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bloodred1992 12 years ago
Manchester United, Portugal 15 300
I'm from Mumbai.
bloodred1992 12 years ago
Manchester United, Portugal 15 300
Actually I was saying that even offering 100 million for each player would not have worked since United were out of the CL by January and these 2 players would not leave their teams(since they were still in the CL) as apart from money, players want trophies as well. And you say we got 80 million pounds by selling Ronnie, but that doesn't mean it's available for spending. I'm sure I read that at that time United had debts close to 120 million which was still not overcome after his selling. Apart from transfers money also goes into sponsors, the academy, the stadium etc., doesn't it? So don't blame Fergie for that. But yes I do agree that now he has gotta buy some players for us to be title contenders in the coming seasons.
bloodred1992 12 years ago
Manchester United, Portugal 15 300
Sneijder and Benzema? Really? Think logically about what you are saying. We tried getting Sneijder before the start of the season but you know what happened. And in the January transfer market, there was no way even a 100 million pounds would have convinced any of these two to leave their team which was still in the Champions League and join a team which was neither in the CL nor had any apparent hopes of winning the domestic league. And we didn't need a striker like Benzema, we needed and still need a creative midfielder. And I don't think there was any player during the transfer period whom we could have bought, was there? Yes Sir Alex has made a lot of mistakes this season and yes even I believe his decisions have let us down. But I think this season will teach him a lesson and he will strengthen the squad. And don't tell me City will dominate the PL for 2 years. This is the PL, anything can happen. I'll say this again to you, don't overestimate City and don't underestimate United.
bloodred1992 12 years ago
Manchester United, Portugal 15 300
Alright Oracle, you know best. So how much money did you win this time? Surely you bet on City winning their match and United losing theirs? But admit it, you must have got a real scare when QPR were on the cusp of winning? And I don't know about you, but I think what we have achieved this season is more remarkable than City's achievement. Our form has actually been better this season. And if you think I'm crazy go see last season's table, we got 7 more points than last season. We won matches despite not having the best squad. We could have made an entire team out of our injured players but still unbelievably, we fought till the end and lost just because of goal difference. City have a money raining in from their sugar daddy and unfortunately it paid off for them this time.
bloodred1992 13 years ago
Manchester United, Portugal 15 300
I just saw you are 8 years elder to me. Really confused why you sent me a friend request after all that. But whatever. PS: Why don't you fill in your name and stuff?
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