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Soccer Memes pics
SoccerBoss 10 years ago
Barcelona, Russia 34 804

The forum has been pretty boring lately, so I want to start a silly Football/Soccer memes or pics. When someone post a pic or meme against your club, don't get butthurt over it, post something about their club and big mouths like Dynastian or tiki_taka or Lodatz please dont post your soccer theoretics here, just have fun.

Ill post a couple to start:

CrazyBoss 8 years ago
Manchester United, Italy 6 323

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CrazyBoss 8 years ago
Manchester United, Italy 6 323

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Emobot7 8 years ago Edited
540 11460

@CrazyBoss +1 to the last, it was gold. :P

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@CrazyBoss +1 to the last, it was gold. :P

@CrazyBoss +1 to the last, it was gold. :P

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Marcie 8 years ago
Manchester United, Australia 0 106

Marcie 8 years ago Edited
Manchester United, Australia 0 106

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NOt hating, just laughing ;)

Emobot7 8 years ago
540 11460

Good one Marcie! :D My turn now. ;)
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Marcie 8 years ago
Manchester United, Australia 0 106

haha good ones!

Emobot7 8 years ago
540 11460

@Marcie Wanted to post more, but then Canada decided to win hockey world cup in the five last minute of the game. Epic comeback for da win. :D

Marcie 8 years ago
Manchester United, Australia 0 106

haha I don't follow hockey. Is it good?
I know this is old but I love it!

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Emobot7 8 years ago
540 11460

@Marcie I don't usually follow hockey either but when your national team is playing in the final of the world and manage to get the draw they needed with only a few moment left on the clock, I just had to join my dad and watch the end of the game. And yeah, it was pretty good for us, like I said, last instant comeback gave us the win, despite being lead by team europe for a long time in the game. We were very lucky to be sincere. I think team europe would have deserved the win, because they played so well in defense but in the end, we turned the tide and got our reward. :D Now don't think that mean I'm gonna switch my main sport to Hockey, Association Football is my one true love even though... enter image description here

Marcie 8 years ago
Manchester United, Australia 0 106

@Emobot7 Oh that's good for you! Now my AFL team just has to win the Grand Final tomorrow! But definitely football all the way!enter image description here

DarioUtd 8 years ago
Manchester United 27 493

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Lol!! :)

quikzyyy 8 years ago
Arsenal 429 9003

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Emobot7 8 years ago
540 11460

@quikzyyy Damn it Benz, not again! XD

Emobot7 7 years ago
540 11460

Let's get back putting meme, shall we! :D

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There is way too many meme about John Terry, its crazy. :D

Madridista11 7 years ago
Real Madrid, Somalia 41 831

Not exactly a meme but always messes me up!

Emobot7 7 years ago
540 11460

@Madridista Lol, really liked the last bit with Pique. XD Make me wanna post some Valdes meme now.

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liomessi10 7 years ago
Barcelona, Argentina 222 3053

keep going emobot!!
it's epic!