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The Trolls Of FootyRoom
GunnerAFC 13 years ago
Arsenal, England 47 1026

Title says it all.

*In no particular order*

  1. FernandoTorres - This guy can not stand when his team, Chelsea, loses a game. The amount of utter crap he was saying when Arsenal beat Chelsea 5-3 is really unbelievable. Here's an example, ''ARSENALLL GAY GOONERS GAYYYY GOONERSS''. This guy is amazing, lol.

  2. Van Der Adebayor - My personal favourite troll it has to be said. This guy hates Arsenal so much, Its ridiculous. Always first to comment on the Arsenal previews, always calling us s***, always predicting that we are going to lose the game, always saying Spurs are better than Arsenal (Not true) etc etc. Plus I think he is insecure with himself. Just come out the closet man.

  3. Rosario - This guy used to be a major troll but I don't know what happened to him. This guy was hella' racist. Whether you were Black, Asian, Spanish, White, this guy would make racists comments about you. I mean wow. One time, I had a picture of Ryo Miyaichi, and he goes ''Korean fu**** that eat dogs'' what the hell? I'm white dude. But I think I know what effectively stopped him coming onto this site. The whole FootyRoom society got together and mocked Rosario. It was such a wonderful day. People used his Alias and added personal relations on to his name. There was Rosario's Dad, Mom and even Girlfriend. The Girlfriend was the funniest IMO, this is what Rosario's Girlfriend said, ''You guys should know that Rosario has the smallest p.enis on the planet!! Plus I think he's gay because he kept calling me David...oh yes...he's still a virgin!'' LOL. Whoever the Girlfriend was, I give you huge props. Haha.

Honourable mentions: BowermanHotspur (He used to be like Van Der Adebayor but he's gotten more humble now and I'm starting to respect him)

If you know anyone else who is a troll, then feel free to comment about that troll!

Dynastian98 12 years ago
Real Madrid 483 7140

Jesus Christ FernandoTorres is by far the most retarded person on this webpage

sal2011 12 years ago
Barcelona, Venezuela 0 2

guys I figured this shit out, if you notice carefully. fernandoTorres is SergioAguero. 1 cause of the way they both have their names, 2 cause they r both from iraq, and 3 cause they have the same excuse to legitimize the club they r supporting, they say "I am from iraq but i live in holland or brazil or england". and 4th cause whenever that sergioaguero writes something he gets 2 thumbs up, one from his account and the other one from that fernandotorres account.

IGETGIRLS 12 years ago
New York Red Bulls, United States 1 3

you guys honestly have no lives. like wtf? you comment in this site, you create forums? wow honestly you guys should get fucking laid

GunnerAFC 12 years ago
Arsenal, England 47 1026

That is some deep info Sal... wow... think I might have to keep my eye out.. hmm..

Prodigal 12 years ago

Btw I find this igetgirls guy hilarious - especially because he comes to our forum, writes posts about we dont get laid because we post on get the idea :D

MischaCollins 12 years ago
Manchester City, Japan 4 138

@IGETGIRLS Fat morally devoid idiot...he comes on this site trolling and he calls us lifeless hahaha! Get lost and shoot yourself in the leg you redneck cousin mating prick!

SW33TNESS 12 years ago
Chelsea, Germany 1 10

Although Im a Chelsea fan, FernandoTorres is reaaaaaaalllly annoying... Well sometimes he posts good stuff but mostly some bull**** insults with no meaning.. so cut the c*** and become a football fan FernandoTorres!

GunnerAFC 12 years ago
Arsenal, England 47 1026

Well said Sweetness. =]

antonkaj 12 years ago
Juventus, Italy 2 4

Maybe we should try reporting those "Trolls" So that we can comment on good football games without some dumbasses trying trying to ruin it.

GunnerAFC 12 years ago
Arsenal, England 47 1026

Can you report on FootyRoom? :o

Prodigal 12 years ago

I wonder how you're going to report all those trolls without a fix account. Especially those starting on a 'r' and ending on 'osario'.

