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Emobot7 4 years ago
540 11460
Hey Emre, you really don't need to lose your time with user like milanlamiavita, when you see them breaking thre community rule, don't worry about banning them, especially if they are known offender.

Hope you are doing okay buddy. ;)
Emrecan_58 4 years ago
Besiktas 149 3375
Thank you bro. How is everything going in your life?
Emobot7 4 years ago
540 11460
I'm fine, thing are pretty calm and slow as usual but that fit me just fine. ;)
Lodatz 5 years ago
Tottenham Hotspur, England 150 4992
When are you going to ban Dynastian for being racist? He lies about me, lies about my country, lies about my race, is constantly insulting them, and has been doing this for YEARS.

I will not let this go. I will not be quiet about it. This is utterly disgusting that I get a ban simply for sharing CORRECT HISTORICAL INFORMATION to stand up for myself against his bigotry.

When is someone going to do something about this? I am sick and tired of suffering his racism, only for him to lie to you and get what he wants. So long as none of you punish him, I feel perfectly justified in continuing to call him out until he gets the ban he has deserved for years now.
Emrecan_58 5 years ago
Besiktas 149 3375
I did not have time to go over the conversations, but some other mod had already done it and given you and "Dynastian" a ban so I thought it was a right decision. I will also check the arguments when I have time.
Dynastian98 5 years ago
Real Madrid 483 7140
You can find more examples of Lodatz harassing me on my wall. It's at the very top.
Dynastian98 5 years ago
Real Madrid 483 7140
Hey, I'd like to report Lodatz for this particular comment. Not only is he representing false history as truthful, but he's also explicitly insulting the millions of Indians, Africans, Native Americans, and many more who have/had suffered and brutally died under the colonial rule of European nations in the past. Moreover, he is repeatedly attacking me personally (as he has been doing for years) on threads whenever he comments. He specifically seems to comment simply to attack me personally. In light of this recent personal attack being just one example of COUNTLESS he's done to me over the years, and seeing that Tuan_jinn has previously warned him, I'm requesting that the moderators take severe action against him. I'm sick and tired of his personal harassment.
Lodatz 5 years ago
Tottenham Hotspur, England 150 4992
Every single thing I said is true. Every word. Go look it up for yourself.
Emobot7 6 years ago Edited
540 11460
Supporting Portugal now? I know you were going to switch national team at one point from your last discussion about Turkey, Still, thats pretty cool, is it because of Pepe and of Quaresma? :)
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Supporting Portugal now? I know you were going to switch national team at one point from your last discussion about Turkey, Still, thats pretty cool, is it because of Pepe? :)
Emrecan_58 6 years ago
Besiktas 149 3375
Yup. But not for only Pepe and Quaresma. Beşiktaş had Portugese players for years and I always supported them in previous tournaments. It was at any moment now. Will not change it anymore.

How's your life going?
Emobot7 6 years ago
540 11460
I'm doing well! Thank you. Not much happening in my life now but I'm starting to make some project to change that little by little. Also. Don't worry about my comment, it just that I hadn't remarked it until recently. I wouldn't be well placed to judge anyway. XD How life been going for you though?
Emrecan_58 6 years ago Edited
Besiktas 149 3375
No worries bro. I am quite busy lately. Puzzling my brain with a new method in theoretical mathematics of electromagnetics and studying lectures in my department. I actually proved the new method we found with our professor, we'll publish it sometime after all the simulations are done. What is your project will be about?
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No worries bro. I am quite busy lately. Puzzling my brain with a new method in theoretical mathematics of electromagnetics and studying lectures in my department. I actually proved the new method we found with our professor, we'll publish it sometime after all the simulations are done. I also will work as a software engineer in Delphi Tech. for the last year of university, probably. But I will try to make time for here. What is your project will be about?
Emobot7 6 years ago
540 11460
Ah, just something simple to start getting a bit of money on the side. Nothing shady though, I promise. ;) Not nearly as impressive as what your doing either mate. :D
Emrecan_58 6 years ago
Besiktas 149 3375
It's cool man. It is always impressive when you decide to change your life. Maybe, if I get accepted and choose to study Canada universities next year, I might need your help ;)
Emobot7 6 years ago
540 11460
If that happen, I'll do all I can but I can promise much, I'm not very good at having people depend on me in real life. XD ... :(
Emobot7 6 years ago
540 11460
Hey, don't worry about that Hellraider guy, what he said didn't bother me at all. ;)
Emrecan_58 6 years ago
Besiktas 149 3375
Thanks man. I know him, he's been commenting since very long time.
