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Who do you prefer Joe Biden/Donald Trump
Yusuf_10 4 years ago Edited
Manchester City, England 16 73

I prefer Joe Biden over Donald Trump

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Marcus2011 3 years ago
Chelsea FC, England 277 6501

Point I am making is that democrats believed that Russian influenced outcome of the election 4 years ago, so it is only expected that republicans believe in mail fraud. In addition, I believe Trump, wether there is a genuine fraud or not, is doing exactly what democrats did 4 years ago discrediting his victory and calling investigation that have led to his impeachment hearing. Republicans will go all the way to make life for Biden difficult just as much as democrats did in the last 4 years. Eye for an eye, in dirtiest way possible, is the rule that oppositions use now days.

I don't support it. I believe in bipartisanship and compromises, but fanatics on opposing sides of political spectrum don't care to find common ground.

Emobot7 3 years ago Edited
538 11432

@Marcus Fair point. People being surprised by Trump reaction toward the election have either a short memory or a small lack of insight. Personally, I don't mind Trump exploring all the possibilities and making inspection to make sure the election were done right, I just hope that when he done doing that and that he has no option left, he won't aggravate the situation any more and spurs his follower to do stupid thing in spite.

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@Marcus Fair point. People being surprised by Trump reaction toward the election have either a short memory or a lack of insight. Personally, I don't mind Trump exploring all the possibilities and making inspection to make sure the election were done right, I just hope that when he done doing that and that he has no option left, he won't aggravate the situation any more and spurs his follower to do stupid thing in spite.

tuan_jinn 3 years ago Edited
Manchester United, Netherlands 198 6912

I believe Trump

WHAT?????????? ... then, I read the full sentence... and almost had a heart attack.... No one should, in anyway, believe any word come out of that crazy guy... (sorry Trump's supporter).

Republicans will go all the way to make life for Biden difficult just as much as democrats did in the last 4 years. Eye for an eye, in dirtiest way possible, is the rule that oppositions use now days.

Same with you, I find it disgusting.... but this is different than 4 years ago which they brought up evidence that supported their investigation regarding the Russian... Not strong enough to win, or be truthful, and still going on weakly

This year it's different, the sitting president put everyone up and down, inconsitently claimed and claiming false crap in EVERYTHING, from Covid sh!t to winning the election, to fraudulent (in which to date, it's retarded 20/21 cases failed). And worst of all, he does everything to prevent the president elect to do his job, helping the American...

In 2016, Cliton lost, Obama, and Michiel weren't happy about how Trump painted them, but they did what they have to do, helped the president elect to take over.

This year we are seeing a pathetic sore loser. And more dangerously... the large part of 70 mil. people who trusted every sh!t that comes out of his classless mouth

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I believe Trump

WHAT?????????? ... then, I read the full sentence... and almost had a heart attack.... No one should, in anyway, believe any word come out of that crazy guy... (sorry Trump's supporter).

Republicans will go all the way to make life for Biden difficult just as much as democrats did in the last 4 years. Eye for an eye, in dirtiest way possible, is the rule that oppositions use now days.

Same with you, I find it disgusting.... but this is different than 4 years ago which they brought up evidence that supported their investigation regarding the Russian... Not strong enough to win, or be truthful, and still going on weakly

This year it's different, the sitting president put everyone up and down, inconsitently claimed and claiming false crap in EVERYTHING, from Covid sh!t to winning the election, to fraudulent (in which to date, it's retarded 20/21 cases failed). And worst of all, he does everything to prevent the president elect to do his job, helping the American...

In 2016, Cliton lost, Obama, and Michiel weren't happy about how Trump painted them, but they did what they have to do, helped the president elect to take over.

This year we are seeing a pathetic sore loser.

Golefty 3 years ago Edited
Toronto FC 27 1016

I think the difference would be the evidence that actually backs up the claims , trump having no credible evidence of election fraud actually taking place, whereas there is surmounting evidence of Russian influence and hacks taking place involving the 2016 election and probably the 2020 election.

Also the republicans did there damn best to rig the election , there is so much evidence of election rigging taking place from the trump government. There was the dismantling of the postal system, changes in voter registration laws, bills to discount mail in ballots, fake voting booths, destroyed ballots , misinformation about voting locations etc. Trump calling election fraud Is a joke at this point , he is desparare to avoid going to jail for being a complete crook and a pedophile, he will suffer a fate similiar to Epstein or will claim assylum in Russia, MARK MY WORDS!

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I think the difference would be the evidence that actually backs up the claims , trump having no credible evidence of election fraud actually taking place, whereas there is surmounting evidence of Russian influence and hacks took place involving the 2016 election and probably the 2020 election.

