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man_utd 13 years ago
Manchester United, South Korea 91 1444

"Hazard, Mata, Torres, Moses, Lampard and Cech? That's all I have to say. One man won't beat Chelsea."

U were saying?

knibis 13 years ago
Valencia, Sweden 181 2500

Atletico is a team behind Falcao the others players like Thiago, Adrian and Arda Turan...

DonAndres 13 years ago
Barcelona 62 1138

all of us who watch la liga know that athletico is an amazing team...
But for EPL Fans we have only 2 teams in this league!

naman93 13 years ago
Real Madrid 82 859

@man_utd : I am not sure why you created this post, you could have posted this on Trollman's wall !!

man_utd 13 years ago
Manchester United, South Korea 91 1444

I don't think I could've.
I think I needed to be friends with him or something.

devilz 13 years ago
Manchester United, England 47 670

i have a feeling that ronaldo-r9 is T_I_M/cr7skillz

KingHenry 13 years ago
Arsenal, France 44 1362

@devils yeah that's what i have been thinking. He just switched ronaldos.

Trollman 13 years ago
Chelsea, Egypt 32 525

Well gosh I feel flattered you made a thread about me. Yes I guess I was wrong. I am human so expect wrong prediction with everyone. Heres hoping this match does not affect Chelsea's winning spree in the EPL.

man_utd 13 years ago
Manchester United, South Korea 91 1444

This wasn't just anything. It was pretty awesome cuz you said one player wouldn't beat Chelsea....and then falcon scored a hat-trick. XD
And sorry. I didnt try to sound as if I was never wrong and perfect.

man_utd 13 years ago
Manchester United, South Korea 91 1444

*Falcao stupid auto correct

Trollman 13 years ago
Chelsea, Egypt 32 525

Haha I like the nickname Falcon. He has the decision making and vision a Falcon!

man_utd 13 years ago
Manchester United, South Korea 91 1444

Haha. Hell yeah.
Falcao the falcon. :)

pyscho3 3 years ago
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