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Real Madrid
Emrecan_58 7 years ago
Besiktas 149 3375
Where you at, man?
Emrecan_58 9 years ago
Besiktas 149 3375
Hey man. I heard that Ali Adnan will join the Iraqi army for the fight against isis. Along with the Syrian forces. What a guy.
AlexBatak 9 years ago
Chelsea, Italy 204 2707
Hello Iraqi, I hope you are having a great day. I just want to tell you that trolling on this site and especially the forum is not acceptable. Comments like that will always get removed. Try to not insult anyone or cause fights in the forums so you won't get banned. You can always share your point without insulting.
liomessi10 10 years ago
Barcelona, Argentina 222 3053
u should change ur name to james
Eden17Hazard17 10 years ago
Chelsea FC 157 4232
A few questions... First How did you come up with your name "Iraqi_Madridsta" and secondly are you not Jese mad anymore?
Gennady 10 years ago
Manchester United 285 3968
Thread like that will just get deleted. And why did you call me Nikita ?
Gennady 10 years ago
Manchester United 285 3968
Dude, there's a feedback button at the bottom of the page, if you want to write some suggestions or any questions to footyroom, click that button, you don't need to create a thread on forum. Don't risk getting banned, AGAIN.
liomessi10 10 years ago
Barcelona, Argentina 222 3053
in england when i play football they call me messi. and even an old friend of mine said i play like messi
liomessi10 10 years ago
Barcelona, Argentina 222 3053
why don't you change your fr full name to james and put jammes on ur picture if u look like him
Dynastian98 10 years ago
Real Madrid 483 7140
Just a friendly reminder that your Player Profile is due on August 1st. :)
Emrecan_58 10 years ago
Besiktas 149 3375
Yeah, definitely. :D I hope Turkey and Iraq will be there or Euro 2016. It's now easy to qualify in Euro games. But especially, It would be nice to play eachother. :)
Emrecan_58 10 years ago
Besiktas 149 3375
Most people here supports Brazil I guess. But me and my dad were supporting Netherlands from the beginning :) I hope this time they'll get this. :)
Emrecan_58 10 years ago
Besiktas 149 3375
Hey mate. You're having a good time? Netherlands deserved this so far. Argentina will be an easy opponent than Germany or Brazil. Big chance for the Final !
Dynastian98 10 years ago
Real Madrid 483 7140
Hey mate, I was wondering if you could take a look into the "Player Profiles" thread. It would be nice of you to volunteer some time into the idea of making the profile of a player of your choice. Thanks for the consideration. :)
liomessi10 10 years ago
Barcelona, Argentina 222 3053
good for you netherlands thrashed spain 5-1.
tuan_jinn 10 years ago
Manchester United, Netherlands 198 6912
yeah Utrecht is crazy too, I just went home, have a bday party tomorrow and after got stone in pinkpop, lolz it's too much. I am so happy that I dont even feel tired anymore. Have a good night in Tilburg man.
tuan_jinn 10 years ago
Manchester United, Netherlands 198 6912
party hard to night? man I completely lost my voice... what an epic win
Emrecan_58 10 years ago
Besiktas 149 3375
Yeah they took over our consulate too in Mosul. But this chicken Erdoğan and foreign affairs minister couldn't go there and kill them ISIS all. They are afraid because there are upcoming elections, because if something goes wrong, Erdoğan won't be selected for the President place so they couldn't do it. I heard this ISIS are just killing Shia's. Anyway, I hope Maliki will kill them all soon.
Emrecan_58 10 years ago
Besiktas 149 3375
Hey bro , what's with the new ISIS shit? Do you have any information about those bastards?
Emrecan_58 10 years ago
Besiktas 149 3375
Haha :) I can not say no to Yeni Rakı :D
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