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tuan_jinn 6 years ago
Manchester United, Netherlands 198 6912
"why senegal playing in europe", your comment in France vs Netherlands. is seriously a breach of our community rule. Consider this as your last warning!
tuan_jinn 6 years ago
Manchester United, Netherlands 198 6912
Warning. Stop calling out on Golazo
diehardbarca 6 years ago
Barcelona 0 1821
Okay but he is a chelsea fan but never comments on chelsea page.. so i am reminding him that he should celebrate chelsea win instead of Ronaldo goals..
tuan_jinn 6 years ago Edited
Manchester United, Netherlands 198 6912
Uhmnn i know, let him be. Just dont call people out please. Sometimes its ok when its relevant or to prove a statement wrong.
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Uhmnn i know, let him be. Just dont call people out pleade
Emobot7 6 years ago
540 11460
Don't call team with negative name like "loserpool" or you will be banned. You already been warned before so if I see you trolling on the highlight, your ban might be a long one.
diehardbarca 6 years ago
Barcelona 0 1821
I thought it would be okay since when started banning people for mocking team names. I see some folks have reflona as user name and call Barca as referelona etc those are not banned? Please be fair to all. I will not mock from now on.l though..
Emobot7 6 years ago
540 11460
You should flag those person and they will be banned, the mod team are trying their best to be fair but we cannot be everywhere at the same time and we sadly miss some thing. Sorry for that. :(
tuan_jinn 6 years ago
Manchester United, Netherlands 198 6912
You have been reported 4 times in the last week. You comments are rude and provoking. I must issue a short ban, please take note!
diehardbarca 6 years ago
Barcelona 0 1821
This is probably another account of SergioSR4. This guy's comments are extremely offensive and unnecessary. I understand he hoping for Barca losing is fair but expecting Messi getting injured is not acceptable. As a football, I don't want my rival players to be injured like Ronaldo. I hope you take serious action against Ronaldo fan boys. Anyways, thought of reporting you.. please look into Barca vs Leganes prediction page for comments.
tuan_jinn 6 years ago
Manchester United, Netherlands 198 6912
Thanks for reporting!
diehardbarca 6 years ago Edited
Barcelona 0 1821
Hey. Second time in a row this guy posted offensive. Could you please take serious action against this retard? please visit leganes vs barca preview page.
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Hey. Second time in a row this guy posted offensive. Could you please take serious action against this retard?
tuan_jinn 7 years ago
Manchester United, Netherlands 198 6912
Hi mate, try not to attack or mock Real Madrid's fans on every post, wont ya? Especially if it was not in their games
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