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TheGame 10 years ago
Manchester United 104 1380
Debates are debates mate. I don't have anything personal against anyone on the internet. Animosity is too much of a burden to carry, especially if it is football related.
TheGame 10 years ago
Manchester United 104 1380
No I didn't ban you. What makes you think I did? There have been some glitches recently. You know it's really rude to accuse someone of racism.
tiki_taka 10 years ago
Barcelona, France 367 9768
Jamais pris une posture de victime, revendique les valeurs de la république avec fierté, dans mon cas en France ou en Belgique, c' est marche ou crève. Le respect se mérite, quand ce n' est pas possible il se prend. Je n' ai pas eu ma dose de Walt Disney movies quand j' était petit, ça ma rendu peut être plus lucide que la moyenne, je ne suis pas haineux si tu prends le temps de parler avec moi, ni fermé à la discussion. Ce n' est pas Hollywood qui a fait mon éducation, aimez vous les uns les autres si possible, si ce n' est pas possible, et ben ce n' est pas possible ;)
tiki_taka 10 years ago
Barcelona, France 367 9768
Buffle plutôt, je n' ai rien contre toi petit antilope, à part quand tu fais ta rageuse...
tiki_taka 10 years ago
Barcelona, France 367 9768
la loi de la jungle :), je suis très content de ma vie, et de ce que j' ai pu faire malgrès le racisme apparent, je t' emmerde au passage petit troll.
tuan_jinn 10 years ago
Manchester United, Netherlands 198 6912
From what I saw you were banned by one of our mod and it looks normal (no sign of glitch), I lift up the ban now, but what ever reason it was, please try to stay away from trouble
tuan_jinn 10 years ago
Manchester United, Netherlands 198 6912
Holly shit, it's still there? Sorry mate I will check.
tuan_jinn 10 years ago
Manchester United, Netherlands 198 6912
Hi mate, really sorry for the inconvinient. We are facing some banning issue randomly and we are working on it. Several members have been banned :(, unfortunately. Cheers
netsten 10 years ago
Chelsea, Belgium 44 992
"Finally Me (Tuanis) and Alex and probably FR will decide who gets picked." "In the end, the top 3* users will continue to the final round." Oh, be sure I've read everything, what about you ? Did you have a look at who is on this list ? and who could be in this final round ?
AlexBatak 11 years ago
Chelsea, Italy 204 2707
"Keisuke [Chelsea, Japan] Posts: 0 | Comments: 426. Only idiots will buy an XBOX SH*T for the Legends..." Perhaps you didn't insult someone directly, but your comments always tend to insult someone somehow and anger them. I can also see the same thing here on your wall that everyone is kinda annoyed. Just please try to be nice with others. Thank you :)
AlexBatak 11 years ago
Chelsea, Italy 204 2707
Hello Keisuke, I just want to ask you kindly to stop insulting members and make unnecessary comments. Thanks.
MRarsenal500 12 years ago
Arsenal, England 59 741
ohh ok yeah i understand
Jeffrey_Hazard 12 years ago
Chelsea, France 81 456
Keisuke bien, vivre à Singapour est grand sans doute, mais je souhaite simplement je vivais encore à mon pays d'origine c'est tout, viennent de France? vous semblez parler la langue et pourquoi cette username continue à vous déranger?
Jeffrey_Hazard 12 years ago
Chelsea, France 81 456
hey username whats your problem?your being racist!stop it
12 years ago
ta mère est une pute. Elle a pris une bite nigger et voila ... il en est sorti ... Keisuke le retard qui mange des cuisses de grenouilles. Sale putain frenchman
12 years ago
combien avez-vous de prendre des bains de sale Français? aller manger des cuisses de grenouilles grenouille vous pathétique!
Jeffrey_Hazard 12 years ago
Chelsea, France 81 456
Je comprends ce que vous voulez dire, mais qu'est-ce que tu veux dire singapour n'est pas bien?
Jeffrey_Hazard 12 years ago
Chelsea, France 81 456
Qu'est-ce que cela signifie?
12 years ago
fucking ass retard mental fuck. how did you manage to add a chromosome? fuck down's syndrome fuck...
12 years ago
Suck my big black =======3 faggot...
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