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Real Madrid
raimondo90 6 years ago
Valencia, Argentina 89 2492
I get it might be a post Classico reaction but please, your comment on Dynastians post was unnecessary.
Salahadin 6 years ago
Real Madrid, France 11 554
I was a joke tho no need to be so serious :)
tiki_taka 9 years ago
Barcelona, France 367 9768
pure banter, no individual issue from me, they are getting things way too seriously...
tiki_taka 9 years ago
Barcelona, France 367 9768
why happy birthday :) ?
tiki_taka 10 years ago
Barcelona, France 367 9768
I would have joined you if i could :) Thanks for the invitation mate.
tiki_taka 10 years ago
Barcelona, France 367 9768
No mate, i have actually a Wii U, not appropriate for Football games, are you making a league or something ? :)
Dynastian98 10 years ago
Real Madrid 483 7140
Unfortunately, I did not watch the Sevilla match. I did watch the Atletico match, but I'm not sure about starting a thread on it or not.
tiki_taka 10 years ago
Barcelona, France 367 9768
Hi mate, are you French or Swedish ? I was going to speak French then i saw your location :) Anyway, the fact we support rival teams doesnt mean we cant have a healthy friendship, we will wind up in clasicos as usual between rival fans, sometimes passion wins over reason here :) so dont worry.... Where are you originally from, my parents are originally from Morocco, i guess you are originally Arabic as well from your username :) Hope you enjoy the forum and keep discussing your views with freedom :) and Visca Barça :D
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