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Liverpool brought Firmino for 29 million pounds
CroatiaFan123 10 years ago
Arsenal, Croatia 66 2775

Liverpool confirmed that they signed 23-year old striker from Hoffenheim, Roberto Firmino, for around 29 million pounds. Firmino will come on medical after Brazil ends Copa America journey. As some sources said, he signed contract worth 100 000 pounds a week.

Well, Firmino seems like an okay deal by Rodgers. He is great striker, capable of EPL. What do you think?

Jimbet 10 years ago
Arsenal, Malaysia 12 1292

The next Suarez. he have the ability kinda same as Suarez. able to make runs, dribbles and crucial passes. plus good positioning. not sure if he can do the same in EPL with all those rough defenders but we will see. a good signing. rumours kept saying this guy going to united. based on the video provided, he's more liverpool material. something that liverpool needs after the departure of Suarez. goodluck to him.

TheGame 10 years ago
Manchester United 104 1380

I think Liverpool overpaid, but that's what they have to do if they can only offer him Europa League football. I think this spells the end for Sterling.

SunFlash 10 years ago
USA 19 3260

I'm not over familiar with Firmino, but what I've seen doesn't scream "I'm worth 29 million pounds!"

Ah well, he's young, it could go both ways.

quikzyyy 10 years ago
Arsenal 429 9010

On transfermarkt the price came up to 36 million pounds, which makes the transfer over 50 million euros, crazy.

tiki_taka 10 years ago
Barcelona, France 367 9768

Lol :) Liverpool paying a bargain like a Finished product again, i personally dont rate him that high he has proved nothing yet...

KTBFFHSWE 10 years ago
Chelsea FC, Sweden 52 2449

Liverpool will be dangerous the upcoming season.. Good transfers..

Tuanis 10 years ago
Manchester United, England 87 2311

They had to step up and bid a ton of money because United were already closing in on the deal. Not exactly disappointed about Liverpool snatching this guy, he isnt thaat good nor a player we really needed.

tiki_taka 10 years ago
Barcelona, France 367 9768

@KTBFFH I actually predict the opposite, im quite sure they wont reach top 4 next year.

Dynastian98 10 years ago
Real Madrid 483 7140

29 Million Pounds? Jesus. I thought only the likes of Madrid and Barca overpaid like that. He's nowhere near a talent worth that much. That's the type of money one would splash on Paul Pogba. Liverpool are proving, once again, that they are inefficient and incapable of making smart transfers.

Tuanis 10 years ago
Manchester United, England 87 2311

Liverpool has no other appeal than money, they might as well try use that card over and over until it works to try and not suck next season.

decentK 10 years ago
Arsenal 38 2896

15 million would've been a fair deal, but let's just see how he does, way too early to judge.

TheGame 10 years ago Edited
Manchester United 104 1380

Firmino: "I joined Liverpool for titles". With all due respect to Liverpool, that is just laughable.

Bundesliga top deals:

  1. Firmino> Liverpool €41m
  2. Martinez> Bayern €40m
  3. Gotze> Bayern €37m
  4. Dzeko> City €37m
  5. Gomez> Bayern €35m

-per ESPN

That is an egregious amount of money for a player who I think will not live up to the hype. ![]()

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Firmino: "I joined Liverpool for titles". With all due respect to Liverpool, that is just laughable.

Bundesliga top deals:

  1. Firmino> Liverpool €41m
  2. Martinez> Bayern €40m
  3. Gotze> Bayern €37m
  4. Dzeko> City €37m
  5. Gomez> Bayern €35m

-per ESPN

That is an egregious amount of money that Liverpool ended up paying. ![]()

KTBFFHSWE 10 years ago
Chelsea FC, Sweden 52 2449

According to transfermarkt Firmino is valued at £22m and Liverpool bought him for £26.5m. Is that overpaying like Real and Barca? I think it's a rather good transfer if he proves to be a match for Liverpool. I wonder which numbers are correct as it seems to be a big difference there!

@tiki I don't think they'll come top 4 either, but I think they'll be a good opponent next year and a team that the top 4 will loose points against. Furthermore, I think EPL overall will get better next year with all the top clubs spending big to decrease the gap to Chelsea.

Dynastian98 10 years ago
Real Madrid 483 7140

Maybe the gap will decrease, but I still don't see anyone but Chelsea winning the title again. When Firmino costs more than Gomez, Gotze, Dzeko, and Martinez, you know something is wrong.

KTBFFHSWE 10 years ago
Chelsea FC, Sweden 52 2449

According to transfermarkt:
Gomez was bought 2013 for £13.5m when valued at £24.5m. Now valued at £13.5m.
Dzeko was bought 2011 for £32.5m when valued at £26.5m. Now valued at £21m.
Martinez was bought 2012 for £35m when valued at £26.5m. Now valued at £26.5m.
Götze was bought 2013 for £32.5m when valued at £39.5m. Now valued at £44m.
Firmino was bought 2015 for £26.5m when valued at £22m. Now valued at £22m.

So all of those players where in fact more expensive than Firmino and all of them was at the time valued higher than him. Don't see how this is an excessive expensive transfer. Only Götze (what a signing) and Gomez (His value decreased rather rapidly so the sum he was bought for might be more accurate) was valued to less than they were bought for, and the common thing is to buy them for more than they're valued too.

