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Referees needs to be punished for the mistakes they do
quikzyyy 8 years ago Edited
Arsenal 429 9010

I mean, how can you even blow this as a penalty? Absolute disgrace, this referee should be banned from refereeing instantly.

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I mean, how can you even blow this as a penalty? Absolute disgrace, this referee should be banned from refereeing instantly.

SunFlash 8 years ago
USA 19 3260

I had some nice defense of referees typed out, but then I figured I should watch the video before I posted it.

Insta-deleted, holy shit. There is no way in hell an unbiased ref calls that. No. Way. In. Hell. I cannot spin that as an honest mistake in any way. That is literally indefensible.

Cristianoo 8 years ago
Manchester United, England 3 53

This has to be the worst referee "mistake" in history. Holy fucking moly what a call.

Emrecan_58 8 years ago Edited
Besiktas 149 3376

LoL! This is way worse than the penalty call against us in Kyiv. How is it even possible for the referee to see the position as a penalty? Obviously he did not see and gave a random call. The other option is match fixing which is very unlikely.

Even though I don't believe it was a match fixing in Barça, I do believe it was a match fixing in Kiev.

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LoL! This is way worse than the penalty call against us in Kyiv.

LoL! This is way worse than the penalty call against us in Kyiv. How is it even possible for the referee to see the position as a penalty? Obviously he did not see and gave a random call. The other option is match fixing which is very unlikely.

Emobot7 8 years ago
543 11489

Guys, calm down, clearly, the ball made an illegal contact on Alba and that's why the ref gave a pen. I mean, its clear to all to see. Even a child could tell this ball had murderous intent, only thing I don't understand is why it wasn't given a card though. :P

iHEARTfootball 8 years ago
Manchester United 38 1000

Out of all people, it just had to that rat-toothed schmuck (Jordi Alba) again......

tuan_jinn 8 years ago
Manchester United, Netherlands 198 6912

What a disgrace. Disgusting, and people ask why some hate Barcelona?

Seriously, La Liga ref is a big joke. It's disgusting, every week Barca or Real receive some sort of favor.

Ref should be punished for being so bad.

legends16 8 years ago
Chelsea, England 39 783

@Sunflash +1 big time
Haha you're so right.

maybe video reffing could help though?

Emobot7 8 years ago
543 11489

@legends16 It would for sure. ;)

Marcus2011 8 years ago
Chelsea FC, England 277 6501

I like to hear what referees have to say after the match . Like interview or press conference /))

Madridista11 8 years ago
Real Madrid, Somalia 41 831

@Tuan I respect your endless crusade against corrupt/bad refs... But you're a United fan! I'm sure you've seen things go your way on many occasion! Don't just talk about Madrid and Barcelona like they're the ONLY teams getting help.

tuan_jinn 8 years ago Edited
Manchester United, Netherlands 198 6912

@Madridsta alright, im no saint. For sure i have biasedly defend wrong decision in favor of us. But last time I checked it was in Sir. Alex time, amd I can admit that was silly. I can admit that. The other times they were certainly debateable. And I can recall excactly how disgusted I was when Young or Rashford dived.

In the past years I have learned to like La Liga but i really hate those ref that keep favoring the top teams there. Seriously, La Liga refs suck worse than EPL's which have already been terrible

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@Madridsta alright, im no saint. For sure i have biasedly defend wrong decision in favor of us. But last time I checked it was in Sir. Alex time, amd I can admit that was silly. I can admit that. The other time it was certainly debateable. Amd I can recall excactly how disgusted I was when Young or Rashford dived.

But in the past years I have learnwd to like La Liga but i really hate those ref that keep favoring the top teams there. La Liga ref suck worse than EPL's which have already been twrrible

@Madridsta alright, im no saint. For sure i have biasedly defend wrong decision in favor of us. But last time I checked it was in Sir. Alex time, amd I can admit that was silly. I can admit that. The other times they were certainly debateable. Amd I can recall excactly how disgusted I was when Young or Rashford dived.

In the past years I have learned to like La Liga but i really hate those ref that keep favoring the top teams there. La Liga ref suck worse than EPL's which have already been terrible

Emobot7 8 years ago
543 11489

@tuan Well, at least, EPL are working to make thing easier for ref with goal line technology and sometime look at incident after game. La liga doesn't even seem to care about making such effort. :(

tuan_jinn 8 years ago Edited
Manchester United, Netherlands 198 6912

@Emo: i know right? Its sad. Im all for the excitmwnt of the sport and I am one of those who are against technology influences. Good or bad. With that being said, it is only cool if they are fair (that puts a lot of sympathy on human's mistakes)

And certain refereings, are far from being fair

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@Emo: i know right? Its sad. Im all for the excitmwnt of the sport and I am one of those who are against technology influences. Vood or bad. With that being said, it is only cool if they are fair.

And certain refereings, are far from being fair

@Emo: i know right? Its sad. Im all for the excitmwnt of the sport and I am one of those who are against technology influences. Vood or bad. With that being said, it is only cool if they are fair (that puts a lot of sympathy on human's mistakes)

And certain refereings, are far from being fair

Emobot7 8 years ago
543 11489

@Tuan Indeed, can't wait for the video replay technology to be used internationaly and its not even because I like the idea so much, it just that the number of mistake without it is unnaceptable, especially when you see whole tournament being lost on a single human mistake. I think there is no choice but to bring new technology to help the ref, if only for the sake of being fair. ;)

amir_keal 8 years ago
Arsenal, Netherlands 66 2895

Let's not forget the decisions that go against Barca. People are always quick to jump on them for 'buying referees'. They may be pushed at times, but the opposite can be applied.

