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Toronto FC
Emobot7 6 years ago
540 11460
So you were saying you were a fan of Fallout New Vegas? Which faction do you like best? :D
Golefty 6 years ago
Toronto FC 27 1017
NCR is fun to screw over and The Legion is pretty neat to play out, but i never feel good about it XD
Golefty 6 years ago
Toronto FC 27 1017
fallout 3 is the best tho
Emobot7 6 years ago
540 11460
Personally, I haven't played a second game yet but I'm with the NCR through and through, love how they militarize the wasteland wether people want it or not. :P As for Fallout 3, been too long since I played that game, I completed it once and kinda forgot about it. :P I played Fallout 4 a lot more. I guess one of my main problem with Fallout 3 was that you are stuck helping the Brotherhood of Steel that are awfully good for once. True Brotherhood of Steel shouldn't be nice, they should only care about gathering technology. :P Oh man, I wish we could have joined the Enclave instead in Fallout 3, would have made the game a lot more interesting for me. :P
Golefty 6 years ago
Toronto FC 27 1017
I donno i kinda dont like the NCR, but the legion is way worse, i would recomment a play thourgh as the legion, do you have boon as a companion since your playing helping the NCR?
Emobot7 6 years ago Edited
540 11460
@Golefty Actually, I do have him as a companion, when I needed to go to Caesar camp to get the platinum chip and Benny, Boone and I went in massacring any Legion member on our way. It felt damn epic when the deed was done. :D But I get why you may not like the NCR, they don't actually care for the good of their citizen or the people of the wasteland. Still like the fact its the one faction closer to governement before the great war.
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@Golefty Actually, I do have him as a companion, when I needed to go to Caesar camp to get the platinum chip and Benny, Boone and me went in massacring any Legion member on our way. It felt damn epic when the deed was done. :D
@Golefty Actually, I do have him as a companion, when I needed to go to Caesar camp to get the platinum chip and Benny, Boone and me went in massacring any Legion member on our way. It felt damn epic when the deed was done. :D But I get why you may not like the NCR, they don't actually care for the good of their citizen or the people of the wasteland. Still like the fact its the one faction closer to governement before the great war.
Golefty 6 years ago
Toronto FC 27 1017
lol , fan of the government eh? you gotta expose the white glove society.... have you fashioned yourself a Dart Gun? But seriously man , head north of Goodsprings to the Tribal Village, try and climb the mountinas to the south west, so you can pick of the cazodors without gettting fucked up, you may need some antivenom, once you have killed all the cazadors , there is a fireaxe in one of the tents or on one of the dead raiders bodies, get the AXE. then look as your leaving from the entrance to the tribal village walk up to the surrounding bloulders, there is a hidden hidden place in a rock where you can stash stuff and it is convenient to fast travel too. As you leave the tribal village and head east the rock should be on your right.
Golefty 6 years ago
Toronto FC 27 1017
YOu will need to repair your axe and they are hard to find, there is a mission you can do with NCR soldiers where you raid Camp Searchlight in Radsuits, there is some good loot, get a rad suit from a Vault and, and find steal the fireaxe from the Irradiated Fire station in Camp Searchlight. I plowed my way through the an entire game with an axe. IT is the best weapon IMO
Emobot7 6 years ago
540 11460
You really swear by that axe, don't you? Will try to find it soon. I've started a new game where I'm doing a melee character so it should all work well together. ;)
Golefty 6 years ago
Toronto FC 27 1017
That will work perfectly with your melee character, you can take out fucking Deathclaws if your good with it, but for the average foe , one hit will usually dismember anything in your path.
Emobot7 6 years ago
540 11460
Thats what I need, especially now the NCR are breathing down my neck after I helped out the Powder Ganger. :P
Emobot7 6 years ago
540 11460
I got the axe! It is indeed mighty but it might still be too soon for me to kill Deathclaw with it. XD Anyway, it was really tough to get because of the Cazodors but I don't regret spending a few stimpack to get it. Its worth it. I also managed to get a second one and I have enough weapon repair kit to keep them in relatively in good shape. ;)
Golefty 6 years ago
Toronto FC 27 1017

Did you find the secret hiding place inside the boulder?
Golefty 6 years ago
Toronto FC 27 1017
YEs you will neaed to level up your XP, strength, i beleive there a perks that increase your skill with melee weapons, you ll want to look into that, also The intensive trianing perks will let you increase your strength and endurance, Arnt fallout 3 and New Vegas vastly superior to Fallout 4?
