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Soccer Memes pics
SoccerBoss 10 years ago
Barcelona, Russia 34 804

The forum has been pretty boring lately, so I want to start a silly Football/Soccer memes or pics. When someone post a pic or meme against your club, don't get butthurt over it, post something about their club and big mouths like Dynastian or tiki_taka or Lodatz please dont post your soccer theoretics here, just have fun.

Ill post a couple to start:

Emobot7 8 years ago
540 11460

Well, dear, talk about a forgotten thread, time to bring it back to life:enter image description here

Gotta love Martin Indi. :)

Emobot7 8 years ago Edited
540 11460

Neuer sure doesn't make a lot of effort to please his fan girl.enter image description here

You can't stop Muller when he is pumped.
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Here's one about a player who don't like to pass the ball.enter image description here

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Neuer sure doesn't make a lot of effort to please his fan girl.enter image description here

Neuer sure doesn't make a lot of effort to please his fan girl.enter image description here

You can't stop Muller when he is pumped
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Emobot7 8 years ago Edited
540 11460

Here somes of everyone favorite Swedish striker!
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And here one of Ozil and Ronaldo as bonus.
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Here somes of everyone favorite Swedish striker!
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Emobot7 8 years ago Edited
540 11460

Sometime, I just don't understand why I bother feeding this thread and then other time, I don't care and just do it. ;) Here some meme of Pepe when he was younger... and more violent.
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Sometime, I just don't understand why I bother feeding this thread and then other time, I don't care and just do it. ;) Here some meme of Pepe when he was younger... and more violent.
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liomessi10 8 years ago
Barcelona, Argentina 222 3053

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Emobot7 8 years ago Edited
540 11460

@liomessi10 Nice, at last, someone who add some meme as well, thanks lad. ;D Here some more for Barcelona:
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I'm not sure about the next one though, I can remove it if people thinks this is going too far. ;)
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@liomessi10 Nice, at last, someone who add some meme as well, thanks lad. ;D Here some more for Barcelona:
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I'm not sure about the next one though, I can remove it if people thinks this is going too far. ;)
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SunFlash 8 years ago
USA 19 3260

Those Pique and Torres ones are amazing.

Emobot7 8 years ago
540 11460

Well, I hope I don't get butchered for it, but here come some manchester united meme! So lets start with a bit on De Gea first.
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And now, somes on Martial. :D

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And now, some meaner one. :P

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And the best one yet.

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liomessi10 8 years ago
Barcelona, Argentina 222 3053


MrGoooool 8 years ago
Liverpool, Mexico 27 580

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I know these jokes are too late but oh well

MrGoooool 8 years ago
Liverpool, Mexico 27 580

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Remember this. Even I'm a Real Madrid fan and Borussia Dortmund fan.

Emobot7 8 years ago Edited
540 11460

Well, time for some more meme, Ronaldo it will be this time.
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Well, time for some more meme, Ronaldo it will be this time.
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Rowley 8 years ago
Manchester United, England 10 193

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:D love these

Emobot7 8 years ago
540 11460

Been a while since I last posted meme here, well, this one, I had to share. XD

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tiki_taka 8 years ago
Barcelona, France 367 9768

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Croatian 8 years ago
Bayern Munich, Croatia 23 1323

some memes in here are gold.

CrazyBoss 8 years ago
Manchester United, Italy 6 323

Love them!!....especially yours emo!!

quikzyyy 8 years ago
Arsenal 429 9003

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CrazyBoss 8 years ago
Manchester United, Italy 6 323

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CrazyBoss 8 years ago
Manchester United, Italy 6 323

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