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TalkRoom Testing
FootyRoom 11 years ago
36 175

Currently there are two errors that people encounter.

  1. A blank page

  2. Page displays error messages.

If you have any of these problems please state so. It would also be helpful if you can attach a picture of the error. If you are using Google Chrome, press Ctrl + Shift + I (Windows) or Cmd + Opt + I (Mac) and go to Console tab. Make a screenshot of that too.

You can attach pictures here or send email to

Thank you!

KingHenry 11 years ago
Arsenal, France 44 1362

all's working well for me so far

netsten 11 years ago
Chelsea, Belgium 44 992

No blank page anymore, seems to works well now !

shpalman 11 years ago
AC Milan, Italy 55 2252

Room working and looking great here, i'm running chrome :)

tuan_jinn 11 years ago Edited
Manchester United, Netherlands 198 6912

It's working. But:

  1. it doesn't scroll down correctly at least in Chrome and Firefox. I think the scroll to last caret function works but not entirely (give it a little offset might fix it). The last entered text can't be seen unless you scroll down.

  2. For the chat-viewport give it a little more width, the chat-viewport has a fixed width of 330px. It should be min-width cuz this doesn't take advantage of the wide screen side.
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It's working. But:

  1. it doesn't scroll down correctly at least in Chrome and Firefox. I think the scroll to last caret function works but not entirely (give it a little offset might fix it).

  2. Btw, give it a little more width, the chat-viewport has a fixed width of 330px. It should be min-width cuz this doesn't take advantage of the wide screen side.
FootyRoom 11 years ago
36 175

@tuan_jinn: not sure what you mean about point 1, but point 2 is valid. In the future release we will take care of it.

tuan_jinn 11 years ago Edited
Manchester United, Netherlands 198 6912

Point 1 is: in chrome, when I submit a new chat text, the chat-viewport stay in the same position and I have to scroll down abit to see the text.

I just tested it again and it works, really strange. So please ignore point 1

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Point 1 is: in chrome, when I submit a new chat text, the chat-viewport stay the same and I have to scroll down abit to see the text.

I just tested it again and it works, really strange. So please ignore point 1

tuan_jinn 11 years ago
Manchester United, Netherlands 198 6912

Actually, It doesn't work again, I will take screenshot

  1. First enter some text to chat:

  1. Hit "Chat" to submit text, the text is inserted "BELOW" and the scroll bar is not scrolling down automatically, you need to scroll down to see it.

It's not a show stopper, but if you want it to be natural and nice, It should be fixed.

FootyRoom 11 years ago
36 175

Okay, I need to check it on Windows I guess. Because it auto-scrolls in Chrome on Mac. The way logic works is that if you scrolled up then it won't auto-scroll on new messages - it assumes you are looking up at the history. However, if your chat is scrolled all the way down then it assumes you are in chatting mode and want to receive all new messages, so it will auto-scroll for you.

shpalman 11 years ago Edited
AC Milan, Italy 55 2252

ok i had the first glitch with the chat, at the moment the chat does not autoscroll when a new comment is written.

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ok i had the forst glitch with the chat, at the moment the chat does not autoscroll when a new comment is written.

Tuanis 11 years ago
Manchester United, England 87 2311

I hate the fact that as the chat goes on we have to scroll manually to see new comments. It should automatically take you to the newest comment. I dont like to be scrolling to read every single comment.

quikzyyy 11 years ago Edited
Arsenal 429 9010

Hello, I think I'm not the only one who thinks that the chat is too small. I try to edit it a bit, maybe you will like it.


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Hello, I think I'm not the only one who thinks that the chat is too small. I try to edit it a bit.


shpalman 11 years ago Edited
AC Milan, Italy 55 2252

that^ looks nice. beside being more practical, it also fills the page taking away the empty space. empty space is perceived as lack of content most of the times by the users. also, in that way you can use the chat on smartphone on any browser.

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that^ looks nice. beside being more practical, it also fills the page taking away the empty space. empty space is perceived as lack of content most of the times by the users.

that^ looks nice. beside being more practical, it also fills the page taking away the empty space. empty space is perceived as lack of content most of the times by the users. also think also in that way you can use the chat on smartphone on any browser.

tuan_jinn 11 years ago
Manchester United, Netherlands 198 6912

@quikzyyy: nice mate, yeah, I mentioned earlier, the chat-viewpot is only 330px fixed. FR said they would upgrade that in the next release.

