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Kyle Walker to City.
TheGame 7 years ago
Manchester United 104 1380

enter image description here

I don't presume to know the reasons for why Spurs decided to sell this player to a direct rival, for a position they are currently weak in but this must be one of the stupidest moves I've seen by Levy in a long time. Spurs, to me, are title favorites next year. You can't just have aspirations to become a giant in English football and decide to sell the sort of player that can propel a rival into challenging you directly. Don't get me wrong, 50 mil is about right for a player of Walkers quality, given the demand for top quality defenders (And of course being English helps). But there is no doubt this move was ill-advised and ill-timed. And to say Trippier is an upgrade to Walker, is just plain idiocy unless Poch knows something we don't.

Marcus2011 7 years ago
Chelsea FC, England 277 6501

Prom night dumpster baby

Lodatz 7 years ago
Tottenham Hotspur, England 150 4992

^ Dude, we don't need your Tinder profile description...

Marcus2011 7 years ago
Chelsea FC, England 277 6501

Lodatz how do you know ? Are you on Tinder swiping for men , mate ? :D

Emobot7 7 years ago
542 11470

@Sunflash Damn Sun, thats funny. XD I bet you keep this gif somewhere in case a discution about Tinder start. :P

@Marcus @Lodatz Come on mate, don't fight, I was joking around, no need to have a debate about everything, is there? ;)

Lodatz 7 years ago Edited
Tottenham Hotspur, England 150 4992

Well, I do agree that there's no reason to have a debate about Kyle Walker being a:

prom night dumpster baby

But, then again I wasn't the one who made that a thing.

Nevertheless, I'm sure that I'm somehow just as bad.

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Well, I do agree that there's no reason to have a debate about Kyle Walker being a:

prom night dumpster baby

But, then again I wasn't the one who made that a thing.

Emobot7 7 years ago
542 11470

@Lodatz Well, banter is fine and all but if it seem to go too far, I like to put a stop to it. Especially if I'm the one who started it. Anyway, wasn't trying targeting anyone specific while doing it though, I'm really sorry if it bother you. Hope you won't hold it against me. ;)