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What would you like to see changed or added to FootyRoom?
FootyRoom 6 years ago
36 175

Everyone here probably uses other websites and apps to satisfy their football needs. If FootyRoom was to become your main football resource what needs to be changed or added? Try to list no more than 3 items ordered from most important to least important.

Some of the ideas:

  • Team/player pages, more statistics, live commentary
  • Support more leagues, especially smaller ones
  • iPhone/Android app
  • Cleaner, faster, better designed website
  • More social aspects like chat, user reputation points, better forum
  • Quality news and articles that you care about
  • Betting tips, odds
  • ...

Thanks for your support!

Gennady 6 years ago
Manchester United 285 3977

iPhone app would be a great addition. I like everything else :)

OnceABlueAlwaysABlue 6 years ago
Chelsea, England 5 211

Android app for deffo, and also quality news and articles..

Ledley 6 years ago
Celtic, Australia 46 1310

Live commentary would be cool 👌

Greatone 6 years ago
Arsenal, Australia 19 727

please no betting tips and stuff, i don't know if you need that for revenue or not (if it is in there for revenue - it's understandable then) but i wouldn't want it to be a focus

more in-depth statistics, maybe a separate page for smaller clubs/leagues so it can get attention but not ruin the front page which might get overrun and then you lose people because its overrun.

Benchod 6 years ago
Barcelona 3 294

I would like the moderators to stop being fucking biased and banning me for no reason and then having the cheek to ignore me once other users insult me and they don't even tell me what I did wrong. I did all i could to stay in line but when other mods try rile you up calling me a troll ( are mods even allowed to name shame people??? ) what the fuck can I do? This is bullshit to the next level and I'm sick and fucking tired of it

Greatone 6 years ago
Arsenal, Australia 19 727

lol, flagged for rude or abusive, how ironic.

best recommendation would be to move on or to try not to insult everyone/everything or to not spew hate non-stop :)

did you not stop to think that maybe they aren't being biased? maybe the rest of the community is doing as I did just then and report you for being abusive?

Benchod 6 years ago
Barcelona 3 294

Yeah okay so when I put a normal opinion no hate no insults I get banned but some guy called Oleg called me a fucking wanker I reported it and told 2 moderators on their wall about it and guess who got banned? Go mind your own business you don't know shit about my situation

SunFlash 6 years ago
USA 19 3260

I'd like it if the forums were a bit more active, although there probably isn't much you can do about that...I can't say I ever look at the highlights commentary anymore, just because it is not the place to talk, just to display emotion.

Greatone 6 years ago
Arsenal, Australia 19 727

clearly you have an attitude problem lol, if you think the mods aren't helping you maybe it's something you are doing? who knows. who could ever possibly figure out your situation? what a mystery it will be for us all.

Honestly, when i flag/report people. That's the end of the story, if mods do something about it or not, its over. I think you might need help understanding that concept, because it seems like you are moaning and groaning over the same thing that happened quite a while ago which is creating new problems and so the cycle continues.

Ledley 6 years ago
Celtic, Australia 46 1310

I'd like it if the forums were a bit more active

Yeah needs a bit more content.

Me thinks maybe some competitions (friendly), or something like Greatone suggested like statistics which is more my style.

tawqir 6 years ago Edited
Arsenal, Jamaica 4 548

Get rid of the " you are a winner " ad it keeps coming back

  • History
Showing previous versions of this text.


FootyRoom 6 years ago
36 175

Get rid of the " you are a winner " ad it keeps coming back

Could you please send us a screenshot of it so we can report it to the ad network.

SuperFrankie 6 years ago
Chelsea, Italy 1 75

iPhone app would be a great addition.

This. It will be great to have a special app for Footyroom. Watching the highlights and comment and post on the forum.

iHEARTfootball 6 years ago
Manchester United 38 1000

I think the main attraction of this website is the homepage itself. I honestly can't find a better football website that shows highlights from nearly all the most popular european leagues in the world. This website deserves a lot more recognition than it currently has. I also wish there can be a way to refuel the activity within the forums again. Either we're just too damn busy with our own personal lives atm, or, sadly, our current forum community's too divided, particularly amongst a few regular folks, in order to spark new footballing (or even other topic) discussions once again. Does anyone have any suggestions?

Ledley 6 years ago
Celtic, Australia 46 1310

Does anyone have any suggestions?

I like soccer games. Not the 3d type, the sort of when you have 10 mins in the old internet days you would go on and take a break online. You can also post your scores in a leaderboard.

Some classic 2d games i used to play were:

  • Roberto Baggio Free Kicks.
  • Tea Games World Cup soccer.

Obviously, this is not going to keep the forums overly active but is a good way to try add something different and keep it interactive.

Algerino 6 years ago
Napoli, Algeria 6 850

Its way too easy for trolls to steal the spotlight.

Make it possible to send PMs especially to mods and admins. A lot of situations could be less poisonous if some things could be handled and kept behind closed doors. Add to that the possibility to a certain degree block other users. There is just too much of negative interaction between users.

Tuanis 6 years ago
Manchester United, England 87 2311

It's great that you want to update/upgrade you business!

I use FR as mi highlights main source, but only when Im on a laptop, otherwise there are other apps that are friendlier to use on the phone. Besides that, I use other sources for keeping up with scores and transfer or regular news. An regular fan needs to follow the news and scores and catch up on important highlights, that is 90% of a fan's basic needs and that's what you should look for to get into FR.

To summarize, the average football fan's trinity of sources includes, scores, highlights and news. FR only gives me 1 of those and only when on a computer. If I understood correctly, you guys want to become a bigger of a source which sounds great. You just need to start with the app. If you can take a look at an app like Forza that would be very helpful as that is a top class football app you could study.

amir_keal 6 years ago
Arsenal, Netherlands 66 2895
  1. iPhone/Android app
  2. Team/player pages, more statistics, live commentary
  3. The ability to PM like someone previously said. I don't know if you can do this but I don't think this should be a focus.
Frank1 6 years ago
River Plate, Argentina 0 3

I would like to see player ratings for each match. Cover the super Ligt from Argentina, and more summary videos from the Dutch Eredivisie.

cjmling 6 years ago
Barcelona, Brazil 2 27

not a football fans. I like betting games. I like predictor but not predicting the actual score.

Can we bet on like the betting tips, with virtual points? Only choose between two option.

And please winning prize should not depend on what other bet on the opposite side.

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