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Manchester City
The Netherlands
koldimere 13 years ago
Arsenal, Germany 86 974
Oh man I see that prick Goran wrote crap on your wall too. He hacked my account a few days ago. That's not me. Just letting you know.
GunnerAFC 13 years ago
Arsenal, England 47 1026
Thanks man, you too :P
koldimere 13 years ago
Arsenal, Germany 86 974
GunnerAFC 13 years ago
Arsenal, England 47 1026
Threads* not forums lol.
GunnerAFC 13 years ago
Arsenal, England 47 1026
Oh alright. But I don't think you can delete forums. If I could I would. Do you know how? If so, I will delete it. Nice talking to you again btw. =]
GunnerAFC 13 years ago
Arsenal, England 47 1026
Go to forums and click on the Troll thread! :D
SuperRobinVanPersie 13 years ago
Arsenal, England 11 196
Thanks man :D I think we'll finish in the top 4 this season but won't win the league, i think City will win it this season. I hope we'll finish above 4th, sign new players and fight for the League next season.
GunnerAFC 13 years ago
Arsenal, England 47 1026
6-1 Today my friend ;] my theory of City winning the league is all coming together, haha. Great win!
SuperRobinVanPersie 13 years ago
Arsenal, England 11 196
Nice one today! That surely shut them up!
GunnerAFC 13 years ago
Arsenal, England 47 1026
Hopefully we can beat them at the Emirates, and do you guys a favour by making United lose points, cus I can see City winning the league. :P
SuperRobinVanPersie 13 years ago
Arsenal, England 11 196
I know, they really need to get over it! They just want to carry it on for the hell of it like immature kids. Thanks :) I hope we play like we did against Marseille from now on. Good luck to City!
SuperRobinVanPersie 13 years ago
Arsenal, England 11 196
Can't wait for the Manstester derby, really hope you can thrash them!
GunnerAFC 13 years ago
Arsenal, England 47 1026
Haha, thanks man! The nicest Manchester City fan I know! :D And I actually think City might win the Premier League this season. Such a strong squad. Respect bro. <3
deMiddoGUnit4Life 13 years ago
Bosnia and Herzegowina 0 0
tnx for add my friend respect
SuperRobinVanPersie 13 years ago
Arsenal, England 11 196
Cool :) I know! There are a lot of arrogant Man Utd fans, i've had arguements with so many! They are still going on with the 8-2 jokes even though it happend over a month ago! They get way over exited! They take the piss when Arsenal Liverpool Chelsea or Man City lose but when they lose they prase the other teams or they are nowhere to be seen. But there are a lot of good fans too! I just wish all fans were good!
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