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quikzyyy 10 years ago
Arsenal 429 9003
Man, where are you? Didn't seen you for a while.
Wolfie 10 years ago
Inter, Germany 94 1844
Are there any other mods apart from you, Tuanis and alex? Seems like alex runs FR alone. He's on major powertrip that need to be addressed by Admin asap.
Emrecan_58 10 years ago
Besiktas 149 3375
Thank you :) And I like your team . Its unlucky you took Bayern in Last16. But you are gonna win FA Cup. Your team really deserved a trophy this year. Btw I like Wenger. He has a great personality.
Vendetta 10 years ago
Chelsea FC, Egypt 202 3025
Nope I missed it, but I saw the highlights. Man that Toure goal was insane. I really hope Matic becomes as good as Yaya in the future.
AlexBatak 10 years ago
Chelsea, Italy 204 2707
I'm still puzzled at how good they are at home.. They lost to us and others on an away match and I'm sure they will drop points eventually. They couldn't break our home record and I have faith in our squad and hopefully we can beat them at Etihad and break their record. So the table would be 1. Arsenal with 55 pts, 2. Man City with 53 pts, 3. Chelsea with 53 pts. and then we will have an easier fixture than both Arsenal and City during February and Marsh in which I hope we can move on top of the table. but eh I'm just dreaming :) Anyways, may the one who deserve it the most win the title! This season has been insanely tough for everyone.
AlexBatak 10 years ago
Chelsea, Italy 204 2707
Well done mate, he definitely deserve it. and Congrats for the 3 points! :) I hope we can get a 1 or 3 points tomorrow as well! "I can't wait till tomorrow!" ":s just kidding, I'm freaked out already"
graduation 11 years ago
Arsenal, Morocco 0 102
salam bro !! :)
Kibeloko 11 years ago
Real Madrid, Brazil 1 54
Oh, ok thanks folk!
Marcus2011 11 years ago
Chelsea FC, England 277 6501
thanks !
Marcus2011 11 years ago
Chelsea FC, England 277 6501
cool where is the forum ?
Kibeloko 11 years ago
Real Madrid, Brazil 1 54
Foot, are you the admin here?
KingHenry 11 years ago
Arsenal, France 44 1362
Have you tried hanging out at r/gunners on reddit ? There is some nice discussion going on there and it's all about arsenal of course.
Lodatz 11 years ago
Tottenham Hotspur, England 150 4992
Just cause you seemed interested in how Spurs have been playing: I'm gonna get the Cardiff one up soon too.
tdot2barca 11 years ago
Assyriska FF, Brazil 35 956
Hey, Foota. Sorry about the other day in the TalkRoom my internet had disconnected and it wouldn't connect again. :/
ironfist2010 11 years ago
Real Madrid, Egypt 69 907
Hey Foota :) yeah vascular surgeries usually take a relatively long time compared to other surgeries . anyway best of luck for you and i hope you'll enjoy it :) these micro-surgeries are entertaining , trust me ;) it's like an exciting challange , that's one of the reasons why i chose ophthalmology as my future speciality :) we're gonna miss you mate :)
Vendetta 11 years ago
Chelsea FC, Egypt 202 3025
Here is pretty much what has happened in the past two days: -Islamist-backed constitution has been suspended provisionally. -Chief Justice of Supreme Constitutional Court of Egypt(Adly Mansour) to serve as Acting President of Egypt until elections are held. -Constitutional Court will start preparing for new presidential elections. -Government to be led by other technocratic leaders until elections are held. -Pope Tawadros II of Alexandria of the Coptic Church supports the Coup. -Egypt's most senior Sunni authority, The Sheikh of al-Azhar, said on state TV the military and others had chosen the lesser of two evils. -There are unconfirmed reports of heavy gunfire at a Muslim Brotherhood rally in Cairo's Nasr City. -Former President Mohamed Morsi's location is unknown. -Key opposition figure Mohammed elBaradei says the new roadmap "guarantees the achievement of the basic demand of the Egyptian people - to have early elections during a transitional period during which the constitution is re-written". -Reports of a Brotherhood-supporting man screaming in anger "churches will burn, mosques will burn", etc. -Local media reports that Egyptian Islamist channels Al Hafez, Al Nas and Misr 25 have gone off air. -Mohamed Morsi's presidential Facebook page quotes Morsi saying he rejects army statement as 'military coup'. -Egypt has entered "another military coup cycle", Muslim Brotherhood spokesman Gehad El-Haddad said in a tweet after the army's suspension of the constitution. "Will the people of #Egypt take it, again," he wrote. -Al Nour Party (Ultra conservative Islamist party) supports coup to stop the bloodshed. -Thousands at the pro-Morsy rally chanted "down with military rule" and "invalid" upon listening to the military announcement of Morsy's ouster. -An Egyptian general just suggested that Morsi can run again if he wants. -Al Jazeera reports that people at the Nasr City pro-Morsi rally just took a mass oath to defend Morsi with their lives.