SunFlash 6 years ago
USA 19 3260
Hey Emre. I wasn't going to say anything else on this site, but I saw your message and figured you were entitled to some sort of explanation. To be honest, ever since your post on that one thread where you mentioned your likelihood of committing suicide I've made more of an effort to get to know you as a user and as a person, and I appreciate the reciprocation that you appeared to show in your message. You're a great person and make this forum a better place. Regrettably, I don't feel the same way about my own contributions these days. I used to get very emotionally involved in sports, and nowadays that's just not the case anymore. I find passionate fans irrational and annoying, and for better or for worse that's much of what this forum is now opposed to reasonable discussion.
SunFlash 6 years ago Edited
USA 19 3260
I've become incredibly disillusioned towards fans as a whole, and don't value mean-spirited banter whatsoever, nor the inevitable fallout it inspires. The debacle in that thread hardened whatever was left of the happy-go-lucky SunFlash of years past, nothing like seeing two legendary users getting into a fight to put that into perspective. If I could take a forum of you, Tuan, Emo, Dynastian, Madridsta, Quik, ray, rain and louis, I'd do it in a heartbeat. But every time I come here it just reinforces my own negativity and that's not something I need. Like Marcus said, we aren't little children anymore. I didn't want to be a drama queen myself and draw attention to my own frustrations, that would be both hypocritical and wouldn't solve anything. I just can't do this any longer.
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I've become incredibly disillusioned towards fans as a whole, and don't value mean-spirited banter whatsoever, nor the inevitable fallout it inspires. The debacle in that thread hardened whatever was left of the happy-go-lucky SunFlash of years past, nothing like seeing two legendary users getting into a fight to put that into perspective. If I could take a forum of you, Tuan, Emo, Dynastian, Madridsta, Quik, ray, rain and louis, I'd do it in a heartbeat. But every time I come here it just reinforces my own negativity and that's not something I need. Like Marcus said, we aren't little children anymore. I didn't want to be a drama queen myself and draw attention to my own frustrations, that would be both hypocritical and wouldn't solve anything. I assume that post will be my last.
Emrecan_58 6 years ago Edited
Besiktas 149 3375
I understand that. As you have probably noticed, I haven't been the most active either for the last couple of months.
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I understand that. As you have probably noticed, I haven't been the most active either for the last couple of months. But still I would be glad to have your contacts somehow and if I ever decide to come over there, which is very possible, we can have a beer and talk some footballi politics and life in general, in the near future?
Emobot7 7 years ago
540 11460
Congrats on the big win mate! Hopefully, it will give the team the momentum they need to continue doing well in both the league and in CL. :D
Emrecan_58 7 years ago
Besiktas 149 3375
Thanks bro :) I am not sure how it will give the team momentum since we played with our B team. Happy for those guys though. Especially for Lens, Negredo, Orkan Çınar. They got some confidence now. Our next game is Galatasaray which will be some kind of a decider. A must win game. I suggest you not to miss that game this weekend.
Emobot7 7 years ago
540 11460
@Emrecan Thanks for telling me, will try to find the time to watch it.
Croatian 7 years ago
Bayern Munich, Croatia 23 1323
Hey mate, just few questions. What is with Tudor? I saw Galatasaray was leading in Turkish league which quite suprised me, next week they lost to Basaksehir 5-1 though. I thought Besiktas would be first just judging from their UCL group form. What do you think, will he make it in better club? I know he is decent manager and one of best Croatian managers atm with Bilic and probably Prosinecki + Dalic. Also, how is Mitrovic? Haven't heard anything about him for a while, he did well against Ukraine, would be sad to see him get wasted. ;(
Emrecan_58 7 years ago
Besiktas 149 3375
Tudor was actually awful at first, before they made the summer transfers. They spent like 60 Milllion Euros and rebuilt the whole squad except Muslera (Our A squad is built with 6 Million Euros by the way). He was quite good with Karabük also but I don't think he is a top class manager to take charge of an EPL team. If Galatasaray fails to win the league, he'll be gone even before the season ends. We are not first because our players(Quaresma,Babel and Talisca) don't seem to care about Süper Lig which is quite frustrating. Anyone can easily see the difference between our CL games and Süper Lig games. Babel explained and complained about the situation as how the Süper Lig teams play with 11-men defence against Beşiktaş since we are back to back champions. But I think it's not an excuse.
