would get pretty bored without a girl if you get what i mean (assuming the best friend is a male like me)
{{ searchResult.errors[0] }} would get pretty bored without a girl if you get what i mean (assuming the best friend is a male like me)
I would save my Best friend because I could find another girl later.
I would hold off the zombies that are attacking the girlF/bestF and stall and waste enough time for both of them to escape =]
Hopefully they survive and hold their memories of me close to their hearts.
And if they don't survive... I'll see them in heaven ;]
Whoever says he would save le best friend is either doesn't have a girlfriend or he isn't in love with her anymore or fed up with her. Commonnn....
Can I shoot myself to spare myself the misery of choosing?
Oh Really very difficult question!
I love my girlfriend but also my best friend..
Despite he is a chelsea fan :D
girlfriend.... best friend would understand my reasonable choice
@DonAndres nothing like being a man utd fan and having a best friend who is a Barcelona fan haha very sad to watch those 2 UCL finals with him
Haha my Best Friend is a girl ! I win
I'll safe my best friend and if i don't like the ending i just reset the level and save my GF :D
I'll save my bestfriend.....
I would throw a monkey bomb
bro before hoe :D
@koldimere LOL!
@ JuanMata10 Blood brothers mate! Respect!
as for me? i'll run while singing James Blunt - Goodbye my lover song.. haha
goodbye my lover..
goodbye my friend..
Yo yo Bros b4 for hos, El Wayne rooney showed me that. Hos b4 anybody ... Wayne rooney wazzzaaa
Half both of them, stick em together and get the hell out of there
So here's the deal. You've been travelling with a small group of people, say 4 people. Among those 4 people are your girlfriend and your best friend. Your group was attacked by zombies. Both your girlfriend and your best friend needs help urgently. You can only save one, the other one will be eaten by zombies, unfortunately. By now you know what the question will be.