I think the difference would be the evidence that actually backs up the claims , trump having no credible evidence of election fraud actually taking place, whereas there is surmounting evidence of Russian influence and hacks taking place involving the 2016 election and probably the 2020 election.

I think the difference would be the evidence that actually backs up the claims , trump having no credible evidence of election fraud actually taking place, whereas there is surmounting evidence of Russian influence and hacks taking place involving the 2016 election and probably the 2020 election.

Marcus2011 3 years ago
Chelsea FC, England 277 6501


No one should, in anyway, believe any word come out of that crazy guy

Lol ok on serious note I know he does lie a lot but everything? I am not his supporter but I see samething on the other side. Difference is Trump has this clumsy and not in articulate way of doing it while Democrats or Biden will sh*t your ears with beautiful complex sentences.

evidence that supported their investigation regarding the Russian

There are evidence of Russia interfering, but evidence don't point to the fact that Trump asked to do it... Democrats were all over that case, amean they dragged Trump and everyone involved through hell, and he came out of it after impeachment hearing.


It took pandemic to take this president out. Let's not forget that Democrats called him xenophobe back in January when Trump decided to put ban Chinese entering the country or anyone that been there. Democrats like Pelosi, Biden, Harris, AOC, New York governor and etc. all said ignore the stupid racist idiot... because you know they were following the scientist who was saying that " we don't need to wear masks"

EVERYONE IS FULL SH*T, but i don't see them on trial like Trump has been by media and other politicians.

70 mil. people

There are many different reasons why these people voted for Trump. You need to get to know it. Don't just brush these people off as stupid, racist and democrat haters. I know some very smart and rich people who voted for him, black, asian ( even chinese), and I know even muslims who voted for Trump. Don't be naive and dismissive of 70 million people.

Obama, and Michiel

They wouldn't shut their "yap" entire year about Trump. Also Trump criticized Obama years and ran on it. However, why does active President using his power to help campaigning candidate...

To be honest Tuan. I was always going Democrat. As i started to grow older, I have realized that both parties are just as full of sh*t.

Democrats this year made me mad even more because they have done everything amean everything to get power back! They didn't care about morals and took strategy " Ends will justify the means". You know who also had that kind of slogan? Communists. Read few chapters of history on those times, China and Russia. To me that is a dangerous way of grabbing the power.

So yea i think it is very plausible they rigged the elections with mail ballots.

Marcus2011 3 years ago Edited
Chelsea FC, England 277 6501

I think the difference would be the evidence that actually backs up the claims , trump having no credible evidence of election fraud actually taking place

Yes, so far it is still in the court hearings. They are investigating. Remember, back in 2016 democrats had no evidence too, but soon they all came out. Lets wait and see.

here was the dismantling of the postal system, changes in voter registration laws, bills to discount mail in ballots, fake voting booths, destroyed ballots

Do you have any links or evidence where I can read about this?

he will suffer a fate similiar to Epstein or will claim assylum in Russia

They won't do that to ex president even if he was involved. Clinton is still walking around without any issues. That will be huge hit on American reputation around the world even if Trump did have similar tastes.

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I think the difference would be the evidence that actually backs up the claims , trump having no credible evidence of election fraud actually taking place

Yes, so far it is still in the court hearings. They are investigating. Remember, back in 2016 democrats had no evidence too, but soon they all came out. Lets wait and see.

here was the dismantling of the postal system, changes in voter registration laws, bills to discount mail in ballots, fake voting booths, destroyed ballots

Do you have any links or evidence where I can read about this?

Emobot7 3 years ago
538 11432

@Marcus2011 I would say the problem with Trump is that he sometime goes out of his way to be controversial or to say thing that are simply wrong. Obviously, not everyone who support him are people with low education who just take everything he say for given fact but its really easy to feel this way at time when you see how stupid some of his statement are and how certains of his supporter seem to actually believe when he does say them.

One thing for sure, the last ten years has shown us that the United State have been very divised as of late and the way the like of Trump, Clinton and even Biden have acted at time haven't propably helped that.

It suck but it seem that the presidential race is becoming more competitive than tops sport events and that each party supporter starting to develop the hooligan mentality because of that. :(

tuan_jinn 3 years ago Edited
Manchester United, Netherlands 198 6912

@Markus: respect your opinion, but I htink you should read mine again. An instance:

I said: the large part of 70 mil. people who trusted every sh!t that comes out of his classless mouth

In which you reply as I told the whole 70 mil. did that, you simply missed the large part word in my sentence which clearly indicated: not 100%, it could be 50%, 60% that means a large part

You said:

You need to get to know it. Don't just brush these people off as stupid, racist and democrat haters. I know some very smart and rich people who voted for him, black, asian ( even chinese), and I know even muslims who voted for Trump. Don't be naive and dismissive of 70 million people.

