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MANCHESTER UNITED | Official FIFA 13 Player Ratings
naman93 12 years ago
Real Madrid 82 859

The player ratings for the United players were released by youtuber Calfreezy when he played Manchester United vs athletico Madrid at the EA Headquaters.

They can be seen in this video. Keep a watchful eye on the screen when he clicks on team management !

Here are the ratings: -

Goalkeepers :
De Gea – 80
Lindegaard – 78
Defenders :
Rafael – 77
Evans – 77
Vidic – 89
Carrick – 81
Evra – 83
Jones – 78
Ferdinand – 84

Midfielders : 
Anderson – 77
Nani – 85
Giggs – 82
Cleverly – 78
Valencia – 84
Young – 82
Kagawa – 83
Scholes – 81

Forwards :
Van Persie – 88
Rooney – 89
Welbeck – 79
Hernandez – 82
Berbatov – 82

All transfers will take place only when the game officially releases !
These are the only ratings that could be found. If there are more players, you can only find them out when the game releases!


man_utd 12 years ago
Manchester United, South Korea 91 1444

You're having a laugh. 
O.K. Here are the flaws in this.
De Gea did awesome last season. 80? A bit too low.
Rafael is too low. Vidic didn't really do anything last season so I'm surprised he's an 89.
Jones should be a 79 maybe?
Anderson Cleverley Valencia and Kagawa are WAYYYY to low.
Van persie should have an 89 if Rooney's an 89.
Welbeck - 79? Really
Well. It doesn't matter. As long as United do well in real life. :)

naman93 12 years ago
Real Madrid 82 859

My Opinion :

@man_utd : 

If Vidic didnt play last season , that doesnt mean that he lost his defending skills ..... Opposition still fears him ...... One of the best CB in the world today !!

@all : 

Van Persie is good but Rooney should have been ranged 85-87

Scholes deserves a 82-83 !!

Kagawa is legit !!

De Gea's rating seems legit but again if Valdes is 85, De Gea is at par with him too ..... so for me Valdes is overrated !!

man_utd 12 years ago
Manchester United, South Korea 91 1444

I think that the top 2 scorers of the premier league would be good enough to be like 87 or 89 or more.

Scholes does deserve to be higher.

Kagawa is too low in my opinion considering he's the *Bundesliga Player of the year*

Valdes IS overrated but that doesn't mean de Gea should be so low.
As I said. As long as United do well in real life.

mladen 12 years ago
Manchester United, Yugoslavia 253 2319

there will be some changes in final version.

naman93 12 years ago
Real Madrid 82 859

@mladen : some ratings may differ in final version based on the critics call after playing demo version !!

devilz 12 years ago
Manchester United, England 47 670

welbeck 79?! id say 82-84

KingHenry 12 years ago
Arsenal, France 44 1362

Vidic is NOT 89, and RVP>Rooney

bambhose 12 years ago
Tottenham Hotspur, Spain 0 124

rooney was not gud last season .rvp must be high

United_Hates_Blues 12 years ago
Manchester United, England 14 994

Valdes is still solid in goal at times. 

Tuanis 12 years ago
Manchester United, England 86 2310

Goalkeepers :
De Gea – 82
Lindegaard – 79
Defenders :
Rafael – 78
Evans – 76
Vidic – 88
Carrick – 82
Evra – 83
Jones – 78
Ferdinand – 83

Midfielders : 
Anderson – 78
Nani – 85
Giggs – 80
Cleverly – 79
Valencia – 83
Young – 83
Kagawa – 84
Scholes – 81

Forwards :
Van Persie – 87
Rooney – 87
Welbeck – 80
Hernandez – 78
Berbatov – 77