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quikzyyy 9 years ago
Arsenal 429 9010

Borussia Dortmund have confirmed that Mats Hummels has requested to leave the club at the end of the season and join Bayern Munich.

The statement said: "The player Mats Hummels informed Borussia Dortmund that he wishes to leave the club in order to join FC Bayern Munich with effect from the 2016/2017 season.

However the Bundesliga champions have yet to make an offer for the Dortmund captain.


SunFlash 9 years ago
USA 19 3260

It'll probably 10-15 mil, if that. Feel super bad for Dortmund, they deserved to get a nice bid for him from a team not in their division.

decentK 9 years ago
Arsenal 38 2896


It'll probably 10-15 mil

30mil euros. 192k a week euros salary.

Emobot7 9 years ago
543 11488

30 mil euro would be good enough, I mean, I don't have nothing against hummels wanting to go back to bayer, I just hope BVB get a bit of money out of the deal to help them find a replacement.

saatvik10 9 years ago
Manchester United, India 27 540

At this rate only Reus will be left in the team who genuinely wants to play for Dortmund for passion, and not for money.

JuanMata10 9 years ago
Chelsea, Austria 17 1696

Can totally understand his decision. He's played for Bayern's youth teams for 13 years, his family still lives in Munich and his wife is Bavarian as well. I can't blame him but a part of me is devastated because - as ridiculous as it sounds - I had hoped that he'll sign with Chelsea. Regarding the transfer fee, @decentK is absolutely right. An official statement from BVBs website says:

Borussia Dortmunds Geschäftsführung hat entschieden, einen solchen Wechsel davon abhängig zu machen, ob Bayern München Borussia Dortmund ein dem außerordentlichen Stellenwert des Spielers entsprechendes, äußerst werthaltiges Angebot unterbreiten wird. Bislang hat Bayern München noch kein Angebot abgegeben.

.. which roughly translates into..

Borussia Dortmund's Board has decided to make the transfer dependent on whether Bayern Munich will submit a fair offer that will meet the extraordinary value of the player . So far, Bayern Munich has not made such an offer .

SunFlash 9 years ago
USA 19 3260

There is zero chance in hell that Bayern pay more than 15 million Euros for a player with less than a year on his contract and has requested a transfer to them. If they do, they're fiscally retarded.

spanish 9 years ago
Real Madrid, Spain 14 343

so does this confirm either benatia or Martinez to leave Bayern?

SunFlash 9 years ago
USA 19 3260

I've heard rumors Benatia was being shopped around, but they could be just rumors.

spanish 9 years ago
Real Madrid, Spain 14 343

I've read some articles saying juventus are lining up an 18 million Euro move for benatia. I think it'll be a good move for juventus and benatia since chiellini is constantly injured and benatia is still a quality CB. And I think it would be a wise move for Arsenal to move to Martinez because he is a good DM and would provide good cover for coquelin and is very versatile and can also play at CB because Arsenal get many injuries in defence and he could partner koscileny well because mertesacker sucks to be honest.

Emobot7 9 years ago
543 11488

@spanish Fair enough, I agree it could be a good move for all club involved but I hope Bayern think about having a strong debt in defense as well. They get so many injury all the time, so selling too many CB might not too good an idea.

decentK 9 years ago Edited
Arsenal 38 2896

He's played for Bayern's youth teams for 13 years, his family still lives in Munich and his wife is Bavarian as well.

@juan Okey, fair enough then, I didn't even bother to look up. Thanks for educating me.

And I think it would be a wise move for Arsenal to move to Martinez because he is a good DM and would provide good cover for coquelin and is very versatile and can also play at CB because Arsenal get many injuries in defence and he could partner koscileny well because mertesacker sucks to be honest.

I've said this so many times.... I'd pay whatever the f*ck that's needed for him.

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He's played for Bayern's youth teams for 13 years, his family still lives in Munich and his wife is Bavarian as well.

@juan Okey, fair enough then, I didn't even bother to look up. Thanks for educating me.

tuan_jinn 9 years ago
Manchester United, Netherlands 198 6912

It is indeed expected. The guy was there since he was young. I hope Dortmund get as much as they can.

Why he doesnt go to EPL anyway? MU would be perfect

Emobot7 9 years ago
543 11488

@Jinn BPL would be better for him because he wouldn't have to worry about betraying BVB but the reason he want to move is to be closer to his family, going to England wouldn't make this easier at all.

Eden17Hazard17 9 years ago
Chelsea FC 157 4232

I feel like we'll see another Lewandowski, unless Bayern submit a big offer like they did for Gotze. Rummenigge will be more than happy to wait another and sign him on a free, unless Ancelotti intervenes.

Having said that, I'd love to see him in the PL, even if he does move to a rival club. Given that we have Zouma and Christensen vying for a staring spot I wouldn't sign him for 30 mill, but I wouldn't be suprised if United, Liverpool or Arsenal do.

Dynastian98 9 years ago
Real Madrid 483 7140


Let's face it, Tuan, there's no way a player would choose United over Bayern in 2016 if they knew they were good enough to make Bayern's first team.

Emobot7 9 years ago
543 11488

@Dynast Man, thats a bit harsh but sadly its not completely wrong. Still, manchester united still have lot of prestige and money, so I'm sure they will still be able to recruit plenty of player. Then again, their is some player who would rather stay in their birth country even if it limit their progression, rather than joining big team in huge club. Beside, when you reach the level of Hummels, you can act a bit picky. That also remind me of Petr Cech last year who wanted more playing time but didn't wanted to leave London wich felt like home to him. I can understand that kind of decision even if its normal that it anger fan to see their player join rival team.

SunFlash 9 years ago
USA 19 3260

Why would anyone come to United? The playstyle is shit, the manager is uncertain, and you have no CL.

mladen 9 years ago
Manchester United, Yugoslavia 253 2319

Dortmund is officially Bayern's biitch.

mladen 9 years ago Edited
Manchester United, Yugoslavia 253 2319

Dortmund = Bayern's bitch

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decentK 9 years ago
Arsenal 38 2896

My mate has wanted him to join Man Utd for 6 years straight now. Lol