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Senegal *
Canceled Abandoned
HT {{ maCtrl.match.homeScoreHT }} : {{ maCtrl.match.awayScoreHT }}
FT {{ maCtrl.match.homeScoreFT }} : {{ maCtrl.match.awayScoreFT }}
ET {{ +maCtrl.match.homeScoreET + +maCtrl.match.homeScoreFT }} : {{ +maCtrl.match.awayScoreET + +maCtrl.match.awayScoreFT }}
PEN {{ maCtrl.match.homeScorePEN }} : {{ maCtrl.match.awayScorePEN }}
Colombia *
{{ maCtrl.match.homeAggrWin ? : }} win {{ maCtrl.match.homeScoreAggr || 0 }} : {{ maCtrl.match.awayScoreAggr || 0 }} on aggregate {{ maCtrl.match.homeAggrWin ? : }} win on away goals rule after {{ maCtrl.match.homeScoreAggr }} : {{ maCtrl.match.awayScoreAggr }} aggregate {{ maCtrl.match.homeAggrWin ? : }} win {{ maCtrl.match.homeScorePEN }} : {{ maCtrl.match.awayScorePEN }} on penalties after {{ maCtrl.match.homeScoreAggr || 0 }} : {{ maCtrl.match.awayScoreAggr || 0 }} aggregate
Aggregate score {{ maCtrl.match.homeScoreAggr }} : {{ maCtrl.match.awayScoreAggr }}

  • {{ }}
  • Goals
  • {{ maCtrl.lastname( }} ({{ event.elapsed }}')
  • Cards
  • {{ maCtrl.lastname( }} ({{ event.elapsed }}')
  • {{ }}
  • Goals
  • {{ maCtrl.lastname( }} ({{ event.elapsed }}')
  • Cards
  • {{ maCtrl.lastname( }} ({{ event.elapsed }}')
{{ maCtrl.homeTeamPerformancePoll.totalVotes + maCtrl.awayTeamPerformancePoll.totalVotes }} Votes
Senegal vs Colombia
Team Performance
Top Comments
Algerino 6 years ago
Napoli, Algeria 6 850
considering how many players from africa france has. Its a parody you write that comment.
ArsenalClub 6 years ago
Arsenal, Chile 0 2391
France is representing, don't worry hermano!
All comments
Dimitri7 6 years ago
AC Milan, Macedonia 0 1079
I really can't find the right words to truly express how sorry I am for Senegal! YES - I like Colombia & I'm very glad they go on (and HOPE THEY'LL BEAT ENGLAND, especially because it underestimates them), but I'm soooooo sorry for Senegal! I liked them even b4 the start of the WC, thus seeing them saying Goodbye in THIS WAY, it makes me feel awful! I'm not saying Japan didn't deserve to go into the 1/8 finals either (they surely played 3 awesome games & were ven better in the lost against Poland), it's just that I had a soft spot for Senegal. Plus, they were the last African team left on the WC, so it's sad not having even one amongst the 16 remained (best) teams!
However, they have all the reasons to walk away proud, stand up tall & hope for the good things in the future!
DevilsAvacado 6 years ago
Real Madrid 0 601
Hope they beat England? Not a fan of the English then!?
theemattlane 6 years ago
Arsenal 0 523
African teams are straight garbage this WC, very disappointed. Modern players are divas, they play with no passion or national pride. Absolute disgrace to the fans who traveled to a place that hates black ppl, from nice weather, probably had to pull strings to afford the tickets and yall put up miserable performances. I think Africa should lose a team for the next world cup until they decide they actually want to compete.
_Pelle_ 6 years ago
Paris Saint-Germain 158 6918
I hope James Rodriguez will be able to play against England.
FootballAficionado 6 years ago
Real Madrid, USA 0 168
Senegal downfall wass their goalkeeper. He threw away the Japan game and today this. Come on!
BlaugranaDude 6 years ago
Barcelona, Argentina 0 414
The only reason why Colombia suffered in this match was because they were physically exhausted from the last 2 matches. Playing with 10 men vs Japan and + the great effort made against Poland, especially by James and Cuadrado, that's why James had to be subbed out in the 1st half and Cuadrado didn't make many runs.
FootballAficionado 6 years ago
Real Madrid, USA 0 168
Physically exhausted!!! Still means you are a shit team. Welcome to the WC where you play 7 games to win the tournament in less than 4 weeks.
BlaugranaDude 6 years ago
Barcelona, Argentina 0 414
@FootballAficionado I'm sorry, but can you phrase your comment better? I don't understand what your point is or how it relates to my comment. :)
QuantumMercury 6 years ago Edited
Borussia Dortmund, Canada 0 87
Senegal actually played really well, especially in the first half. The way they cut the passing lanes, had tremendous strength to win the ball back with fair tackles (and yes I know there were a lot of fouls on both ends but there were also a lot of good fair tackles), great moving forward and awesome spirit/fans. I was heart broken when they were going to be eliminated :( This team is probably the one that most deserved to go through out of all that were eliminated in the group stage.
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Senegal actually played really well, especially in the first half. The way they cut the passing lanes, had tremendous strength to win the ball back with fair tackles, great moving forward and awesome spirit/fans. I was heart broken when they were going to be eliminated :( This team is probably the one that most deserved to go through out of all that were eliminated in the group stage.
tai432 6 years ago
Juventus, Japan 0 26
From a Japanese soccer lover.
Japan went through, but Senegal deserved to go through.
Just gonna leave this here.
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TottSpurs 6 years ago Edited
Tottenham Hotspur, United States 0 682
So far: Barça 10 goals.
Madrid 9
Spurs 8

Those numbers should keep going up over the next couple weeks.

