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Netherlands *
Canceled Abandoned
HT {{ maCtrl.match.homeScoreHT }} : {{ maCtrl.match.awayScoreHT }}
FT {{ maCtrl.match.homeScoreFT }} : {{ maCtrl.match.awayScoreFT }}
ET {{ +maCtrl.match.homeScoreET + +maCtrl.match.homeScoreFT }} : {{ +maCtrl.match.awayScoreET + +maCtrl.match.awayScoreFT }}
PEN {{ maCtrl.match.homeScorePEN }} : {{ maCtrl.match.awayScorePEN }}
England *
{{ maCtrl.match.homeAggrWin ? : }} win {{ maCtrl.match.homeScoreAggr || 0 }} : {{ maCtrl.match.awayScoreAggr || 0 }} on aggregate {{ maCtrl.match.homeAggrWin ? : }} win on away goals rule after {{ maCtrl.match.homeScoreAggr }} : {{ maCtrl.match.awayScoreAggr }} aggregate {{ maCtrl.match.homeAggrWin ? : }} win {{ maCtrl.match.homeScorePEN }} : {{ maCtrl.match.awayScorePEN }} on penalties after {{ maCtrl.match.homeScoreAggr || 0 }} : {{ maCtrl.match.awayScoreAggr || 0 }} aggregate
Aggregate score {{ maCtrl.match.homeScoreAggr }} : {{ maCtrl.match.awayScoreAggr }}

  • {{ }}
  • Goals
  • {{ maCtrl.lastname( }} ({{ event.elapsed }}')
  • Cards
  • {{ maCtrl.lastname( }} ({{ event.elapsed }}')
  • {{ }}
  • Goals
  • {{ maCtrl.lastname( }} ({{ event.elapsed }}')
  • Cards
  • {{ maCtrl.lastname( }} ({{ event.elapsed }}')
{{ maCtrl.homeTeamPerformancePoll.totalVotes + maCtrl.awayTeamPerformancePoll.totalVotes }} Votes
Netherlands vs England
Team Performance
Top Comments
Hekasi 5 years ago
Chelsea, England 7 764
milanlamiavita 5 years ago
Bustese Milano City, Italy 4 3418
You know that England play in white, right?
HaXXspetten 5 years ago
Sweden 0 883
How is that lucky? They all could have played if Southgate had decided so. It's England's own fault if so. And don't bring up the excuse that some of them just played in the UCL finals and were too tired because that clearly didn't stop Van Dijk from playing
All comments
MikeHawk 5 years ago
Arsenal, France 0 292
England is so fecking pitiful. Thought I was watching United lol
serans 5 years ago
Manchester United, Poland 3 203
Wasn't De Ligt faul deserving red card?
TimHowardisGOD 5 years ago
Arsenal, United States 0 110
Maybe a yellow but he went for the ball.
deathwink 5 years ago
Manchester United, Indonesia 0 1
Obviusly smalling and jones are the best england defender at the moment according to this match
delfin 5 years ago
Liverpool 0 239
6 defenders...
delfin 5 years ago Edited
Liverpool 0 239
6 defenders. Stones should be out of the national team, let's get in someone else, because there's many to chose from. To be honest he's over appreciated by Southgate. But in the end the fault does lie with Soutgate if he can't pick a better starting line-up and afterwards stubbornly insists that it's just bad luck..
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6 defenders. Stones should be out of the national team, let's get in someone else, because there's many to chose from. To be honest he's over appreciated by Southgate. But in the end the fault does lie with Soutgate if he can't pick a better starting line-up and afterwards stubbornly insists that everything's ok..
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LindrooS 5 years ago
Manchester United 0 822
And some say de ligt is top class... look at this mistakes
DrRodro 5 years ago
Ajax, Netherlands 0 58
Keep this little sentence of yours in mind man and come back in 6-7 years and realise what a fool you are. EVERY SINGLE PLAYER IN THE WORLD makes mistakes
LindrooS 5 years ago
Manchester United 0 822
how many mistakes must he do?? once he made and left holland in group.
LindrooS 5 years ago
Manchester United 0 822
Another mistake in final..
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LindrooS 5 years ago
Manchester United 0 822
this was england second team..
