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Who do you prefer Joe Biden/Donald Trump
Yusuf_10 4 years ago Edited
Manchester City, England 17 75

I prefer Joe Biden over Donald Trump

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Yusuf_10 4 years ago
Manchester City, England 17 75

P.S dont start trouble over who prefers who. :)

SunFlash 4 years ago
USA 19 3260

Normal boring candidate vs. literal wannabe dictator.

Seems pretty clear to me.

Ledley 4 years ago
Celtic, Australia 46 1310

It’s a lose-lose situation. Best we stay out of it.

KingDiamondIII 4 years ago
Juventus 1 7

Both of them are trash, but between these two i would choose Trump, at least he's funny. In other side Biden is a big liar, a leftist and creepy as hell.

ArgjentD 4 years ago
Juventus, Kosovo 6 155

Donald Trump all the way, it's time to beat these hypocrites, racists, sexists, heterophobes again.

iHEARTfootball 4 years ago
Manchester United 38 1000

Biden for me. Trump's done enough damage already. Show's over. Time for him and his whole family to step down.

SoccerBoss 4 years ago
Barcelona, Russia 34 804

I mean it's pretty clear that Trump was able to pick the economy up, even after coronavirus. Biden is too old and he has definite memory issues, he should stay in the retirement community instead. Trump might be a jerk, but at least economically he knows what he's doing.

legends16 4 years ago
Chelsea, England 39 783

Trump will stop at absolutely nothing to further his own aims. He has undermined so many reputable institutions just to prove petty opinions of his.Put simply, he puts himself first, then America.

I honestly believe he is a threat to democracy.

Emrecan_58 4 years ago
Besiktas 149 3375

I feel like if I speak, I will have to ban myself.

ArgjentD 4 years ago
Juventus, Kosovo 6 155

Emrecan would be interesting to hear an opinion about Trump/Biden from a turk tbh

SunFlash 4 years ago Edited
USA 19 3260


Much like Emre, I don't want to talk to much, but I agree with that statement in its entirety. I'm an American, I vote, and I can accept that Trump, a literal con-man, conned the American people the first time. I hope for the sake of my country that my people are not so misguided that they allow it to happen a second time.

I don't understand how after Trump could so vicariously fail at everything for 4 years, and then deny the existence of a global virus, have it kill 150,000 Americans before acknowledging it, and then when doing so claim that China began it to harm is own re-election chances - that he would have even a chance of being re-elected. But here we are. He said four years ago that he could shoot a man dead on 5th Avenue and he wouldn't lose any votes. We laughed then, but to anyone who has any stake in the success of my country, we aren't laughing now.


If you look at the stock market, which is dominantly held by the wealthly, then sure. If you look at everyone who isn't in the top 5%, it's shambles.


I would be curious to hear what you have to say. Turkey's government right now has slipped into something that I'm increasingly aware for the first time in my life it wouldn't be that hard for mine to also slip into given the correct agents. Trump is just such an agent.

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Much like Emre, I don't want to talk to much, but I agree with that statement in its entirety. I'm an American, I vote, and I can accept that Trump, a literal con-man, conned the American people the first time. I hope for the sake of my country that my people are not so misguided that they allow it to happen a second time.

I don't understand how after Trump could so vicariously fail at everything for 4 years, and then deny the existence of a global virus, have it kill 150,000 Americans before acknowledging it, and then when doing so claim that China began it to harm is own re-election chances - that he would have even a chance of being re-elected. But here we are. He said four years ago that he could shoot a man dead on 5th Avenue and he wouldn't lose any votes. We laughed then, but to anyone who has any stake in the success of my country, we aren't laughing now.


If you look at the stock market, which is dominantly held by the wealth, then sure. If you look at everyone who isn't in the top 5%, it's shambles.


I would be curious to hear what you have to say. Turkey's government right now has slipped into something that I'm increasingly aware for the first time in my life it wouldn't be that hard for mine to also slip into given the correct agents. Trump is just such an agent.

SoccerBoss 4 years ago
Barcelona, Russia 34 804


I agree with your statement, but then at the same time, you can't just disregard the statistics on jobs and unemployment percentage which both have drastically changed during Trumps tenure.

As for the coronavirus, then we can definitely blame Trump for his slow reaction, but I doubt that it would've been much different had Hillary or any other democrat had been in office. If you look at New York states statistics, especially the City of New York, then although all of the precautions and "early action", they still contributed a major amount of cases and deaths to the total coronavirus count. Obviously Trump was at fault for doubting COVID early on, but realistically speaking if it had been a Democratic president then the Republicans would be throwing him under the bus for the exact same thing that Democrats are throwing Trump under the bus for.

tiki_taka 4 years ago
Barcelona, France 367 9768

Trump all the way, done good things for economy...

