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Trouble in paradise - Cavani vs Neymar
Golazo111 7 years ago
Chelsea, Mexico 70 2607
tuan_jinn 7 years ago
Manchester United, Netherlands 198 6912

That's pretty sad.

It's not a big deal yet, but they better sort it out quickly before it gets really rotten.

LOl makes Neymar appreciates how nice Messi was (he already appreciated that, but more)

Louis15 7 years ago
Paris Saint-Germain, France 0 59

Alves was wrong to do that... Neymar was also wrong to disturb Cavani before taking the penalty. Neymar is better than Cavani but that decision is up to the coach. And if it's undecided, Cavani has been playing for PSG for many years and is our n°9, Neymar and Alves just got to PSG. They should have more respect. People that think otherwise are just wrong... No player is bigger than their club. Little disapointed by the brazilian's attitude to be honest.

Just wanted to clear that up for people who back up Neymar and Alves on this.

tuan_jinn 7 years ago
Manchester United, Netherlands 198 6912

@Luis: agreed!

Cavani's contribution to PSG is way higher to any of those "high $" new comers. That wasn't very respectful

quikzyyy 7 years ago
Arsenal 429 9010

Cavani is regular penalty taker at PSG, isn't he? Gotta feel for him. Played second hustle on LW because of Ibra. Then he bangs 49 goals in 50 matches and Quatar decides to bring new toy. Emery better sort this fast because I doubt Cavani will want to stay.

Golazo111 7 years ago
Chelsea, Mexico 70 2607

Dani Alves showed some serious bias there towards his countryman Neymar, when he could have either stayed away or be a gentleman and explain some things to the young Neymar.
But gentlemans are less and less in football, at least Messi knew and knows how to act around guys like Neymar,Suarez for their own good so that they dont end up looking bad.

Yvan21 7 years ago
0 440

Emery's just there for show, at the end it's up to Al-Khelaifi to decide :p I'm sure he doesn't want to risk the most expensive signing in the history of football to be angry and want to leave. Cavani's days in PSG are coming to an end next season I think.
With that said, it's what I expect from Dani Alves. His footballing talent is only surpassed by his immaturity level. He's been a big baby throughout his career

Emobot7 7 years ago
543 11489

MCN looked so good as well but now, it seem like it gonna be more and more complicated for them. Hope Emery will sort this out, the manager need to wear his pants in situation like that, he can't just go with the flow. To be fair, feel like PSG need someone like Zidane to manage the team, someone who will be able to command respect and discipline from his player. Emery doesn't strike me as that sadly. :(

raimondo90 7 years ago
Valencia, Argentina 89 2492

From Emery's declaration PSG's ok takers have to rotate as here is no set player assigned to do it. Obviously Neymar was used to Messi and Suarez sharing goals all the time and Cavani is not about to let Neymar come in and do as he pleases.
I feel like the captain needs to step in first and discipline his teammates before Emery has to impose something.

Anyways its a lack of class and these disputes need to happen in the dressing room.

Yvan21 7 years ago
0 440

@Emo lol Zidane's ours tho :p I feel like Puyol should become a coach so he can teach some of these new age stars a thing or two about respect :)

SunFlash 7 years ago
USA 19 3260

I personally thought him kicking out at Fekir is kind of a bigger story.

Neymar has always been a piece of shite, but it was tempered often at Barca what with Inestia and Messi around - that being said, I remember him kicking out and diving left right and center. I recall on the first travel team I played with, we had a kid who was simply better than everyone else. And it showed - he could do no wrong, if it was bullying players, diving, being a generally irritating pest, he spent all his time doing it. And everyone lapped it up. Coaches thought he was hot shite, other players idolized him, and even the refs and opposition had a tendency to let things go his way. For the record, he was a fantastic player. The first game I played with him, he scored a bicycle kick at an age where many kids are having trouble heading a ball with their eyes open. (12, if you're wondering).

He went up to Toronto FC's academy - the coach there wouldn't even let him train. He was that much of a c*nt.

The point of this is that Neymar's starting to remind me of this kid. The difference is that Ligue 1 is now Neymar's b*tch. He's their golden boy, the same way he's Brazil's. He practically owns the league. He's their ticket to a UCL title, increased revenue, relevance, and global marketing. And that sucks. Because no one is going to stand up to him like that coach did for my teammate. And you know what happened? His attitude improved, he became a superior player - didn't end up going professional (his parents were both six-figure professionals, and he ended up following that path instead).

So who's going to stand up to Neymar? No one in French football, apparently.

Emobot7 7 years ago Edited
543 11489

@Sunflash I hope he face reality in WC or in CL cause his attitude can get irritating at time. :(

@Yvan I don't want him to leave Madrid either mate, it was just an example. XD Anyway, maybe the problem is PSG director going out of his way to meddle with the way the team is run like someone said, thing can never go right this way. :(

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@Sunflash I hope he face reality in WC or in CL cause his attitude can get irritating at time. :(

Eden17Hazard17 7 years ago
Chelsea FC 157 4232

Well that's awkward

liomessi10 7 years ago
Barcelona, Argentina 222 3053

Definitely think neymar was wrong to even ask for it...

Eden17Hazard17 7 years ago
Chelsea FC 157 4232

Why couldn't Neymar be like this guy...

enter image description here

SunFlash 7 years ago
USA 19 3260


I've never seen a post that has Emo's feel to it posted by someone else.

Emobot7 7 years ago
543 11489

@Sunflash Well, Eden is one of the nicest guy on the forum imo. ;)

Emobot7 7 years ago
543 11489

@Sunflash Lol, lets hope Alves don't hear of that. XD

SunFlash 7 years ago
USA 19 3260

I think he heard.

"Just so you know the last PSG free kick was scored by shut the f*ck up and stop using my name for controversy."

Emobot7 7 years ago Edited
543 11489

@Sunflash Lol, maybe he should have taken it then instead of giving it to Neymar. :P But seriously, Alves managed to make me lose respect for him since he left Juventus. :(

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@Sunflash Lol, maybe he should have take then instead of giving it to Neymar. :P But seriously, Alves managed to make me lose respect for him since he left Juventus. :(