Hamouda 5 years ago
Manchester United, Canada 0 127
Been sayin it for a long time : Walker, Maguire and Stones are very very overrated defenders.
Only time will proove it right again
milanlamiavita 5 years ago
Bustese Milano City, Italy 4 3418
Walker isn't overrated at all. He is first choice under the most demanding manager in the world i Guardiola - says a lot. Stones - he isn't overrated. He is a pile of shite and has been a pile of shite always. The other guy is just a tractor
Sofiaokashina 5 years ago
Liverpool, England 0 115
For being an England fan for all my life i have come to expect one thing: WE ALWAYS LOSE in some final stage. So nothing new here. anyway after the CL, i could care less about overhyped England .
mauafiuni 5 years ago
Real Madrid, Venezuela 0 65
Why is southgate trying to copy tiki taka from pep? where is the classic English style?
Udines 5 years ago
Liverpool XI, Indonesia U23 0 3
Memphis said: "this goal for manutd fans"
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ArthurMorgan 5 years ago Edited
Arsenal, England 1 184
Lucky Holland kane , alexander, milner, alli , trippier, rose, Henderson, lotus cheek and odoi didn't play.
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Lucky Holland trippier, rose, Henderson, lotus cheek and odoi didn't play.
Lucky Holland kane , trippier, rose, Henderson, lotus cheek and odoi didn't play.
HaXXspetten 5 years ago
Sweden 0 883
How is that lucky? They all could have played if Southgate had decided so. It's England's own fault if so. And don't bring up the excuse that some of them just played in the UCL finals and were too tired because that clearly didn't stop Van Dijk from playing
Adefra 5 years ago
Liverpool, Mexico 0 54
And Gini Wijnaldum too
ArthurMorgan 5 years ago
Arsenal, England 1 184
Woooooow van dijk and wijnaldum that's just 2 players compared to the dozens of players England had missed
binjai 5 years ago
0 1223
English fans as stupid as their media with all the excuses.
_Pelle_ 5 years ago Edited
Paris Saint-Germain 158 6910
You can only put 11 players on the pitch so stop whining about how England did not put player no12 13 and 14 etc on the pitch.

Its the collective performance that is most important.
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You can only put 11 players on the pitch so stop whining about how England did not put player no12 13 and 14 etc pn the pitch.

Its the collective performance that is most important.
ArthurMorgan 5 years ago
Arsenal, England 1 184
Hahahaha idiot thinks I'm talking about playing 12 or 13 men on the pitch. Do you not think if England replaced walker with Arnold, chikwell with rose, rice for cheek, alli for Barkley, milner for Delph , etc they wouldn't have a better chance of winning? Take off your " I hate England "glasses " off and actually understanding the perspective . That's like saying France playing in the world cup final with fekir for pogba, nzonzi for kante, kimpembe for varane, areola for lloris , lacazette for griezmann, lemar for mbappe etc. It just won't happen none of them are as good as the first teamer
_Pelle_ 5 years ago
Paris Saint-Germain 158 6910
Oh I see the infamous footyroom troll with yet another account.
ArthurMorgan 5 years ago
Arsenal, England 1 184
Oh I see a moron who doesn't know what he is talking about. Put the crack pipe down for once
ArthurMorgan 5 years ago
Arsenal, England 1 184
Going off topic because you have nothing logical to say. Stay in your lane kid
_Pelle_ 5 years ago
Paris Saint-Germain 158 6910
You were born off topic.
Ajaxxxxx 5 years ago
Ajax, Netherlands 0 53
Hahahahah, worst excuse ever, the only one worth mentioning was Kane, and he played disappear the whole game against Liuverpool xDDD
ArthurMorgan 5 years ago
Arsenal, England 1 184
You were born a keyboard warrior.
Spiraklas21 5 years ago
Manchester City, Greece 0 45
Mourinho IN. Southgate OUT
Lambo91 5 years ago
Juventus, Italy 0 5196
Netherlands back at their form
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SIMMAN99 5 years ago Edited
Bayern Munich, France 0 143
I’m sorry but even if they were far from being great, England was clearly the better side tonight (not a single chance for the netherlands in the whole 90 minutes, while England had sancho’s header, rashford’s chance, lingard’s disallowed goal (why the f..?)...).