Now, I am not naive, my family and relatives likes Trump (who are in older generation & live in the US, just because he's different), the younger ones like my sister (lives in NYC)... can't stand him and his lies. My company has US office, and many US clients, of course there are educated people who voted for Trump.

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@Markus: respect your opinion, but I htink you should read mine again. An instance:

I said: the large part of 70 mil. people who trusted every sh!t that comes out of his classless mouth

In which you reply as I told the whole 70 mil. did that, you simply missed the large part which clearly indicated: not 100%, it could be 50%, 60% that means a large part

You said:

You need to get to know it. Don't just brush these people off as stupid, racist and democrat haters. I know some very smart and rich people who voted for him, black, asian ( even chinese), and I know even muslims who voted for Trump. Don't be naive and dismissive of 70 million people.

Now, I am not naive, my family and related likes Trump (who lives in the US, just because he's different), the younger ones like my sister (live in NYC)... can't stand him and his lies. My company has US office, and many US clients, of course there are educated people who voted for Trump.

@Markus: respect your opinion, but I htink you should read mine again. An instance:

I said: the large part of 70 mil. people who trusted every sh!t that comes out of his classless mouth

In which you reply as I told the whole 70 mil. did that, you simply missed the large part which clearly indicated: not 100%, it could be 50%, 60% that means a large part

You said:

You need to get to know it. Don't just brush these people off as stupid, racist and democrat haters. I know some very smart and rich people who voted for him, black, asian ( even chinese), and I know even muslims who voted for Trump. Don't be naive and dismissive of 70 million people.

Now, I am not naive, my family and relatives likes Trump (who are in older generation & live in the US, just because he's different), the younger ones like my sister (live in NYC)... can't stand him and his lies. My company has US office, and many US clients, of course there are educated people who voted for Trump.

@Markus: respect your opinion, but I htink you should read mine again. An instance:

I said: the large part of 70 mil. people who trusted every sh!t that comes out of his classless mouth

In which you reply as I told the whole 70 mil. did that, you simply missed the large part which clearly indicated: not 100%, it could be 50%, 60% that means a large part

You said:

You need to get to know it. Don't just brush these people off as stupid, racist and democrat haters. I know some very smart and rich people who voted for him, black, asian ( even chinese), and I know even muslims who voted for Trump. Don't be naive and dismissive of 70 million people.

Now, I am not naive, my family and relatives likes Trump (who are in older generation & live in the US, just because he's different), the younger ones like my sister (lives in NYC)... can't stand him and his lies. My company has US office, and many US clients, of course there are educated people who voted for Trump.

tuan_jinn 3 years ago Edited
Manchester United, Netherlands 198 6912

The way you talk about Obama and Michiel (in my example) which you clearly just confirm it: That they hate Mr. T and everything he did, HOWEVER, they did the thing President and First Lady must do: transfer of power, that caused no harm but to help the American.

They need it now, when they are in the biggest hit of the pandemic. Mr T. is delaying it with a comedic show of law-suits ..


Are you sure you are not Trump supporter? :D :D :D, no offense here

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The way you talk about Obama and Michiel (in my example) which you clearly just confirm it: That they hate Trump and everything he did, HOWEVER, they did the thing President and First Lady must do: transfer of power, that caused no harm but to help the American.

They need it now, when they are in the biggest hit of the pandemic.


Are you sure you are not Trump supporter?

The way you talk about Obama and Michiel (in my example) which you clearly just confirm it: That they hate Trump and everything he did, HOWEVER, they did the thing President and First Lady must do: transfer of power, that caused no harm but to help the American.

They need it now, when they are in the biggest hit of the pandemic.


Are you sure you are not Trump supporter? :D :D :D, no offense here

DarthFooty 3 years ago
Queens Park Rangers, United States 36 1098

Since I don't trust or blindly follow anything I see or hear on the news, reports of Trump and his admins blocking the incumbent on everything is straight comedy. I can see him pull this crap off and I have no doubt that he will push it until the very end, but come Jan, he will be out.

Covid numbers are going crazy and he is not offering any national assistance because he is pouting about the loss.

I do think numbers here are so much higher right now because we are actually testing for it more widespread. More tests, more results, numbers we did not have when this all kicked off.

amir_keal 2 years ago
Arsenal, Netherlands 66 2895

What do you guys make of the Russia and Ukraine incident?

DarthFooty 2 years ago
Queens Park Rangers, United States 36 1098

Wish it wasn't happening!