
  • Birthday1900-01-01
  • GenderUnspecified
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Comments Score
Top Rated Comment
@sicomo I've noticed there is a lot of RM fans on this website. Not sure what the deal is but they do like to go looking for comments about Messi and downvoting them. They just can't stand the truth that Ronaldo will never reach Messi's level but oh well it really doesn't change anything by downvoting anyway :)
Worst Rated Comment
I really don't understand you people. 1st goal he dived and got a free goal from a penalty. 2nd goal was the goalie's mistake. He only really deserved the 1 goal from the free kick. How in the world can you even come close to saying he's better than Messi what the heck is going on in your brain? Not trying to be mean I really just don't get it.