SunFlash 8 years ago
USA 19 3260

@Tuan I respect your endless crusade against corrupt/bad refs... But you're a United fan! I'm sure you've seen things go your way on many occasion! Don't just talk about Madrid and Barcelona like they're the ONLY teams getting help.

Let's not forget the decisions that go against Barca. People are always quick to jump on them for 'buying referees'. They may be pushed at times, but the opposite can be applied.

This type of logic is stupid. Because Rashford dove for a PK, United fans can't disagree with poor reffing decisions. Same thing with Alba and Barca fans.


As fans of this sport, this is something that we can all agree on, regardless of allegiance or personal gain. I couldn't give less of a f*ck if an indefensible call happened in favor of Barca, United, or anyone else. It's still wrong. Get out of here with this "opposite can be applied" the opposite is totally irrelevant. Each case should be judged on its own merit regardless of who is involved. Statements like the ones I've quoted here only separate fans when in reality this should be uniting all of us.

Marcus2011 8 years ago Edited
Chelsea FC, England 277 6501

Because mates , this sport is corrupt . A lot of money is involved, so stakes are high and fair game is not in their interest . Things that go behind the scenes are left for us to wonder but I am sure if curtains are lifted there will be so much crap that will shift everything we know about football . And I am not excluding any EPL teams but I am certain it is not as much as in the leagues from south because here in EPL checks and balances are stronger than in other federations .

Actually to dive and cheat reflects the way society is there . Like in Italy : Mafia is in bedded with government and people always look for ways to go around the law . It is considered of being slick and clever . I am not saying that they are criminals but they do think it is smart to outsmart system . However, they forget that this creates anarchy .

Same goes with football . Those south american footballers or southern European footballers see diving as being clever especially when they get away with it . Sounds too biased then i welcome you to read into their economies , society and culture . Similarities are pretty close .

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Because mates , this sport is corrupt . A lot of money is involved, so stakes are high and fair game is not in their interest . Things that go behind the scenes are left for us to wonder but I am sure if curtains are lifted there will so much crap that will shift everything we know about football . And I am not excluding any EPL teams but I am certain it is not as much as in the leagues from south because here checks and balances are stronger than in other federations .

Actually to dive and cheat reflects the way society is there . Like in Italy : Mafia is in bedded with government and people always look for ways to go around the law . It is considered of being slick and clever . I am not saying that they are criminals but they do think it is smart to outsmart system . However, they forget that this creates anarchy .

Same goes with football . Those south american footballers or southern European footballers see diving as being clever especially when they get away with it . Sounds too biased then i welcome you to read into their economies , society and culture . Similarities are pretty close .

tuan_jinn 8 years ago
Manchester United, Netherlands 198 6912

@SunFlash: very well said. Im not saying for all United fans, but we feel as much ashamed as you guys when our team got treated unfair in our favor, unless it's "debatable". We for sure can spit at those terrible referring. Actually, Barca has the same, their fans can also voice their opinions when seeing bad calls against them. (I have never used stuffs like: ohh, who are you to talk about bad referees, look at your team). To me that logic is very stupid.

@Marcus: indeed. Football is a multi-billions business it will never be fair. But fans will only accept it to a certain extends. People will always outsmart the system, anarchy will come with it.

Madridista11 8 years ago
Real Madrid, Somalia 41 831

@Tuan @Sun My comments were taken out of context. My wording was off, let me clarify what I meant. If you noticed, I rarely speak about ref mistakes, corruption, or anything controversial because it took me a while to understand that the more successful the team you support is, the more controversy surrounds that team. Once I realized that, I stopped talking garbage about Barcelona, Utd, Juventus, etc.

Real Madrid gets a lot of help... A lot of help.... Knowing that, do you know how idiotic it would be of me to comment on Barcelona's advantages, and to say that Barcelona is loved by FIFA and UEFA? It would be very different if I call out the ref, but even then, are EVERY mistakes made by refs intentional? Let's rise above that mentality, people! Refs are humans like us, too.

Now, the reason why I posted my original comment is because I noticed Tuan cracks down on every little thing that he sees. Sometimes, he even tries to make something up out of nothing (Ronaldo's "offside" goal against Atleti). To which case I wanted to remind him that his team is not short of any controversy either. I wasn't saying, "Hey! Your team cheats, therefore you don't get to talk!" I'm just saying that it is important to call out the refs and not a team.

This type of logic is stupid. Because Rashford dove for a PK, United fans can't disagree with poor reffing decisions. Same thing with Alba and Barca fans.

But they can disagree with other fans with full confidence, not looking dumb or idiotic, right? Nah, that logic isn't stupid lmao. It's like a thief yelling at another thief for stealing. If you noticed the help you get, don't sh!t on other people for getting helped, too. I'm not asking you to talk garbage about your team and call them out, just be easy and considerate with other fan bases.

ramaboy10 8 years ago
Mauritius 285 6463

Stuff like this has caused my interest in football to dwindle over the last 2 years. Pathetic to watch imo and I'm getting sick of it quickly. Grown men jumping on the ground writhing about like epileptics. Fucking pathetic.