I rather think it might be a fairly good transfer, but we'll see about that. Now obviously all the above mentioned players have been great successes, but that wasn't necessarily certain in beforehand.

TheGame 10 years ago
Manchester United 104 1380

@KTBFFHSWE, They paid more than he was "valued". How is that not an excessively expensive transfer? First of all the "value" that is placed on players is really arbitrary and not a great way of really measuring "value". It is based on things like age, potential, statistics, contract length, market saturation, etc. Second of all, I don't see where your getting the 26.5 from when almost all major/most respectful sources say that he cost them 29. Thirdly, you are not taking inflation into account when comparing the players. Fourthly, to suggest that Firmino is better than all the four aforementioned players at the time they were bought is ridiculous. Lastly, your numbers are almost all off. Like for example, I checked the transfermarkt source and they had the figures for Gotze's transfer to Bayern as 37 million euros and Martinez transfer as 40 million Euros. ESPN was spot on.

KTBFFHSWE 10 years ago
Chelsea FC, Sweden 52 2449

@thegame Firstly, that's exactly what the value is. Obviously they take into consideration things like age, potential, statistics, contract length, market saturation, etc. Just look at Gomez at £13.5m? Most highly rated players get sold for MORE than their estimated value otherwise the selling club got no incitements to sell the player in the first place.

Secondly, where I got the numbers from? That should be quite obvious? Transfermarkt is the most reliable source that I know off. But sure, they might change the number when all details in the contract are done. Which are your reliable sources then?

Thirdly, Inflation would go in favor of my argument? Those players would then be even more expensive in comparison to Firmino. Anyways, the inflation really isn't that big in 3 years time (which was the earliest transfer). Might be that transfers are higher in price than 3 years ago, but that would go in favor of my argument too as Firmino would be even cheaper at that time.

Fourthly, Who have suggested that?

Lastly, the numbers i mentioned are in pounds (£). Feel free to convert them to euros (€) and you'll see that they're all correct. On that note, I didn't say that ESPNs numbers were wrong?

TheGame 10 years ago
Manchester United 104 1380
  1. Clubs rarely pay the true market value for a player. That's why the idea of using value to compare transfers is useless.
  2. All your numbers are wrong. I checked transfermarkt and they have Firmino's market value at 25 million Euros which converts to around 18 million pounds.
  3. Inflation would make comparisons more accurate was what I was suggesting. I don't care which way the argument goes.
  4. Firmino cost more than all those other players, yet you said that he actually cost less than all except Gomez and also suggested that he provided better value.
  5. I already did that before I responded to you in the first place. Look at the ESPN's numbers and look at yours. They are completely different. I don't understand how you can't see that. ESPN has Firmino as the most expensive transfer fee, yet you have lower than Gotze, Martinez and Dzeko. That's just basic math.

I suggest you redo your assessment using the right numbers, and guarantee that you'll come up with a very different conclusion.

KTBFFHSWE 10 years ago
Chelsea FC, Sweden 52 2449

Mate, you're really wrong in everything you say..

  1. No. No. And No. "How is that not an excessively expensive transfer?" - By comparing the estimated market value to the amount paid AND considering talents often go for higher than their market values. Now, obviously we cannot asses this anyway different until after he's done playing for Pool. Was he expensive? Yes. Too expensive? No.

  2. No. they are exactly the same as the ESPN numbers you provided except for Firmino at £26.5m:

  3. I'm not sitting down calculating the inflation rate to get a 100% correct comparison. You go ahead and do it! Anyways, it wouldn't matter for the sake of this debate anyways so why even mention it?

  4. False, Firmino does not cost more than all those other players did. (Except for Gomez when he went to Fiorentina).

And, When did I suggest that he provides better value? Where? I did not.

  1. For the last time. NO. They are NOT completely different BECAUSE ESPN numbers are in EUROS (€) while transfermarkt numbers are in Pounds (£). Firmino number is off for ESPN..that's the only difference. That and the fact you used Gomez transfer to Bayern in 2009.. and not his latest..

I suggest you read everything I have written carefully and check everything once again and I'm sure that you'll agree with me. I guarantee it. Firmino transfer

heavenduel 10 years ago Edited
South Korea 18 158

Interesting to point out that at, he is valued at 25 million euros (which would be about 18 million pounds in current currency) but at, he is valued at 22 million pounds. So you guys are both right in a way

Regardless I really don't think Firmino is even worth 22 million pounds (which is the same value as Coutinho according to that site ... Coutinho is way better than him)

I personally see Firmino's value at around 15-20 million pounds. He could turn out to be a special player but I wouldn't say that he is 'the next suarez'. His finishing (well to be honest I would say all of his abilites) looks worse than suarez at 23 years old (remember suarez wasn't clinical in his early years at liverpool)


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Interesting to point out that at, he is valued at 25 million euros (which would be about 18 million pounds in current currency) but at, he is valued at 22 million pounds. So you guys are right in a way

Regardless I really don't think Firmino is even worth 22 million pounds (which is the same value as Coutinho according to that site ... Coutinho is way better than him)

I personally see Firmino's value at around 15-20 million pounds. He could turn out to be a special player but I wouldn't say that he is 'the next suarez'. His finishing (well to be honest I would say all of his abilites) looks worse than suarez at 23 years old (remember suarez wasn't clinical in his early years at liverpool)