- Thanks for that upslupe -In a statement, Mr Morsi asks all citizens, civilians or military, to abide by the constitution and the law, and not to respond to what he describes as a coup. He also calls on Egyptians to "avoid bloodshed". -Morsi supporters have been listening to an audio recording of him denouncing the coup at a rally. Unknown if it was recorded or live. -A former Egyptian general, Sameh Seif El Yazal, said he expects elections to take place in 9 to 12 months. -Acting President Adly Mansour to be sworn in on Thursday. -Celebrations continue as of 10:30 p.m. Egyptian time. They are expected to last throughout the night but it remains unknown if the Muslim Brotherhood supporters will stay in the streets. -Morsi has released a video statement( In Arabic) "Dr. Mohamed Morsi, President of Egypt, emphasizes that the measures declared by the Chief Command of Armed Forces represent a military coup d’état, which we categorically reject, in whole or part by all the honest honorable men who struggled for the transformation to democracy. The president stresses, in his capacity as the president of the republic and chief commander of armed forces, that all the citizens, civilians and militarians, leaders and soldiers, are required to adhere to the Constitution and law; not to respond to this coup which will throw Egypt back to the dark ages; and to maintain peaceful behaviors and avoid bloodshed." -The interim President,Adly Mansour, will have decree powers. -The Crew of the Islamist Channel, Misr 5, have been arrested by Police
Vendetta 11 years ago
Chelsea FC, Egypt 202 3025
Well as you most likely know now, Morsi is under house arrest, all connections tied with the Ikhwan in the government are slowly being eliminated and Ikhwan media are being arrested. As good as this is, I fear what pro-Morsi people might do. Some of them have already said they would fight for Morsi and there are rumors gun shots have been fired already. It's still not clear enough to see where this is going. As for your plan, it may work but elections are expected to happen in 8-12 months time and the army wants the country back on its feet as fast as possible. They're not taking things lightly at the moment with the Ikhwan.
Vendetta 11 years ago
Chelsea FC, Egypt 202 3025
Thanks for checking up, man. Kolo tamam. As you might know, the military have given Morsi a deadline and if he fails to stop the protest it's most likely over for him. The problem I see with this is just it might be the higher military powers trying to control Egypt (once again). Not so clear so far, but Morsi leaving is the first step. We don't want a civil war over here like at Syria.
Golden 11 years ago
35 693
Nice to see you agreeing, mate. Someone obviously just look at the scoreline, but that's life. We played a poor first half, but raised in the second. I think we should've managed to put one goal in the net, but that's our fault for not exploiting the chances better (see: the two huge ones in the 2nd half). Anyway, really proud of the boys, and you know you should be satisfied when you've reached the semis for a small football nation like Norway, even if it's crashing out 3-0 v Spain. Also, there's been discussion here in Norway that the U21s are better than the seniors, and I actually agree. ;)
raimondo90 11 years ago
Valencia, Argentina 89 2492
Its not the worse thing to happen to us. Yes the CL bonus would of helped out but we always sell. Next season will be nothing new. I can see Soldado head to the EPL and perhaps Guaita leaving to maybe Barca. I hope the club head in the right direction and when they sell, make the most of it. If we can snatch a few good deals from France, Portugal and Germany we can come back to CL by next season. I have a few players I'd love to see at Valencia. Best we can hope is for a EL final and perhaps win it.
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