Emobot7 6 years ago
540 11460
Been too long since i last played fallout 3 but New Vegas certainly as a lot going for it that 4 does not have. Like all the faction and choice you can make regarding those. Its sure offer more freedom in how you want to do thing.
Emobot7 6 years ago
540 11460
Hey mate, how are you doing, its been way too long since I last saw you active. :)
Golefty 6 years ago
Toronto FC 27 1017
Ey , been hiding since the bayern defeat XD
TFC losing on penalties in the champions league didnt help either
Golefty 6 years ago
Toronto FC 27 1017
How are ya?
Emobot7 6 years ago
540 11460
I'm doing alright, its dissapointing TFC couldn't win CL, Montreal also failed against a Mexican team before in the CL. Americain team just have rotten luck in that competition, its ain't our fault. :( At least, you can start focusing on MLS again. :D
amir_keal 7 years ago
Arsenal, Netherlands 66 2895
Hey, long time. How's it going? What's up mate?
Golefty 7 years ago
Toronto FC 27 1017
hey dude, i didnt see your post onb my wall, ya got really busy with other stuff but now will be here more. hope your doing well.
amir_keal 7 years ago
Arsenal, Netherlands 66 2895
No worries mate. Nice to know, hopefully we can have more footballing discussions :)
Emobot7 7 years ago
540 11460
Where are you mate!? Been so long since you last posted, hope everythings ok mate. :S
Golefty 7 years ago
Toronto FC 27 1017
been so busy at work lol so no time to go on Footyroom hahahaha, Summer is killer where i work, also just been dealing with a lot of my own shit. thanks for asking man, I hope everything is going great with you too!
Emobot7 7 years ago
540 11460
Yeah, I'm fine mate, good to hear your simply being busy. I hope thing will get better and you'll find some time to go on FR again soon. Till then, take care and try to have fun when you can. ;)
Emobot7 7 years ago
540 11460
Mate, you heard about the impact comeback to draw against Philadelphia? That was sick! Jackson-Hamel, talk about a super-sub! :D Anyway, as you can see, I decided to follow MLS a bit more this season than the last one, if only Montreal Impact results. ;)
Golefty 7 years ago
Toronto FC 27 1017
That looked like an awesome game, saw the highlights. What a comeback.
Emobot7 7 years ago Edited
540 11460
Hey mate, hope everything it good for you. At the very least, TFC are still one point over us so that's better than nothing. XD ... :(
But MLS apart, I hope your ok mate. ;)
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Hey mate, hope everything it good for you. At the very least, TFC are still one point over us so that's better than nothing. XD ... :(
But MLS apart, I hoe your ok mate. ;)
Golefty 7 years ago
Toronto FC 27 1017
AHaha thanks EMo, i assume your referring to the Dortmund games. I will probably be less active for a few days while i swallow my pride. Hahaha I honestly have been so focused on dortmund and MAn u lately i havnt been following TFC as closely... Thanks tho man, hope your well too
amir_keal 7 years ago Edited
Arsenal, Netherlands 66 2895
Hey bro, could I ask you if there is a way to find a way to get a player's performance of all their touches without searching it up on Youtube? Like all their touches of a game.
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Hey bro, could I ask you if there is a way to find a way to get a player's performance of all their touches without searching it up on Youtube?
Golefty 7 years ago
Toronto FC 27 1017
Ive only found that on youtube before, i dont know where to look, but I usually search - (players name) vs (other team) for eg , julian drxler vs stde rennes
amir_keal 8 years ago
Arsenal, Netherlands 66 2895
Did you want to join in on me and DarioUtd's best teams? If so, please reply to this message.
Golefty 8 years ago
Toronto FC 27 1017
Ill be alright man you two seem to have it under control
amir_keal 8 years ago
Arsenal, Netherlands 66 2895
Yeah saw your reply on livescore. Don't worry buddy.
DarioUtd 8 years ago Edited
Manchester United 27 493
Hey, thanks for the great chat!! Hag1 bro!! I also up-voted your comment on West Ham vs Man City!! :)
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Hey, thanks for the great chat!! Hag1 bro!! :)
Golefty 8 years ago
Toronto FC 27 1017
hey i just figured out what a wall is
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