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Im Sorry Footyroom
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Iraqi_Madridsta_CR7 13 years ago
Real Madrid, Iraq 3 12

Hey guys its me CR7_Skillz and im back and i will do better this time.. just apologizing to everyone

BluntCanon 13 years ago
Arsenal, France 10 231

Jimskeleton 13 years ago
Tottenham Hotspur, England 7 728

NO NO NO, rubbish, you have been banned 3 times already, been given about 10 warnings, said about 50 times you're going to change and never do, just NO.

I don't know why you keep coming back, it's as if you think people want you here, I would bet the majority don't want you here, don't even like you, and don't care for your opinion in anything, so please do everyone a favour and go before you're banned ONCE AGAIN!

ChelseaRox10 13 years ago
Chelsea, England U19 142 979

Mate can u plz just leave for good, you have made 5 fuckin accounts already and you say u be nice but u lie

devilz 13 years ago
Manchester United, England 47 670

BluntCanon 13 years ago
Arsenal, France 10 231

knibis 13 years ago
Valencia, Sweden 181 2500

Seriously guys give him a chance

ramaboy10 13 years ago
Mauritius 285 6463

It's time to post-a-picture-to-insult-cr7-again time!

JesperKyd 13 years ago
Arsenal, England 15 152

raimondo90 13 years ago
Valencia, Argentina 89 2492

Jesus Christ man. What will it take? You said u were better and ended up still beig the same dumbass. Don't join again. 

mladen 13 years ago
Manchester United, Yugoslavia 253 2319

hahahaha wow! what a miss!

man_utd 13 years ago
Manchester United, South Korea 91 1444

koldimere 13 years ago
Arsenal, Germany 86 974

Naman, Tuanis, FR whoever...please ban this guy now!!! NOW!!

naman93 13 years ago
Real Madrid 82 859

@Soccer aka Navigator aka NorwayIsBack : You spammed almost every recent thread with that stupid piece of photoshopped image ......... I think that you didnt knew that every deleted comment or thread on the forum is visible to the moderators and FR itself ...... And your message on FR wall is clearly stating that you didnt know that a deleted thread is deleted for you people and not for the 5 mods !! So what you posted was utter bullshit and a thread like that never existed in the forums ....... 

I cant stop laughing at your wall post on FR wall.... you are actually trying to bluff FR with that image and actually trying to make them believe that it was actually a thread ,when Footyroom and Mods can see every single thread deleted or not ......... 

For those who saw that image eg. Footaholic .... be assured that this person has nothing positive to contribute to this forum and those who didnt saw ...... just believe what I wrote.

@koldimere : he may be that CR7SKILLZ but for now he is a new user who hasnt posted anything against forum rules ........ Rules :(

Discussion Closed