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Bustese Milano City
san donato milanese
Emobot7 3 years ago
540 11460
You are permited to defend your point on the forum, any personal insult and dig at other user will be met with a lengthy ban. Enjoy.
milanlamiavita 3 years ago
Bustese Milano City, Italy 4 3418
Huh?? When did you send this?? Personal insults? Are you referring to the Australian turd on the forum? hahaha. He was the one throwing insults at me when using Italian swear words. And you're banning me? Talk about being a hypocrite. What ban is that?
Emobot7 3 years ago
540 11460
I send this a month ago when I banned you for a month. Also, I've looked at the convo, no sign of any Italian swear words from him, if he really would, you should have flagged him which you did not. But even if he would have, the only thing that would have changed is that you would have both been banned. As for being hypocrite, I assure you that its not the case but I will concede we are definetly less forgiving and patient with user who have an history of breaking the rule of this site.
milanlamiavita 3 years ago
Bustese Milano City, Italy 4 3418
In the turd's very first and second response, he has written milanlamiaCAZZO* and milanlamiaSTRONZO*. I suppose I can forgive you for being blind as a bat as well as being culturally uneducated. Why on earth would I flag it? Be like a turd and a baby throwing around swear words and then complain when someone else dishes it out? Less forgiving and impatient? haha. of course I'm. You've just shown why I'm not forgiving when it comes to hypocrisy and unenviable levels of double standard. You take care now, dickhead. Next time you want to act in the same silly manner, do what you want with your little whistle, instead of dropping me backward and degeneracy fuelled messages.
Emobot7 3 years ago
540 11460
Well, damn, you are right, I'm really sorry mate, the fact he written directly after your name made me miss it. As you said, I lack culture as far as the Italian language is concerned. Will definetly try to be more careful from now on. I know its propably won't be possible but if that kind of thing happen again, definetly flag or come discuss it on my wall first instead of insulting the person who insulted you first. I'm extremely sorry for how i managed it, I got it wrong that time.
milanlamiavita 3 years ago
Bustese Milano City, Italy 4 3418
I don't accept your apology. You know why? Because you're all a bunch of hypocrites. For example. The portugal vs Israel friendly has a political / humanity related comment (which by the way I wholeheartedyly agree with), but neither you or the emrecan imbecile have deleted the comment. But you try and talk to me even when I'm insulted because my views on the super league or politics don't align with yours. If it wasn't for such shameless hypocrisy, I would be a lot more understanding.
Emobot7 4 years ago
540 11460
Wow, I just checked the discussion you had with Emrecan on the PSG vs Basaksehir and honestly, you clearly breached rule 1 and 2 on this site. And to be honest, thats not your first offense. So enjoy the ban and use that time to read the rule of the forum.
Have a good day nevertheless.
milanlamiavita 4 years ago Edited
Bustese Milano City, Italy 4 3418
I didn't breach anything, and nor do I care for the ban. I'm just paying you the respect by responding. Go ahead and ban the account indefinitely. The Turkish turncoat was more than OK holding his own, so I have no idea what your problem is. Rule 1 and 2? Of what? It's a football highlights page, not the Houses of Parliament. Lighten up and chill. All I did was state truths in relation to racism and injustice. And I will do it again whenever I see turncoats talking nonsense.
Hope you had a good xmas and new year!
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I didn't breach anything. The Turkish turncoat was more than OK holding his own, so I have no idea what your problem is. Rule 1 and 2? Of what? It's a football highlights page, not the Houses of Parliament. Lighten up and chill. All I did was state truths in relation to racism and injustice.
Hope you had a good xmas and new year!
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