 149 3375
Kurdish people calls Diyarbakır city "Amed". Turkish army's and police forces' operations in Southeast of Turkey had many conflicts (operated by Government- Akp Party) between Turkish rightists and Kurdish Leftists. And the terrorist actions of PKK are increased lately. We have warned the government a couple of years ago to not negotiate with them in any way. But they did not listen to us and now these happen.
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