MatthewHerb 12 years ago
Liverpool, United States 5 72

the ManU 2-2 draw with Benfica page is a battlefield! :D

leganord13 12 years ago

HAHA this is so tragically funny. this pathetic man has dedicated over 8 paragraphs to me. hahahahaha I'm so honoured to have pissed off such a loser. obviously no job and no life for you to sit there and dedicated a whole topic to me hahahahahahahahaha. rosario this rosario that.....oh dio buona....hahahahah

as for Prodigal - I'm fully italian you southern piece of filth. you got scared and blocked me because you are a fake nazi wannabe living in germany. coming on here saying bad things about germans when you live in germany hahahahahahaha.

keep wasting your life away by writing about me. I'm only showing up the fake wankers who support clubs they never see live.


leganord13 12 years ago

you can report me and block me. so what? do you think my life revolves around a pathetic little video page on the net? how unbelievably stupid are you? I make your bloods boil for the following reasons;

support clubs you dont see live
none here hold a season ticket
all are armchair football experts
most spend their time sucking cristiano ronaldo's dick or offer messi a nose job
turkish and ignorant
living in other countries and and immgrant

bunch of pathetic little children. What a sad sad lot. a whole topic dedicated to 'trolls' hahahhahahahahahahahahahaha

Gojira 12 years ago
Arsenal, Germany 12 122

ah...the p.u.s.s.y has a c.o.c.k inside it now...rosario has an account...

GunnerAFC 12 years ago
Arsenal, England 47 1026

If it doesn't bother you so much, then why did you dedicate writing paragraphs about how you don't care? Hmm.

I've been to Arsenal games. Not a season ticket holder though. Because right now I don't have the money. If I did, I'd go to every live game. But I pay for SkySports and watch the games on tele, which is my alternate solution. Oh, and I am going to watch Arsenal play City live on the 29th. Which should be fun.

But that's just me, Idk about the other people on here.

But you are such an idiot Rosario.

leganord13 12 years ago

I wrote it so you understand that all this makes me laugh. the fact there is someone out there who really has no life....up to the extent that he can actually get wound up by some person on the internet. I mean how unbelievably sensitive are you? just relax for goodness sake.

you don't have money? well go and get a job you bum. hahaha sky sports....that is exactly what i said. all you arsenal, moan u and liverpool etc etc fans are nothing but armchair fenatics. I bet my life that there is a smaller club close to where you live....but you don't support them because you are so up your own backside, that you have to try and look cool by supporting a top flight club. grow the fuck up. don't take people so seriously. to actually dedicate a whole post to 'trolls'....i mean really.....

GunnerAFC 12 years ago
Arsenal, England 47 1026

Look at my first thread post. Read all of it. Most of the time I'm saying ''lol'' and what not. How am I getting wound up if I find idiots like you trolling on a highlights site funny? lol. Keyboard warrior.

Don't have money? I go University, £9000 a year. I WILL get my advanced education, something you probably will never get, cus dipstick dumbasses like you don't get education. I'd rather do Uni first, then get rich in future with my sexy ass job, get paid loads, go watch every game live, invest in my football club that I love, which is in my area, which is North London, which is where ARSENAL is situated in.

Need I say more? You've got nothing on me. Get on my level.

Oh and here's to remind you about your girlfriend,

''You guys should know that Rosario has the smallest p.enis on the planet!! Plus I think he's gay because he kept calling me David...oh yes...he's still a virgin!''


UltrasBrescia1911 12 years ago
Brescia, Italy 8 5

creating fake accounts in order to post messages that are fake is not trolling?

I work three days in england and 2 days in italy. meet up with me in north london. lets have a chat. are you up for that?

GunnerAFC 12 years ago
Arsenal, England 47 1026

@UltrasBrescia1911 Are you talking to me or??? =o