DarthFooty 4 years ago
Queens Park Rangers, United States 37 1133

Imagine a day when it's not "oh that Democrat, that Republican, that white guy, that black guy"! It should be that "person" and until that happens, we will always have a way to blame something else for all our issues.

We have to hold ourselves accountable for our actions.

I hope Trump loses, but I think he will win again. I recognize that he has had some success in areas, and is a ballsy president to pull off half the crap he does. I just see more negatives with him than positives and I try to keep an open mind with what I read, hear and see.

Both sides of the political fence, and races for that matter, are not even trying to LISTEN at all. Its act and blame, act, and blame.

The biggest reason why I stay out of political/religious discussions is the lack of true listening to try and gain a better understanding.

Tuanis 4 years ago
Manchester United, England 87 2311

I don't care about being a moderator and being politically correct.

Trump any day.

I sadly don't see it as a candidate vs candidate thing but a dispute between two parties.
The Democratic party is already far too deep in a chaotic ideology and does not represent in the slightest my values or believes. Social or economical.
Trump is not a great public figure but during this 4 years Economy has been booming like I've never seen in my lifetime. Blaming racism and coronavirus deaths on him is just ridiculous.

For the sake of America which is a Country I really care for I hope the Democratic Party stays as far away from the white house as possible.

Marcus2011 4 years ago Edited
Chelsea FC, England 277 6501

It isn’t not Joe Biden vs Trump.
It is Kamalla Harris ( also Obama, Clinton’s, even Bush vs Trump).

I think Trump is absolute jack ass. He never was qualified to do this job nor is he still good enough, but democrats this year have really gone above and beyond to show that they will do anything to get power. People like that disturb me. I have grown to hate very same party that I supported 4 years ago ( honest to God). I still hate republicans too but Jesus democrats and liberal media this year they have done everything to get political points.

I rather have that stooge Trump stay than socialist ( almost communist) leaning demócratas.

If you want me to give you more elaborate answer then it is certainly democratic fiscal policy plan, healthcare and education plan that disturbed me! They are out of their money if they think we can print our way out of this trouble and then fund new socialist policies! They need to revisit economics 101! ( Ofcourse Trump is also moron with his fiscal policy but at least he doesn’t go bananas ... yet)

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It isn’t not Joe Biden vs Trump.
It is Kamalla Harris ( also Obama, Clinton’s, even Bush vs Trump).

I think Trump is absolute jack ass. He never was qualified to do this job nor is he still good enough, but democrats this year have really gone above and beyond to show that they will do anything to get power. People like that disturb me. I have grown to hate very same party that I supported 4 years ago ( honest to God). I still hate republicans too but Jesus democrats and liberal media this year they have done everything to get political points.

I rather have that stooge Trump stay then socialist ( almost communist) leaning demócratas.

If you want me to give you more elaborate answer then it is certainly democratic fiscal policy plan, healthcare and education plan that disturbed me! They are out of their money if they think we can print our way out of this trouble and then fund new socialist policies! They need to revisit economics 101! ( Ofcourse Trump is also moron with his fiscal policy but at least he doesn’t go bananas ... yet)

Marcus2011 4 years ago
Chelsea FC, England 277 6501

My dear Trump supporters. Economy was booming because of previous fiscal policies. Trump should have raised the rates to let economy slowly get to top but he lowered them even more to accelerate economy . He cut the taxes which was fine but he should have never lower the rates with it too! Now we can’t even lower interest to help economy recover so feds just print money and buy junk bonds! Dollar is loosing its value, stock market is artificially all time high and foreign countries are slowly starting to dump US assets/ bonds. He is a moron with a corporate Socialism in him and pure egoism but not economic genius. Well at least he doesn’t go crazy like democrats do like Ocasión Cortez or Bernie with their ideas.

I agree with foreign policy of pressuring China though a lot! Pressuring Europe to pay up for all the trade deficit and Make equal contribution to NATO ( like Germany who benefits from not paying fair share more than everyone). Syria policy, Oraq and Afghan although he is being pushed a lot not leave from there completely! He tries sometimes to things he promised and actually he does it if no one gets on his way. However, I felt like that was on the mind of America long ago. Remember Us has deep state government that projects national strategies regardless of whom will be president and then it is matter of getting president on board with it.

KaithlynMoore 4 years ago
USA 0 6

I prefer Trump over Joe Biden; at least he has delivered what he promised.

DarthFooty 4 years ago
Queens Park Rangers, United States 37 1133

Hi Kaithlyn, welcome to FR! Hope you enjoy the site.

iHEARTfootball 4 years ago
Manchester United 38 1000

This debate was a shitshow. Can't wait for the fact-check.