Other notables:
United 6
Atletico Madrid 5
Chelsea 4
Pool and City 3 each

So it's basically a CL World Cup
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So far: Barça 10 goals.
Madrid 9
Spurs 8

Those numbers should keep going up over the next couple weeks.

Other notables:
United 6
Atletico Madrid 5
Chelsea 4
Pool and City 3 each

So it's basically a CL World Cup (except Chelski hahaha)
neurop 6 years ago
Paris Saint Germain, France 0 458
Lambo91 6 years ago
Juventus, Italy 0 5196
Seems like Mina has earned his spot in Barcelona's 2018/2019 starting 11 when the season starts in La Liga
Algerino 6 years ago
Napoli, Algeria 6 850
Senegal deserved better
tolik3333 6 years ago
Arsenal, Ukraine 0 194
So sad for Senegal
RunkJat 6 years ago
0 111
Wish Senegal went through. Solid defence. But Mane was so bad today. And the crossing from the Senegal team was horrible. They looked decent on the counter though with their pace but couldn't do much in the final third. Realistically Columbia has a better chance of taking on England or Belgium then Senegal.
mancitydude 6 years ago Edited
Manchester City, England U20 B 4 244
Faffin fair play points......should go to a replay match between senegal and japan

suppose it makes things easier and quicker tho
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Faffin fair play points......should go to a replay match between senegal and japan
_Pelle_ 6 years ago
Paris Saint-Germain 158 6918
Morocco, South Korea, Senegal are teams I feel sorry for. Playing well but did not get the results in their favor. I would have not complained if they were in the playoffs.
mancitydude 6 years ago
Manchester City, England U20 B 4 244
I agree, the supposedly good teams end up scraping thru and the ones that actually put their all in are knocked out
xumeey 6 years ago
Liverpool 0 1462
Can someone explain to me how Senegal is eliminated? Weren't they equal to Japan in terms of points, head to head, goals for, goals against and goal difference?
zebragun 6 years ago
Arsenal, South Korea 0 327
Japan advanced due to fairplay points..
RunkJat 6 years ago
0 111
The next tie breaker is disciplinary record and Senegal had two more yellows.
_Pelle_ 6 years ago
Paris Saint-Germain 158 6918
When everything is equal and before going to lottery... the team with less cards qualifies. As a way to promote "fairplay".
xumeey 6 years ago
Liverpool 0 1462
Thanks guys.
braininahat 6 years ago
USA 0 90
Colombia won with less soccer today. And Japan has not played well, getting outplayed by a 10-man Colombia. But you have to score goals to succeed, so another victim of poor offensive. I thought Sadio Mane was trash in this WC, stumbling over himself, turning the ball over constantly, and failing to score. Put any competent forward on the early opportunity and he shields the ball better with his left foot, forcing the defender to foul to get a touch on the ball. Still, I thought that was a penalty, as you can't play through the player even if you get the ball.
TottSpurs 6 years ago
Tottenham Hotspur, United States 0 682
WOW. Wish Sénégal were through, not Japan.... No African teams in knockouts....
braininahat 6 years ago
USA 0 90
And yet beginning 2026, Africa will get 9 WC entrants, while South America only gets 6. FIFA really hates South America.
Mammak 6 years ago
Real Madrid, Zimbabwe 0 75
That is unfair...
ArsenalClub 6 years ago
Arsenal, Chile 0 2391
Why? Did Colombia score an illegal goal or something? Or did Senegal not take their chances?
_Pelle_ 6 years ago
Paris Saint-Germain 158 6918
Nothing wrong on colombia, they did well. When you see how japan played the last 15 minutes and how Senegal played... you get a feeling of it being unfair.
FesTus 6 years ago
Real Madrid, Ghana 0 405
@ArsenalClub.........I think his comment is in regards to how Senegal got knocked-out. They were head to head with Japan all round. But Japan is going through instead of Senegal because they have 2 fewer yellow cards. I will not exactly say it is unfair, but I would rather say that Senegal is simply not fortunate to be caught up in such a situation.
Algerino 6 years ago Edited
Napoli, Algeria 6 850
unfair with fairplay? :)))
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unfair with fairplay?
the_bald_genius 6 years ago
10 1583
welcome to the easier bracket without france argentina brazil uruguay portugal.
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