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Alexandre Patoooooooo to Chelsea confirmed
decentK 9 years ago
Arsenal 38 2896

Alexandre Pato's agent Gilmar Veloz has just confirmed to Globo Esporte that Chelsea have reached a deal for a 6-month loan.

If only he was still this good.



tiki_taka 9 years ago
Barcelona, France 367 9768

Means that remy can be allowed to Newcastle.

SunFlash 9 years ago
USA 19 3260

Is there an option to buy?

chelsea8 9 years ago
Chelsea, Iran 17 2219

i like him alot, he can also play as a winger wich is great.

onze11 9 years ago
Barcelona, Haiti 29 123

Good striker, really hope he can get back in form at Chelsea. Skills like that doesn't just dry out, not even after idk 4-5 years. And I don't think he's been injured since he went back to Brazil, sounds promising.

Marcus2011 9 years ago
Chelsea FC, England 277 6501

Only people who are excited about this are our rivals ... smh we just have the best sporting director ... officially became rehab club for failed players ...

Marcus2011 9 years ago
Chelsea FC, England 277 6501

Emobot7 9 years ago
543 11488

@Marcus2011 Lets hope he does better than that at Chelsea.
Me, I wanted to see him come back in europe since I heard about him. I like him, but I can understand Chelsea fans that doesn't feel too confident about him. I fear he's gonna be an inconsistent player at best. But who knows, maybe he'll suprise us all.

Jimbet 9 years ago
Arsenal, Malaysia 12 1292

He was a BEAST back in Milan.. superb player but cursed with injury.. i hope he gains his form back at chelsea and not replicate the next Torres.. :l

Emobot7 9 years ago
543 11488

@Jimbet He had growth spurt when he was at milan and he became a lot more fragile. He hopefully won't have that problem at Chelsea. We just need do see if he will have his form back and if he will play well in the BPL.

Marcus2011 9 years ago
Chelsea FC, England 277 6501


Thank you for your kind of words , but I am sure that is exactly what you want is to see next Torres at Chelsea .

Marcus2011 9 years ago
Chelsea FC, England 277 6501


I like your optimism , but lets be realistic . He is out of shape for EPL and no where near the standard to play for CHelsea as main striker .

Emobot7 9 years ago
543 11488

@Marcus I understand what you mean. If he wanted to go back in europe, the BPL isn't exactly the best jump, he might have been better of going to another league beforehand. But I'll try to stay positive, he did good back at Sao Paulo last year and while it might be hard for him to make a difference as a striker, don't forget he can play other role. He also a very technical player who can dribble like the best of them so he can be useful at other position. He could at very least offer more option to Chelsea and serve as a talented sub. Also, you should know Jimbet is a nice guy, he don't usually wish for bad thing to happen to his rival. Don't be so hard on him.

decentK 9 years ago
Arsenal 38 2896

@sun"shine" I am very sorry but I don't know. Maybe later on.

Jimbet 9 years ago
Arsenal, Malaysia 12 1292

@Marcus2011 NOPE.. i am an Arsenal fan and also a FOOTBALL fan.. back in the day i use to mock on teams but that doesnt do me any good.. for me nor for Arsenal.. i like to watch top players showing their talents.. seeing young players grow into a WORLD STAR player.. plus seeing struggling players crawl their way back to reach their best.. thats me.. i like beautiful football.. even though Arsenal plays barely beautiful football, i watch BPL.. so thats why i chose Arsenal..

p/s : i AM sad to see Torres lost his form.. even when he was back at chelsea.. seeing a WORLD STAR player lost his confidence and form just breaks my heart as a FOOTBALL fan..

JuanMata10 9 years ago Edited
Chelsea, Austria 17 1696


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Emobot7 9 years ago
543 11488

@Jimbet Well said!

JozeMourinho 9 years ago
Chelsea, Greece 18 1254

You guys don't understand why most Chelsea fans have mixed feelings about Pato. I personally don't want those 10M wasted on a IF HE FINDS FORM player. As every football fan wants the best for his team I want the same for my Chelsea! I want to see strikers like Suarez not injury prone talented players in my club. I want to see passionate players that will bleed for my club and not sign to drive Audi's and Ferrari's. You see this is the curse of having such a rich league. Do you think if Pato would earn so much money would leave his tropical country to play in such a shite weather like English for any club? If I had the talent I would play for Chelsea even if I would drive a Datsun and get the basic salary. Pato will never bleed for the club as Terry would do and if he does he needs that push from the fans to do it but even if he gets praised like Cesc even if we give him a chant like ''Fabregas is magic, He wears his magic hat'' if he is not happy he will surely flop and show a lack of passion in his games. Do you understand now? I mean....IF WE ARE SUPPOSED TO BUY LET US BUY something like Suarez or Modric or Dybala or Insigne.

Anyway I wish him the best no more injuries and a lot of goals with Chelsea!

Dynastian98 9 years ago
Real Madrid 483 7140

I don't think he'll do well at Chelsea. Hasn't been much of a performer since his really young days in Milan. Poor lad has legs made of glass. It'll be nice to see him succeed though, that's for sure.

Emobot7 9 years ago
543 11488

@Joze Suarez, Modric, Dybala or Insigne wouldn't bleed for Chelsea either though. I understand you feel Pato is only in it for the money but you need to know he is a guy who refused to join PSG a bunch of year ago to remain with AC Milan, because he liked the club too much. I say, why don't you give him a chance, maybe he will suprise all of us.

@Dynastian In his few last year at Milan, he had a growth spurt which caused all kind of muscular problem and made him fragile. He will hopefully be more solid now that he is fully grown. But yeah, it would be nice to see him suceed but I think it will indeed be hard.

@Sunflash I heard there was, not 100% sure though.