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Keep me and my family in your prayer or thought.
Emobot7 3 years ago Edited
543 11489

First I wanna say that I really wasn't too sure about making this thread but the more I thought about it and the more I felt any kind of good energy could only help us, so here I go.

Basically, you propably noticed I was a lot less active about six month ago and only started coming back on the forum more regularly recently. The reason for that is that my mother was recently diagnosed with ovarian cancer and its been pretty hard for all my family at first.

You might have not heard of ovarian cancer since it relatively rare compared to some other cancers but the fact its rare doesn't make easier to treat. The biggest problem with this cancer is that when you finally realize that what you have, its in a pretty advanced stage.

Anyway, my mom been having treatment since then and in the next few days we will know wether it will be possible to operate her to remove the metastases inside her body, which in turn would be giving the best chance to extend her lifespan.

Guess where I'm going with this is that the next few days are gonna be decisive so I'd be really thankful if even one of you guys could have a thought or share a prayer for us in the next few days. Any positive energy you could send us would be extremely appreciated.

You don't know my mother but you know me and its something that touch me very personally. Please be respectful and kind if you decide to comment in this thread.

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First I wanna say that I really wasn't too sure about making this thread but the more I thought about it and the more I felt any kind of good energy could only help us, so here I go.

Basically, you propably noticed I was a lot less active about six month ago and only started coming back on the forum more regularly recently. The reason for that is that my mother was recently diagnosed with ovarian cancer and its been pretty hard for all my family at first.

You might have not heard of ovarian cancer since it relatively rare compared to some other cancers but the fact its rare doesn't make easier to treat. The biggest problem with this cancer is that when you finally realize that what you have, its in a pretty advanced stage.

Anyway, my mom been having treatment and in the next few days we will know wether it will be possible to operate her to remove the metastases inside her body, which in turn would be giving the best chance to extend her lifespan.

Guess where I'm going with this is that the next few days are gonna be decisive so I'd be really thankful if even one of you guys could have a thought or share a prayer for us in the next few days. Any positive energy you could send us would be extremely appreciated.

You don't know my mother but you know me and its something that touch me very personally. Please be respectful and kind if you decide to comment in this thread.

Emrecan_58 3 years ago
Besiktas 149 3376

I hope your mother will get through these harsh days. You're a strong dude, try to stay as strong for her sake also. Love you man <3

Emobot7 3 years ago Edited
543 11489

Thank you very much Emre, I'm doing my best for her and just reading what you wrote make me wanna do even better. Thank you a lot, much love to you as well mate. :)

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Thank you very much Emre, I'm doing my best for her and just reading what you wrote make me wanna do even better. Thank you a lot.

SunFlash 3 years ago
USA 19 3260

Hope everything works out for you and your family Emo. Cancer is a tough situation - I had a diagnosed family member live with me for a year prior to their death. Heart goes out to you man.

Emobot7 3 years ago
543 11489

@SunFlash Thank Sun, I certainly realized you can't understand going through this without living it yourself, thats for sure. My sympathy to you for your family member. Must have been rough.

iHEARTfootball 3 years ago
Manchester United 38 1000

Hey mate, sorry to hear about your mum but thank you for sharing. It's been some number of years since we've been here, interacting. I gotta say, your family raised a pretty decent football bloke, so here's to me hoping that you and your folks pull through this difficult time, Emo. Although I may not know you in person, please keep in mind that iHEART's with you guys, in spirit. Same with you too, Sun.

Peace from Sydney.

Emobot7 3 years ago
543 11489

@iHEART Thank a lot mate, it mean a lots.

Yusuf_10 3 years ago
Manchester City, England 17 75

hope she get better, we will

DarthFooty 3 years ago
Queens Park Rangers, United States 39 1140

Even if we have lived through similar situations, each one is different for the individual. The one constant though is the support and thoughts of positivity coming from those who care.

You have that support and those thoughts from all of us, Emobot7!

quikzyyy 3 years ago
Arsenal 429 9010

We're all with you and your family❤️

Emobot7 3 years ago
543 11489

@Yusuf @DarthFooty @quikzyyy Wow guys, thanks for the encouragement, it goes straight to my heart. I hope all of you guys and your family stay healthy.

expertfootball11 3 years ago
Real Madrid, France 64 2837

Sorry to hear that, my prayers to you and to your mum... She'll make it!

Emobot7 3 years ago
543 11489

@expertfootball11 Thank mate.

_Pelle_ 3 years ago
Paris Saint-Germain 158 6930

Actually just saw this. All prayers to you and your mom! Hopefully she will recover, stay positive and strong.

Emobot7 3 years ago
543 11489

@Pelle Thanks for your kind word.

Emobot7 2 years ago Edited
543 11489

Guys, I wanted to give an update about our situation. Last week, sadly, my mother left us after a lot of figthing and of suffering. We know it was coming sometime soon but her state really degraded in recent weeks. She still gave us a lot of time to be with her and we are extra proud of how she kept fighting a long time. Its obviously still a bit painful but it help to know she isn't suffering anymore.

Most of all, I really wanted to thank all of you guys for your support in this thread, it really touched our family. I pray that all of you and your family can stay healthy and happy. Thank you again guys.

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Guys, I wanted to give an update about our situation. Last week, sadly, my mother left us after a lot of figthing and of suffering. We know it was coming sometime soon but her state really degraded in recent weeks. She still gave us a lot of time to be with her and we are extra proud of how she kept fighting a long time. Its obviously still a bit painful but it help to know she isn't suffering anymore.

Most of all, I really wanted to thank all of you guys support in this thread, it really touched our family. I pray that all of you and your family can stay healthy and happy. Thank you again guys.

DarthFooty 2 years ago
Queens Park Rangers, United States 39 1140

Very sorry for your loss, Emobot. I have lost most of my family by now, so while I want to say I have been threw this a lot, it's never the same for each individual. We each deal with these things differently and there is no timetable on if or when you should feel better. It will get easier, and then you will fall on your face again. A smell, a color, a song, something will trigger it and you will find yourself missing that person.

You do have people around you though, so you are not alone. I am glad our words of support and prayers helped in even the smallest way.

Take care of your family, handle your business, and look to each day as a new way to improve yourself.

Emrecan_58 1 year ago
Besiktas 149 3376

Love you man <3 Sorry for your loss. May she rest in peace..

Emobot7 1 year ago
543 11489

@Emrecan Thanks a lot mate, its good to see you around the forum, hope you are doing okay.

@DarthFooty What you say is very much true, been through that feeling quite a lot where anything would make me think about her. Its getting much better and I'm happy to say my mom was amazing and helped me prepare for this. Sorry for the late reply but thank you for your words. I hope you are well and everything is going well in your life.

_Pelle_ 1 year ago Edited
Paris Saint-Germain 158 6930

My wife lost her mom a few months ago too. I can imagine your pain.

All prayers to you and your family, stay strong and may she rest in peace.

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My wife lost her mom a few months ago too. I can imagine your pain.

All prayers to you, stay strong and may she rest in peace.

Lodatz 1 year ago
Tottenham Hotspur, England 150 4992

Only just seen this thread.

Very sorry for your loss, Emo. Hope you're okay.