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tuan_jinn 6 years ago
Manchester United, Netherlands 198 6912
Chelski, Crynaldo etc.. Are forbidden, another warning. Please stop trolling
Emobot7 6 years ago
540 11460
France is not a Africain team and know it very well, please stop saying that, even if you think its funny. Its really isn't right.
sandrito 6 years ago
Juventus, Italy 1 548
How do you know I didn't know France isn't African? I genuinely thought that. Why are you accusing me? You don't know me do you?
Emobot7 6 years ago
540 11460
Mate, if you don't even know which top country are from which continent, you might have something more important to do than commenting on the highlight like making sure you know what you're talking about when commenting.
sandrito 6 years ago
Juventus, Italy 1 548
There's no rule about knowing what country is from what continent. Show me where it says this mr. I run this website
sandrito 6 years ago
Juventus, Italy 1 548
How come you're gonna let this rude guy speak like this?
Emobot7 6 years ago
540 11460
Dude, you called him ignorant guy first, thats taunting in my book. I'll give him a warning though.
sandrito 6 years ago
Juventus, Italy 1 548
Ok sorry I will refrain from name calling
Emobot7 6 years ago
540 11460
You had been warned. :( I'm sadly obligated to enforce a ban. Please be more careful in the future.
Emobot7 6 years ago
540 11460
Please, stop taunting and trolling in the highlight section, saying "first" and making only negative and offensive comment all the time, its like your asking to be banned again. You've been warned before if you keep this up, you will be given a lengthy ban and maybe even a permanent one if you refuse to stop.
Emobot7 6 years ago
540 11460
Would you mind if I asked why exactly are you flagging my comment in the Besiktas highlight?
sandrito 6 years ago
Juventus, Italy 1 548
Accident mate
sandrito 6 years ago Edited
Juventus, Italy 1 548
The question is why did you delete my comment on the atletico Madrid highlight ?
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The question is why dis you delete my comment on the atletico Madrid highlight ?
Emobot7 6 years ago
540 11460
Comment like water is wet serve no purpose, its a boring comment which only sound negative, why wouldn't I delete it? Same thing like Griezmann deserve a better team like juve, without any explanation, its a very boring comment that only seem like a provocation toward Atletico Madrid. You were already warned about trolling, its sad but its seem you don't understand the kind of comment that can be considered trolling and those that aren't. I propose you study a bit the rule of the community, because you were already warned plenty of time before. Here they are
Emobot7 6 years ago
540 11460
And no, those rule doesn't stand for the forum.
sandrito 6 years ago
Juventus, Italy 1 548
There is no rule about " boring comments " stop enforcing things that don't exist. Neither of the flagging options of rude and abusive spam or broken does my comment come under so why shall it be deleted.
Emobot7 6 years ago
540 11460
Its provocative so its deemed rude and if you cannot understand what is and isn't provocation (or at least, what is the same as provocation), then you going to have a hard time on FR.
Emobot7 6 years ago Edited
540 11460
Please mate, stop trolling on the highlight, you've been warned plenty of time already in the past. Going ahead and yelling first is childish and annoying just like it is to hear talk crap about half of the user commenting on the highlight. Last warning before a lengthy ban.
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Please mate, stop trolling on the highlight, you've been warned plenty of time already in the past. Going ahead and yelling first is childish and annoying just like it is to hear talk crap about half of the user commenting on the highlight. Last warning.
tuan_jinn 6 years ago
Manchester United, Netherlands 198 6912
You are trolling everywhere and it gets real boring. You were warned before. A lengthy ban is derserved
Emobot7 7 years ago
540 11460 Read number 3 and you will understand that I'm not abusing my power. Simply enforcing the rule mate.
sandrito 6 years ago
Juventus, Italy 1 548
Hi can you do something against the user amir_keal. He is accusing me of having multiple accounts when I don't and he has no proof. This is done second time in 2 days. I have tried my best so far to ignore him but he's starting to annoy me now.
sandrito 6 years ago
Juventus, Italy 1 548
He is disturbing me again and indirectly called you moderators " fools "
Emobot7 7 years ago
540 11460
Calling bayern gayern is not permited, please be more mindfull in the future or I'll have to ban you. Have a good day nevertheless.
sandrito 7 years ago
Juventus, Italy 1 548
Fuck off.
Emobot7 7 years ago
540 11460
Just a friendly warning sir, no need to be annoyed. ;)
sandrito 7 years ago
Juventus, Italy 1 548
Be quiet stop abusing your power
Emobot7 7 years ago Edited
540 11460 Read number 3 and you will understand that I'm not abusing my power. Simply enforcing the rule.
  • History
Showing previous versions of this text. Read number 3 and you will understand that I'm not abusing my power. Simply reminding the rule.
sandrito 7 years ago Edited
Juventus, Italy 1 548
Don't be such a puppet for footyroom they dont even pay you so don't waste your time
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Don't be such a puppet for footyroom they sent even paying you so don't waste your time
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