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Type of celebrations (funny) lol
tuan_jinn 8 years ago
Manchester United, Netherlands 198 6912

Which one is yours? Sometimes I do the former player (or stay cool) i dont know why lol

Emobot7 8 years ago
538 11435

Lol, hard to say, I, I kinda like them all but I would say I have a tendency to lift my finger toward the sky for celebrating. Would like to have the reflex to dab though. :p

tuan_jinn 8 years ago
Manchester United, Netherlands 198 6912

I never dance on the pitch lol

Emobot7 8 years ago Edited
538 11435

@Tuan_jinn Why not? Scoring a goal is deserving of partying and what better way of making the party than dancing, I dunno, I just think that make sense to enjoy yourself after a goal. :)

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@Tuan_jinn Why not? Scoring a goal is deserving of partying and what better way of making the party than dancing, I dunno, I just think that make sense to enjoy yourself after a goal.

tuan_jinn 8 years ago
Manchester United, Netherlands 198 6912

I dont know how to... people my throw stuffs

SunFlash 8 years ago
USA 19 3260

My favourite goal celebrations were Berbatov's. He just acted like he was entitled to score, which seemed (and still does seem) so cool to me.

Emobot7 8 years ago
538 11435

@Sunflash Can you share a link, I made a quick search and couldn't find it. :(

SunFlash 8 years ago
USA 19 3260


It's a good watch, I was reminded of just how little he celebrated his own goals, usually just congratulating whomever set him up or simply walking off. The coolness just oozes from him.

Emobot7 8 years ago Edited
538 11435

@sunflash lol, he sometime look like he doesn't even care... well no, he does seem to care but I understand what you meant by entitled to score, he act like its a natural part of life. Pretty cool. Also, what hour was it when you wrote that answer, it was nearly midnight where I live. :O

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@sunflash lol, he sometime look like he doesn't even care... well no, he does seem he care but I understand what you meant by entitled to score, he act like its a natural part of life. Pretty cool. Also, what hour was it when you wrote that answer, it was nearly midnight where I live. :O

tuan_jinn 8 years ago Edited
Manchester United, Netherlands 198 6912

He tried to be Zlatan. Same with the crazy kid Balo

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He tried to be Zlatan

decentK 8 years ago Edited
Arsenal 38 2896

but I would say I have a tendency to lift my finger toward the sky for celebrating.

Happens to me often too.

The celebration after my greatest goal was just casual jump & fist pump. (EXACTLY LIKE THIS PHOTO)

enter image description here

Like to celebrate with my best mates too =D

Would like to have the reflex to dab though

Fortunately. That's the worst celebration imo.

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but I would say I have a tendency to lift my finger toward the sky for celebrating.

Happens to me often too.

The celebration after my greatest goal was just casual jump & fist pump. (EXACTLY LIKE THIS PHOTO)

enter image description here

Like to celebrate with my best mates too =D

Would like to have the reflex to dab though

Fortunately. That's the worst for me.

Emobot7 8 years ago
538 11435


Fortunately. That's the worst celebration imo.

True, but its the worst in a funny way. :p

tuan_jinn 8 years ago
Manchester United, Netherlands 198 6912

Ohhhh, in the past when i was very little, the baby cele was: mumb your thumb or whatever put thumb in your mouth. I had no idea what it was but it looked tasty. So we played with other kids every afternoon and i always did that.

Mom saw it and stopped me, later tell me it was to support the poor, but i shouldnt do because i didnt even finish my meal and not to mention i always use my thumb to scrach my ass and its as dirty as a toilet. Dad overheard it and laughed and corrected the first part.... anyway i changed to scream and jump instead.


Emobot7 8 years ago
538 11435

@tuan_jinn Lol. Thats a cute story. :P

Madridista11 8 years ago
Real Madrid, Somalia 41 831

@Tuan loool wth bro

I'm the kind of guy to walk away just like Berbatov except when we make a comeback or it's an important match.