But if they do like what you suggested, making .ls-match-group-list 100% (the livescore block) and the chat-viewport 100%, then in case of long livescore matches, user might find it annoying to scroll way down to chat.. or even miss the chat entirely (cuz they might be too lazy to see it). So that's not enough. To make it user friendly this way, they will have to add some kind of minimizing feature etc..

tuan_jinn 11 years ago
Manchester United, Netherlands 198 6912

@Footyroom: in most browser the chat box when this page is loaded is at 0 index (initial scroll), it would be better if it's already scroll to the bottom, to see the latest chat messages.

Eden17Hazard17 11 years ago
Chelsea FC 157 4232

I would like to see some more stats in the Chatroom and maybe put some of the preview stuff in there.

KingHenry 11 years ago
Arsenal, France 44 1362

so I think it looks nice and works well, except for that scrolling down thing that happens from time to time. As for how to make it even better here are my suggestions :

  • like some other said, maybe add some basic stats/game events. Goalscorers and goaltimes, inuries, cards, possession, shots, shots on goal.

  • if people on here are familiar with twitch tv, it's a videogame streaming website, the chat is a HUUUGE thing. What makes the chat awesome is the smileys. So maybe add some smileys, the classic ones :) :( :'( :/ :D etc, but what would make it awesome instead of great is if we had custom footyroom smileys. Like a yellow/red card thing, a football, a mourinho face, a wenger face, a rooney face, a howard webb face, a cristiano face, a goal!! smiley, a offside flag smiley, crests of teams, a platini face, an oil baril, an abramovic face, etc etc. Possibilities are endless.

  • when someone connects to the room, have a message pop up saying *KingHenry has entered the ChatRoom*, that way we know when someone's here and we can greet him.

Right now is the best time to do all that testing, with the world cup and the 3 games we have almost everyday. I really like chatting during games, and if FR manages to start a trend during the summer, we'll be back in the room when season starts.

KingHenry 11 years ago
Arsenal, France 44 1362

this is the kind of smileys/emotes I'm thinking about :

that grin though

the rage inducing bus emote

nice oil money

(this is rooney btw)

the chat would get really colourful, and the possibilities are endless !!

shpalman 11 years ago Edited
AC Milan, Italy 55 2252

quote tuan_jinn:
"user might find it annoying to scroll way down to chat.. or even miss the chat entirely (cuz they might be too lazy to see it)."

yes you're right, perhaps in this case would be handy the idea i wrote in the Chatroom names thread, making the chat reachable by link, so at that point also the name dilemma would be solved because we would have both links on top:

Live Scores would bring us at the page the usual way, clicking on Chat/Lounge/Whatever tho', would bring us still in the livescore page, but already scrolled and positioned on the chat box:

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quote tuan_jinn:
"user might find it annoying to scroll way down to chat.. or even miss the chat entirely (cuz they might be too lazy to see it)."

yes you're right, perhaps in this case would be handy the idea i wrote in the Chatroom names thread, making the chat reachable by link, so at that point also the name dilemma would be solved because we would have both links on top:

Live Scores would bring us at the page the usual way, clicking on chat tho', would bring us still in the livescore page, but already scrolled and positioned on the chat box:

shpalman 11 years ago
AC Milan, Italy 55 2252

good stuff :D

KingHenry 11 years ago
Arsenal, France 44 1362

A few other things I've thought about :

  • A real time voting system !! so have a voting system for live games kinda like in the previews, where you have Team 1 wins - Draw - Team 2 wins as possibilities, and have people vote. But as the match progresses you can change your vote. You can display the vote results in real time, and see the results change as the match goes on.

  • A slow mode for the chat, this is something they have on twitch chat as well, to help the mods, when they activate slow mode you can only send a message every 30 seconds for example. That way when the chat is getting out of hand you can control it better. And when people can only talk every 30 seconds they are more careful with what they say.
Discussion Closed