Emrecan_58 7 years ago
Besiktas 149 3375
Even though Bilic never won the league with us, he was a fans favourite. Mitrovic got some time lately, I always trusted him and he's been solid in his games. Pepe-Tosic are the first choice CBs atm, Medel for Tosic sometimes. But I am not sure how Mitrovic will get time if Vida arrives. He'll probably be loaned. But training with a defender like Pepe will never gonna be a wasted time ;)
Croatian 7 years ago
Bayern Munich, Croatia 23 1323
Atleast hope Besiktas can go into quarters of UCL, liked them since Bilić days. They seem to be best managed team in Turkey and really hope players can turn the situation in league. Would honestly prefer Mitrović to be sent on loan somewhere. I really hope he can replace Ćorluka in few years.
Emrecan_58 7 years ago
Besiktas 149 3375
I believe he may be able to replace Corluka in the future. I trust him. Tudor's days are numbered. I saw no tactics today. Was too easy for Beşiktaş.
amir_keal 7 years ago
Arsenal, Netherlands 66 2895
Hey man, is there something that can be done about supposedly moderator Dynastian98? I once requested him to not post on my wall, because his reasoning was not justified, but he decides to do so anyway. Again, on a Bayern Munich thread, he decided to ban me for something unjustified. He constantly moans about the lack of respect he gets as a moderator, without looking at himself. He posts on my wall, despite my request. He also decides to undelete his messages on MY wall. Its been going on for months now. Seriously, I've tried respecting him, but he never shows the same, and now he bans me. I want your take on it.
amir_keal 7 years ago
Arsenal, Netherlands 66 2895
Also, one thing. Please be as honest as you can. I dont want you just taking someone's side for no reason, that's all.
Emrecan_58 7 years ago
Besiktas 149 3375
I don't know what those unjustified reasons so I won't be able to say something clear. But we'll discuss and let you know.
amir_keal 7 years ago
Arsenal, Netherlands 66 2895
I mean stuff like 'this is Bill, be like Bill'. Since Tuan and Emo say they dont mind me doing it as long as I don't spam ( which I haven't done), it kinda makes it unjustified, even for a warning level. Then it leads to my wall being bombarded by the mod. Hope that explains it better than I did. Keep me posted.
Emrecan_58 7 years ago
Besiktas 149 3375
Hi, the moderators seems to be right on the issue. But if you keep making your own logical comments, you will be safe. Just don't insult or mock about other teams. It seems like the main issue why you get banned. And you also called a moderator "bitch" which was a reason for you to get banned. If you're saying I don't spam than it's cool. You won't get banned again. And Dynastian will not undelete the comments again.
amir_keal 7 years ago
Arsenal, Netherlands 66 2895
Alright, no worries. When I said something about Juve italian media favours them so they made a fake story about two players arguing at HT, as their excuse for losing the Champions League. That would have caused anger amongst ultras, but Emo didn't understand and took it the hard way. No worries I'll just try to explain it a bit more next time. Thank you for not taking a side and being honest.
Croatian 7 years ago
Bayern Munich, Croatia 23 1323
'sup mate, I just wanted to ask how is Mitrovic doing so far in Besiktas? His move was hyped in Croatian media and I heard he had a nice run of form, but how good is he and can he be starter this season? Would you like Vida playing in Besiktas with him? Thanks in advance ;)
Emrecan_58 7 years ago
Besiktas 149 3375
Hey man. Unfortunately, he didn't play very nice this season. And he wasn't given many chances. But he has the potential and he is still young. I believe he will play better and get more chances this season. Can not say that he will definitely be the starter this season until I see all the CB transfers. If Marcelo leaves he will probably get his chance to shine. I will keep you informed about him.
