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Let's get together
HorseAFC 10 years ago
60 798

Hey guys I want to start developing a close relationship to footyroom users. whether you support my team or support my rivals.

liomessi10 10 years ago
Barcelona, Argentina 222 3053

yeah ok then. i recommend that you send a lot of friend requests.

Eden17Hazard17 10 years ago
Chelsea FC 157 4232

yeah ok then. i recommend that you send a lot of friend requests.

Vendetta 10 years ago
Chelsea FC, Egypt 202 3025

yeah ok then. i recommend that you send a lot of friend requests.

ramaboy10 10 years ago
Mauritius 285 6463

yeah ok then. i recommend that you send a lot of friend requests.

Lilywhite 10 years ago
28 468

yeah ok then. i recommend that you send a lot of friend requests.

manchesterutI 10 years ago
Real Madrid, England 23 388

yeah ok then. i recommend that you send a lot of friend requests.

rayrex7 10 years ago
Real Madrid, Croatia 26 797

K dan........

knibis 10 years ago
Valencia, Sweden 181 2500


liverpollfcangryfan 10 years ago
Liverpool 41 419

yeah ok then. i recommend that you send a lot of friend requests.

Lilywhite 10 years ago
28 468

yeah ok then, i recommend that you send a lot of friend requests.

liomessi10 10 years ago
Barcelona, Argentina 222 3053

9 out of 12 comments are copied from my one.

SoccerBoss 10 years ago
Barcelona, Russia 34 804

Sure, but the mods in general have to get more lenient on every one

tuan_jinn 10 years ago
Manchester United, Netherlands 198 6912

I think it would be wise that you send a lot of friend requests, ok then

Eden17Hazard17 8 years ago
Chelsea FC 157 4232

Did this work out for you Horse?

Emobot7 8 years ago
543 11487

XD How did I never saw this thread. Anyway, hope he was able to find someone to form a close relationship with someone else. :)

Emrecan_58 8 years ago Edited
Besiktas 149 3376

Depends on how you describe a "close relationship" LoL :D Jk I've met one person from FR and I would be glad to meet the other FR members when I leave Turkey.
Edit: Or if any of you visit here ;)

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Depends on how you describe a "close relationship" LoL :D Jk I've met one person from FR and I would be glad to meet the other FR members when I leave Turkey.

Emobot7 8 years ago
543 11487

@Emrecan Who was it, just by curiosity? :) Sadly, I don't think I'll visit Turkey, I'm not really the travelling type you see so going on another continent with no stable source of revenue doesn't look too possible in my case. XD

Emrecan_58 8 years ago
Besiktas 149 3376

^I'll probably visit Canada some day ;) And I've met @Zakzook . His aunt(I guess) lives very close to our old house.

Emobot7 8 years ago
543 11487

@Emrecan Oh yeah, I remember seeing something like that on his wall (I swear I don't spies other users walls), well, if you come by Canada, maybe you'll be able to meet some other user who live here like Sun or Dynast (I do believe he live in Ontario). And if you ever somehow drop by Quebec, I would try to see if I can meet you, though it propably won't be possible... or pretty. My english prononciation is pretty terrible. XD

Emrecan_58 8 years ago
Besiktas 149 3376

Yeah maybe someday.

My english prononciation is pretty terrible

I am no different. Zakzook knows it lol. But I improved it a bit for the last few years.