People just look like they’ve never watched an England match (sorry but I didnt know England was supposed to have the possession in their games) and then dont get why they dont keep the ball...
And I can swear I prefer Netherlands to England...
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I’m sorry but even if they were far from great, England was clearly the better side tonight (not a single chance for the netherlands in the whole 90 minutes, while England hard sancho’s header, rashford’s chance, lingard’s disallowed goal (why the f..?)...).
People just seem like they’ve never watched an England match (sorry but I didnt know England was supposed to have the possession in their games) and then dont get why they dont keep the ball...
And I can swear I prefer Netherlands to England...
I’m sorry but even if they were far from great, England was clearly the better side tonight (not a single chance for the netherlands in the whole 90 minutes, while England had sancho’s header, rashford’s chance, lingard’s disallowed goal (why the f..?)...).
People just seem like they’ve never watched an England match (sorry but I didnt know England was supposed to have the possession in their games) and then dont get why they dont keep the ball...
And I can swear I prefer Netherlands to England...
I’m sorry but even if they were far from great, England was clearly the better side tonight (not a single chance for the netherlands in the whole 90 minutes, while England had sancho’s header, rashford’s chance, lingard’s disallowed goal (why the f..?)...).
People just look like they’ve never watched an England match (sorry but I didnt know England was supposed to have the possession in their games) and then dont get why they dont keep the ball...
And I can swear I prefer Netherlands to England...
milanlamiavita 5 years ago
Bustese Milano City, Italy 4 3418
You know that England play in white, right?
SIMMAN99 5 years ago Edited
Bayern Munich, France 0 143
@milanlamiavita dude ur litteraly saying netherlands were better cause they had the ball more often. Dont get me wrong but Spain didn't win the wc, neither did germany, so u should know that keeping the ball =/= being the better team
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@milanlamiavita dude ur litteraly saying netherlands were better cause the had the ball more often. Dont get me wrong but Spain didn't win the wc, neither did germany, so u should know that keeping the ball =/= being the better team
Michael_Jordan 5 years ago
FC Zurich 0 539
Bayerndusel.. shut up.
stop hating on the dutch. Even when this much smaller country destroys you from time to time.. (all the time) :))
SIMMAN99 5 years ago
Bayern Munich, France 0 143
@Michael_Jordan Dude I'm french I don't even get what u mean, on our 5 last matches with netherlands we're winning like 10-5. I sincerely don't hate netherlands at all, if u wanna know my opinion they should have gone to the wc (they were better than sweden and far better than some other european teams which qualified (hello iceland, hello switzerland...)) and I think they could have gone pretty far in Russia. But being honestly u just can't say they were better than england tonight.
money_is_pizza 5 years ago
Barcelona, Spain 1 195
You do know that Switzerland qualified with one of the most points for the wc?
Ajaxxxxx 5 years ago
Ajax, Netherlands 0 53
No chance? Are you blind?
milanlamiavita 5 years ago
Bustese Milano City, Italy 4 3418
England's last shot on goal was by Sancho...54th minute.
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Sir_Frank 5 years ago
Chelsea, England 0 330
Harry Winks over Jordan Henderson!!! Why the heck wasnt Winksy included???
dillon94 5 years ago
0 8
Depay 1/10 for overall performance.
xumeey 5 years ago
Liverpool 0 1462
If your defense is shit and can't do the basics why bother trying advanced shit like building from the back. This might be the worst defensive display I ever saw in a while.
Cizbiz 5 years ago
Barcelona, Netherlands 0 625
Capitalising on a penalty caused by a simple mistake then parking the bus all game long. That's not the home football's going to come to, mate. Netherlands deserved this game in every way.
Sir_Frank 5 years ago
Chelsea, England 0 330
Pathetic game lads... geez... all that hype from Liverpool and Tottenham final is officially over now.
Bestiainmunda 5 years ago
Real Madrid, Peru 2 188
i think that hype was killed by the game itself tbh.....
LOSTerry 5 years ago
Liverpool, England 0 312
well, most english from UCL final like Kane, Rose, Trippier, Dele, Dier, Henderson, TAA, and Milner not even started.. plus, i think the one who makes the mistake is your fav player. BARKLEY the next lampard.
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