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United_Hates_Blues 2 months ago
Manchester United, England 14 994
This still my og from footyroom. Miss you brother
United_Hates_Blues 3 years ago Edited
Manchester United, England 14 994
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I was just reminiscing it's been forever lol. Hope you're well I was lmfao over Marcus trying to get me banned in the live chat hahaha. I guess he didn't know we were bros regardless of the teams we supported. It goes deeper that's why I love football. Hope we see you soon mate!!
United_Hates_Blues 4 years ago Edited
Manchester United, England 14 994
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Showing previous versions of this text.
AlexBatak 7 years ago
Chelsea, Italy 204 2707
Cheers :)
AlexBatak 7 years ago
Chelsea, Italy 204 2707
Yes I'm around was just busy with my son :) I hope you all are doing great
KTBFFHSWE 8 years ago
Chelsea FC, Sweden 52 2449
Hey mate, are you still on the forum? I sincerely hope that you haven't left.
quikzyyy 8 years ago
Arsenal 429 9003
Hey man are you alive? Didn't seen you for a while, how are you doing?
KTBFFHSWE 8 years ago
Chelsea FC, Sweden 52 2449
I tried to before but it wouldnt let me post it on your wall for some reason. He's a regular troll.
Marcus2011 8 years ago
Chelsea FC, England 277 6501
Alex how are you mate ? can you please check the chat room for United_HAtes _ BLues
Lodatz 9 years ago
Tottenham Hotspur, England 150 4992
Hi there. So, now I have a new problem with the same 'moderator' who banned me for standing up to him. Now shpalman is harassing me on my Wall, despite me telling him to stop, and despite me removing him from my friends list. Why is this guy a moderator with such a clear abuse of powers to bully someone else?
TheGame 9 years ago
Manchester United 104 1380
Got it. Thanks mate!
Marcus2011 10 years ago
Chelsea FC, England 277 6501
Thank you mate ! )))
manchesterutI 10 years ago
Real Madrid, England 23 388
Yeah,tuan_jinn already informed me of the fix of the 4 weeks and 2 days bug. Thanks a lot.
mladen 10 years ago
Manchester United, Yugoslavia 253 2319
Thanks Alex! Your words really mean to me. That's characteristic of big men. I wish you best luck. Enjoy!
mladen 10 years ago
Manchester United, Yugoslavia 253 2319
Hi mate. It seems like my account is active again. LoL . I don't remember if I broke any rules. My last tweet was UEFA MAFIA. Maybe that ? Anyway I m here again ;) thanks for support bro.
netsten 10 years ago
Chelsea, Belgium 44 992
Thank you Alex, glad you like it :) Here's a better one just for you ;)
liomessi10 10 years ago
Barcelona, Argentina 222 3053
Marcus2011 10 years ago
Chelsea FC, England 277 6501
Thank you mate !
ramaboy10 10 years ago
Mauritius 285 6463
Thanks :)
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