About Vida, I definitely want to see him at Beşiktaş. Because Mitrovic and Vida duo seem to play very good together (at least from what I've seen in Croatia NT). But we don't have the resource to buy him unless any case of a barter. I've heard that we offered 2M plus Boyko for Vida. Not sure they'd accept the offer tho. But his contract expires this year so they'll want to sell him I think.
Croatian 7 years ago
Bayern Munich, Croatia 23 1323
Yep, I heard Marcelo had great season. Also on topic of NT, Mitrovic was very good but matches against Finland and Kosovo were without much threat for our goal. He still managed to score a goal vs Kosovo and him and Vida impressed me in their organisation of defence and especially build-up play from defence. He was very good in Croatian league and I think Besiktas will help his development a lot.
Emrecan_58 7 years ago
Besiktas 149 3375
After Pepe's arrival, no doubt Mitrovic will improve a lot ;)
Dynastian98 7 years ago
Real Madrid 483 7140
Thanks bro. It's really an honor to watch this Madrid squad. I know all good things must come to an end eventually, but this is one of the greatest teams in history and I'm happy I can breathe and live through every moment of it. Congratulations on Besiktas' title, by the way. I know next to nothing about Turkish football, but I'm glad you got to see your team lift the trophy.
Emrecan_58 7 years ago
Besiktas 149 3375
Hey man. I guess I missed your comment somehow. Thank you :)
Dynastian98 7 years ago
Real Madrid 483 7140
I feel like Tiki is just continuously posting hate threads or content against Real Madrid and Ronaldo. What are your thoughts on this? Ofc, I'm biased as a Madridista, but I just want to hear your opinion.
Emrecan_58 7 years ago
Besiktas 149 3375
Are you talking about The Monster 2017 thread? The thread itself is not directly towards Ronaldo or Real Madrid but the comments in the thread is. I am not sure if he is doing it on purpose but he did it a few times before, that's for sure. Considering the two are the best players in the world, there will always be comparisons. Still it is never cool to criticize one of these players when that player wasn't even involved in the thread. And that player is usually Ronaldo. About Real Madrid, you won the league and play in the UCL Final as remaining champs. Who cares about what people say man :D
Wolfie 7 years ago
Inter, Germany 94 1844
My condolences about your friend. 64% voted for this monster and many are very confused over this. About the other user, yes I remember it. Infact I remember asking you take it to your walls as it begun to spiral. There was a coup I watched when the army tried to gain control.. A person like him, who stands for fear and brutality has no place in the modern World. I really hope more innocent people don't get caught up in this conflict and doesn't turn into another Syria. Stay safe, and stay away from the brainwashed radicals. They are worse as they are no longer their brother keeper. All the best buddy.
Emrecan_58 7 years ago
Besiktas 149 3375
Agreed. Thank you for your kind words mate. Take care.
Emobot7 7 years ago
540 11460
I'm okay mate, nothing new for me however, still hoping thing get better for you and happy to hear you keep watching despite your study and those hard time in your country. Hang in there mate. ;)
Emobot7 7 years ago Edited
540 11460
Hey mate, seem like your spending more time on the forum lately, guessing you have some free time or something so I thought I would ask how your doing. So, how are you? :)
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Hey mate, seem like your spending more time on the forum lately, guessing you have some free time or something so I thought I would ask how your doing. So, how are you mate? :)
Amerr30 7 years ago
Real Madrid, Bosnia-Herzegovina 56 616
Well, I think it was unnecessary but you're the boss. You got to protect your members, regardless how odd they may be, and especially if they are a source of amusement. :)
Amerr30 7 years ago
Real Madrid, Bosnia-Herzegovina 56 616
Was it really that bad, what I said, that it needed deleting? Tsk, tsk. :/
Emrecan_58 7 years ago
Besiktas 149 3375
Both of your's were not that bad but I've left a warning in the thread before you wrote, saying " I will ban anyone who personally attacks" . Since you were out of the main argument I just deleted the comments.
Eden17Hazard17 7 years ago
Chelsea FC 157 4232
Hey man. I've been quite busy with work recently hence my absence from the forum. No, I didn't see the dive so thanks for sharing. The lad has talent, so hopefully he cleans up that side of his game.
chelsea8 7 years ago
Chelsea, Iran 17 2219
Ok bro, thank you!
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